There are a variety of reasons one may wish to switch from Windows to OS X; perhaps a family member just bought you a new Apple computer, or maybe you recently got a job in an office that only uses Macs. Whatever the reason may be, this article will help you use your Mac as efficiently as you would your Windows computer.


Discover the dock.

  1. The dock is an essential part of macOS, similar to Windows' Start Menu and Taskbar. The Dock is how you launch new applications, or switch to ones that are already open. It is also where a window goes when minimized. It is usually at the bottom of the screen, though it can be moved to either side. The Trash Can is also here, which functions exactly as the Windows Recycle Bin.
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Use the window controls.

  1. To minimize, maximize, and close windows, use the colored buttons at the top-left corner of the window. On Windows, these controls are located at the top-right.
    • Click the green circle to maximize the window. To make the window full-screen, hold down Option as you click.
    • Click the yellow circle to minimize a window to the dock.
    • Click the red circle to close the window.

Right-click without a right mouse button.

  1. There are two ways to right-click without a right mouse button. You can either hold the Control button while you click (which works more often), or you can enable right-click in System Preferences > Mouse. The Magic Mouse will sense the position of your finger and allow you to right-click.
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Know which applications you're working in.

  1. Be aware of which application you're working in when you use the menu bar. In Windows, the menu bar for each application appears in the window itself. In OS X, the menu bar for the selected window always appears at the top of the screen. The application's name appears in bold, and by clicking on it, you can control the app's preferences and other general tasks.
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Kill crashed programs.


Customize your Mac with System Preferences.

  1. System Preferences is similar to the Windows Settings app. You can open it by clicking on the Apple Menu and selecting System Preferences. Just like Settings, System Preferences allows you to oversee every aspect of your Mac, from security, to hardware, to design. There are even some features that can make OS X more comfortable to Windows users. Make your Mac your own!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I have Windows 7, how do I convert it to Mac OS?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You'll have to buy a Mac and transfer your important files to it using a USB hard drive. You can't easily convert a Windows 7 PC to run Mac OS, because Apple locks down hardware compatibility to an extreme. However, if you want to install Windows on a separate partition of your Mac, you can use Boot Camp. Here is a wikiHow article on how to do that.
  • Question
    Will it delete everything if I switch to Windows?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you repartition the whole drive, yes. If you set a dual boot with something like boot camp, then no.
  • Question
    How do I use Word on Apple Mac?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need to download the office program. You have to pay for it unless you previously had an account, then it should be free.


  • When an application is installed, its icon may not be added to the Dock. To add it, just go to the Applications folder, find the name and icon of that application, and drag it anywhere into the Dock. To remove it from the dock, simply drag it out of the Dock and a puff of smoke, together with an audible poof, will appear to tell you that the operation was successful.
  • Many people start using OS X and decide they hate it because they can't get anything done. Although with the new Mac OS PC applications can be used with BootCamp. As with anything new, you will need to take your time to learn this new system. With a Mac everything is plug in and play there is not much setup needed and no extra devices needed.
  • A common misconception is that Macintosh computers cannot get viruses or be hacked. They are by no means 100% impenetrable. Just to be safe, make sure to enable the built-in firewall in the Sharing pane of the System Preferences windows. Third-party anti-virus programs and firewalls, however, are not necessary and usually are more annoying than useful.
  • When an application is closed (by either clicking the red X button on the top left corner of its window or typing Command-W), it stays running in the background. To stop it, click the application's name in the menubar, then Quit. Alternatively, press Command+Q, or Control-click it's icon in the Dock and click Quit. Leaving an application running can use a lot of your system's memory.
  • Removing an application from the Dock does not uninstall it.
  • The programs and accessories you use for your Windows computer may not be compatible with Mac OS X, be sure to check the documentation. Sometimes you may have to buy software you already own again to use it on a Mac, such as Photoshop or Microsoft Word.

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Updated: December 23, 2022
Views: 184,608
Categories: Mac OS X