If you've found yourself becoming addicted to wearing a disposable diaper, you'll sometimes want to know how to stop and overcome the addiction. Although medical help is necessary, this article can give you some ideas to stop the addiction from becoming an everlasting point in your life so that you can live a full and successful life without this everlasting need.


  1. 1
    Get some alternative medical support, in how you can rid yourself of the diaper addiction. Be open to other ideas. Diapers aren't the complete answer to every problem faced, but will commonly be used to cover up the real underlying problem.[1]
  2. 2
    Seek out support groups that deal with your addiction. Talk with the group and tell them (either privately or during the meeting) about your problem.[2]
  3. 3
    Don't allot yourself any money to buy new packages of diapers.
  4. 4
    Dispose of any of the previously-used, old diapers that you may have worn or are happening to wear as you read this article, and convert over to underwear or cloth diapers.
    • Not only will the wearer refuse to keep wearing a cloth diaper after their first use, but it will also require more than themselves to do. After firing the caregiver, a cloth diaper change would be harder for the wearer to change themselves. If they don't get a diaper rash within the first two weeks while wearing disposable diapers, the cloth will cause them great discomfort and cause them to give up their addiction to their diapers.
  5. 5
    Fire any caregivers you may have hired during your disposable-diaper wearing time. You might get a bit emotional during this time, but you'll understand later that doing it will be for your own good.
  6. 6
    Find caring people that can understand your story and help you grieve over your medical problem. It's not easy to see something you've grown attached to being lost or given away to another place other than your residence especially when done for good measure. (Whether that measure was medical, emotional, or physical, this "breakup" is "hard to do.").[3]
  7. 7
    Find alternative hobbies that can easily take the place of the times when your diaper would have been changed. Read a magazine or book, use the Internet during these times, or put together a model of some sort. Find something that can take your mind off your problem (of not wearing the diaper anymore).[4]
  8. 8
    Plan on using the bathroom more routinely, even when your bladder doesn't feel full at all, or even when it is empty, and you know it. Urinating more often may lessen the amount of "trickle-points" and may make you not need to unconsciously-urinate where and when no one else is around.[5]
  9. 9
    Get up several times at night to have "trickle sessions" in the bathroom where you can fully empty your bladder. Wear a bedwetting alarm that will beep and make a loud noise when it feels urine starting to trickle out, especially after the first few nights of not wearing the diaper.[6]
  10. 10
    Re-package and donate any of the remaining disposable diapers that haven't been worn or taken out of the package yet. Although not many nursing homes may need or want your remaining diapers, you may contact them and tell them that they are unused and can be used on their residents and that you would be willing to give the unused ones to them.

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Updated: March 10, 2023
Views: 82,065