We all have bad body image days every once in a while, but if those days become few and far in-between, you may be obsessing over your body. How we think about ourselves can weigh heavily on our mental health, and obsessing over every inch of yourself can be exhausting. But how can you stop when it’s all you can think about? We know things right now are rough, and we’re here for you—you can overcome this.


Lose the scale.

  1. Getting rid of this temptation can help a lot. When you’re obsessing over your body, it can be easy to tear yourself apart because of a number.[1] Those intrusive, negative thoughts will tell you that your worth depends solely on how much you weigh, but they’re wrong. You are so much more than a number! Can your scale weigh the effect of your smile? Your compassion? Your strengths? Throw the scale out to avoid the temptation of repeatedly checking your weight.[2]
    • If throwing out or donating the scale isn’t an option, take out the batteries and store it in a hard to reach place.
    • When visiting the doctor, turn away from the scale monitor when your weight’s taken and ask not to be told the number.
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Cover those mirrors.

  1. It's easy to fall into a habit of obsessing over your reflection. The first step of recovering from obsessing over your body is reworking your thoughts away from your physical appearance.[3] If you find yourself repeatedly checking your reflection or standing in front of the mirror for minutes on end, it may be time to try a mirror detox. Cover or take down any mirrors you have around the house. This can help improve your self-worth, hinder body checking behavior, and silence self-criticizing thoughts.[4]
    • If covering or removing mirrors isn’t an option, do your best to avoid looking at your reflection.
    • Try focusing on a piece of artwork in the bathroom when brushing your teeth.
    • Put inspirational quotes on mirrors to help cover them up and give you a positive reminder that you’re amazing.

Write down your favorite parts of yourself.

  1. Recording the positives can help you see the big picture. Think of five things that you love about your personality. Maybe you’re a great listener or have a kind heart. Now, think of five things you love about your body. These things don’t have to be about your appearance. Maybe you love that your legs let you go on hikes, or you love that you have a contagious smile.[6]
    • Keep this list of positives on a sticky note on the fridge or in the notes app of your phone.
    • This is your daily reminder that there is so much more to you than what those obsessive thoughts may make you believe.

Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable.

  1. Work with your body, not against it. When picking out an outfit for the day, ask yourself, “What will I look and feel good in?” If you end up trying on a handful of outfits before finding the one, that’s perfectly okay! You should feel comfortable in your body, and that means wearing what makes you feel like you.[7]
    • Try not to worry about what other people may think. We know it’s easier said than done, but take the time to focus only on what you think feels and looks good.
    • If you start to have negative thoughts about your appearance, acknowledge them and shut them down by stating what you love about yourself.[8] Even liking the smallest thing like a freckle or a dimple can make a big difference.[9]
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Use positive self-talk.

  1. Tell those negative thoughts to take a hike! Obsessive thoughts about your body can lower your self-esteem and make you feel worse about yourself.[10] When a negative or obsessive thought pops up, counteract it with a positive version of the thought. Replace harsh and intrusive language with words of compassion.[11] Try some of these rephrases:[12]
    • Instead of “I feel so self-conscious in this dress,” try, “This dress shows off my strong arms and bright eyes.”
    • Instead of “My stomach isn’t flat enough,” try, “My stomach allows me to digest and absorb nutrients to keep me energized.”
    • Instead of “My legs are too big,” try, “My legs are the first thing that touch the ground in the morning. They bring me to new places.”
    • Think about how you talk to your friends. On bad days, how do you lift them up? Would you tell your friend what you’re telling yourself now? Give yourself the same kindness you give them.
    • Redirect negative thoughts into compliments. If that voice says you need to change something about yourself, tell it something you don’t want to change.[13]

Try the rubber band trick.

  1. Snap out of obsessive thinking with a physical reminder. Slip a rubber band around your wrist. When you notice yourself overthinking your body or obsessing about body image and what people think, snap the rubber band. The cycle of obsessive thinking can feel endless, and it can be difficult to pull yourself out. The tinge of a rubber band snapping on your wrist can be enough to remind you to focus on something else outside of intrusive thoughts.[14]
    • No rubber band? No problem! Try using a hair tie.
    • This can also help you pinpoint what triggers your obsessive thinking. Do you find yourself snapping the rubber band at school? During class? When you’re watching TV?
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Send yourself positive affirmations.

  1. Leave yourself daily reminders that you can and will get through this. Put sticky notes on your mirror with positive affirmations that you’ll see each morning, or set alarms on your phone that will give you a reminder that you’re great every few hours. Remind yourself of what you like about yourself that isn’t physical. You are smart, humorous, and charismatic. Try some of these positive affirmations the next time you feel low:[15]
    • “I am strong.”
    • “I am worthy of love.”
    • “I am capable of great things.”
    • “I am perfect, whole, and complete just the way I am.”

Surround yourself with positive people.

  1. Life’s too short to spend it with people who makes you feel worse about yourself. You are more than your physical appearance, and no one should tell you otherwise. Is there someone egging on your obsessive thoughts? Do you feel worse about yourself when you’re around certain people? Consider stepping back from relationships that encourage your obsessive thoughts and lower your self esteem.[16]
    • Some relationships are harder to leave than others. You don’t need to completely remove someone from your life to create a more positive environment. Just take a step back and focus on relationships that let you show up as you are.
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Unfollow toxic social media accounts.

  1. Who you’re following can play a big part in your mental health. Even if we don’t want to admit it, we are all influenced by social media in some way or another.[17] Pay attention to the people and accounts you follow and interact with. Are they promoting body positive messages or enforcing comparison? Do their posts make you second guess yourself and trigger obsessive or intrusive thoughts? The next time you’re on social media, ask yourself these questions:[18]
    • Am I seeing posts that make me happy or put me in a bad mood?
    • Does this account make me feel like I need to be someone I’m not?
    • Am I comparing my life, body, or success to someone else?
    • Mute the account if you don’t want to unfollow. This way you’ll need to go out of your way to see their post rather than them popping up on your feed.

Eat a healthy diet.

  1. Focus on nutrient-rich foods that improve your health and wellness.[19] Obsessing over your body and internalizing negative comments about yourself can hurt your self-esteem. The best thing you can do for yourself and your body image is to take care of yourself. Rather than eating healthy to lose or gain weight, eat foods that make you feel good inside and out.[20]
    • Unless otherwise told by a doctor, restrictive diets won’t help you or your body.[21]
    • Eat foods that are rich in nutrients and will give you energy, but don’t be afraid to have a cookie every once and a while.
    • Listen to your body. Listen to your cravings. Being mindful can help you strengthen your relationship with yourself.
    • When changing your eating habits, don't focus on what it's taking away, focus on what you're adding. Think things like "I'm gonna get some more nutrients in there" or "I'm going to add a really healthy snack earlier in the day", for example.[22]
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Exercise to grow stronger.

  1. Pump some iron to feel better, not to look better. You are strong, fast, and capable, but those obsessive thoughts can sometimes make you forget that. Your body can do so much, so find a physical activity that helps you feel good rather than pushing yourself to do something you hate to change your appearance. Instead of worrying about the calories you're burning or how you look exercising, focus on how incredible it is that you can exercise.[23]
    • Try yoga, walking, dancing, or even hiking.
    • Invite some friends to exercise with you for even more fun! Exercising shouldn’t be a chore, but something you should feel good about doing.

Do something nice for yourself.

  1. Sometimes you and your body just need a little TLC. Do something that lets your body know you appreciate it. Take a long bath, put on a facemask, go for a walk in the sun, or make time to take a nap. Caring for your body can help you appreciate all it does for you at any size.[24]
    • Go to the store and pick out a new body lotion or scrub to try.
    • Order some fun and new bath bombs to try out at home.
    • Take the scenic route the next time you go out to enjoy some time away from the hustle and bustle of life.
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Reach out for help if you're struggling.

  1. Body dysmorphia and eating disorders can stem from obsessing over your body.[26] Licensed therapists and counselors can help you navigate repetitive behaviors and provide ways to cope with anxiety and ease obsessive thoughts. You don’t have to face this battle alone.[27]
    • The National Eating Disorders Association has an online chat and hotline available for anyone struggling with body image, self-esteem, and/or eating disorders. Call or text (800)931-2237.[28]
    • The National Alliance of Mental Illness has a HelpLine for anyone needing help with mental health. Call 1(800)950-6264 to talk with someone.[29]
    • Seek help immediately if you start to have suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
    • Remember that attaining the ideal body type will not improve your self-image or self-esteem. Your self-esteem and self-image will improve as you develop a healthier perspective.[30]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I stop overthinking my body image?
    Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS Dr. Asa Don Brown is a Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in working with families, children, and couples, treating a variety of psychological disorders, trauma, and abuse. Dr. Brown has specialized in negotiation and profiling. He is also a prolific author having published three books and numerous articles in magazines, journals, and popular publications. Dr. Brown earned a BS in Theology and Religion with a minor in Marketing and an MS in Counseling with a specialization in Marriage and Family from The University of Great Falls. Furthermore, he received a PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. He is also a candidate for a Masters of Liberal Arts through Harvard University. Dr. Brown is a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and a Diplomate for the National Center for Crisis Management and continues to serve a number of psychological and scientific boards.
    Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS
    Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Achieving a healthier perspective and self-image is possible, but be aware that there are many triggers that have reinforced your negative body image. You must remove all negative self-talk and learn to deflect it with a positive affirmation. Any mistakes or departures from your progress are opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Question
    What is it called when you're obsessed with your body?
    Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS Dr. Asa Don Brown is a Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in working with families, children, and couples, treating a variety of psychological disorders, trauma, and abuse. Dr. Brown has specialized in negotiation and profiling. He is also a prolific author having published three books and numerous articles in magazines, journals, and popular publications. Dr. Brown earned a BS in Theology and Religion with a minor in Marketing and an MS in Counseling with a specialization in Marriage and Family from The University of Great Falls. Furthermore, he received a PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. He is also a candidate for a Masters of Liberal Arts through Harvard University. Dr. Brown is a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and a Diplomate for the National Center for Crisis Management and continues to serve a number of psychological and scientific boards.
    Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS
    Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    An unhealthy body image leads many to developing a number of mental and physical health issues. The most common of these mental health issues is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), which occurs when we have a skewed view on our body image.
  1. Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 3 February 2022.
  2. https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/treatment-for-eating-disorders/types-of-treatments/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-cbt/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-and-body-image
  3. https://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/survivinged/2019/12/how-to-reframe-negative-self-talk-around-body-image
  4. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/general-information/ten-steps
  5. https://counseling.uoregon.edu/how-stop-obsessing
  6. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd.htm
  7. https://www.colorado.edu/health/2020/06/05/5-ways-practice-positive-body-image
  8. Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 3 February 2022.
  9. https://www.colorado.edu/health/2020/06/05/5-ways-practice-positive-body-image
  10. Tara Coleman. Clinical Nutritionist. Expert Interview. 22 October 2020.
  11. https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/body-image.html
  12. Tara Coleman. Clinical Nutritionist. Expert Interview. 22 October 2020.
  13. Tara Coleman. Clinical Nutritionist. Expert Interview. 22 October 2020.
  14. https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/body-image.html
  15. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/general-information/ten-steps
  16. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/general-information/ten-steps
  17. Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 3 February 2022.
  18. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd.htm
  19. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline
  20. https://www.nami.org/help
  21. Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 3 February 2022.

About This Article

Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS
Co-authored by:
Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Asa Don Brown, PhD, DNCCM, FAAETS and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Dr. Asa Don Brown is a Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in working with families, children, and couples, treating a variety of psychological disorders, trauma, and abuse. Dr. Brown has specialized in negotiation and profiling. He is also a prolific author having published three books and numerous articles in magazines, journals, and popular publications. Dr. Brown earned a BS in Theology and Religion with a minor in Marketing and an MS in Counseling with a specialization in Marriage and Family from The University of Great Falls. Furthermore, he received a PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. He is also a candidate for a Masters of Liberal Arts through Harvard University. Dr. Brown is a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and a Diplomate for the National Center for Crisis Management and continues to serve a number of psychological and scientific boards. This article has been viewed 16,611 times.
16 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: June 18, 2022
Views: 16,611
Categories: Body Acceptance

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
