Getting things done when you’ve got nothing else to do

Sure, you’re bored and have a little free time on your hands, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be productive. When life gives you downtime, you squeeze all you can out of it and make sweet, sweet, lemonade. Or get some chores done—whichever gets you up off the couch. We've got tons of ideas to get out there and make the most of your boredom.

Things You Should Know

  • Get some exercise by taking a walk, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga at home.
  • Read a book or a newspaper, or listen to a podcast to brighten your mind in your free time.
  • Flex your creative muscles by sketching, practicing an instrument, or visiting a museum.
  • Get ahead of the curve and finish extra home or workplace tasks, like catching up on emails or doing laundry.

Practice mindfulness.

  1. Do a few mindfulness meditations to focus on the world around you. In some studies, people who did regular mindfulness exercises reported reduced stress and greater productivity.[3] Take 5 minutes to observe the things around you using your 5 senses. Take note of how things feel, sound, and even taste.[4]
    • Do a body scan meditation by focusing your attention on each individual part of your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to the crown of your head.
    • Find a piece of paper and jot down your emotions: how do you feel right now? How did you feel a little while ago? How do you want to feel in the future?
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Work out.

  1. Hit the gym to boost your physical fitness. Working your body while giving your mind a rest is a 2-birds, 1-stone situation. A quick run or even just a handful of jumping jacks every so often helps both your body and mind feel its best.[5]
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Change your job description.

  1. Talk to your boss about adjusting your responsibilities. If you’re bored at work, it could be because you don’t have enough to do. On the other hand, you might have too much to do, which results in procrastination. In either case, have a casual chat with your boss about your schedule and responsibilities, and work together to balance your workload.[6]
    • Don’t be afraid to express your concern to your supervisor. It’s likely that they’ll be impressed by your concern and communication.

Put in some overtime.

  1. Complete some extra tasks at work. Is there a report that nobody’s stepped up to do? Or maybe the water cooler just needs replacing. Look around and find something that’s been neglected, then roll up your sleeves and get it done yourself. It’s a sure way to impress your boss.[7]
    • If you’re at home, do a chore for someone else—vacuum for your roommate or do dishes for your partner.
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Start a journal.

  1. Write down your thoughts and daily activities. Get an old notebook and start journaling. If you’re feeling creative, scratch out a few lines of poetry. Otherwise, just record your stream of consciousness.[8] It may seem silly at first, but coming back to a journal some years down the line is a great way to keep in touch with your past self.

Listen to an audiobook or podcast.

  1. Learn something new or listen to a story in the background. Browse podcasts related to your industry, or go the totally opposite direction and listen to a podcast on a subject you don't know much about. Or, if you’re after something more imaginative, check out a novel from your local library’s digital catalog and dive into a new world.[9]
    • If you’re procrastinating, throw on an audiobook or podcast and dive back into your work. The background stimulation may improve your productivity and focus.
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Pickle vegetables.

  1. Make some low-effort preserves. Got some garlic about to go bad? Or some onions that are taking up fridge real estate? Pickle ‘em! All you need is a jar, some veggies, and some vinegar and you’ll be on your way to delicious sandwich toppings or salad sides.[14]
    • Alternatively, ferment some fruit to add to cocktails or desserts.
    • For a slightly more involves fermentation project, brew some kombucha to have a healthy pick-me-up during your busier days.

Start a book club.

  1. Stay social and well-read in your free time. Starting a book club is an excellent way to network, relax, and enjoy some literature (and snacks) all at once. Send an email to your coworkers and friends to gauge interest and establish a meeting time.[15]
    • Make a poll to decide on your first book, and formulate some reading questions to ask when you meet.
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Volunteer at a charity.

  1. Do some good with your free time by helping others. Charities and volunteer organizations like food banks or community thrift shops are the perfect way to give back in your downtime. Reach out to a local coordinator and ask if they need any extra hands. Also, send them your schedule and availability.[16]
    • Also look into volunteering at your local museum or library to do some good while learning something new in the process.
    • Alternatively, learn to knit and make some hats to donate to homeless people.

Update your resume.

  1. Add some extra skills and experience to your CV. If you’ve been at your job for a while, your resume is probably a little dusty. Yes, you’ve got job security in spades, but it never hurts to be upward-thinking. Take a few minutes to plug in any new skills or accomplishments. Or start from scratch and make a new resume.[17]
    • Also take a moment to do a little research on your position and average salary. You may be falling behind your pay grade. Time to chat with your boss—or find a new gig.
    • Even if you don’t have much new experience, go ahead and update the wording or design.
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Let yourself daydream.

  1. Allow your mind to wander to blow off some steam. There’s a reason humans are prone to daydreaming. It’s an important mental function that gives our mind a break while also revealing our wants and needs. Set a timer for 10 minutes, sit back, and let that noggin roam.[18]
    • Afterward, write down any pertinent thoughts you remember, like things you want to accomplish or anxieties. A mental inventory like this is a good way to organize your thoughts.

Thrift shop.

  1. Hit up the local Goodwill and find something chic. Fast fashion is out, thrifting is in. And you won’t find deals like these at a regular retailer. Update your wardrobe while saving a buck. It’s not called “retail therapy” for no reason.
    • Bring some goodies to donate, as well, to make some space in your home for your new finds.
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Visit a museum.

  1. Get cultured while taking a nice stroll. Many museums have dedicated days for free entry. Or, a season pass lets you experience a range of exhibits at a discounted price. And let’s not forget that all that walking and stair-stepping around exhibits helps keep you in shape, too![20]
    • If you’re an artistic type, bring a sketchbook to draw what you see. Or, simply tote a journal to jot down your thoughts.
    • Take full advantage of museum workers and curators—they’re there to answer questions and educate!
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Clean out your closet.

  1. Sort through your clothes and find old items to donate. As the season changes, so does the fashion. And chances are your closet needs tidying and clothes need folding, anyway.[23] Give it the old Marie Kondo and decide which clothes give you joy, and which clothes will give someone at Goodwill some joy.
    • While you’re at it, plan out your outfits for the week, which will save you time in the morning.
    • Also make a note of what sorts of clothing you might need to buy. Spring soon? You’ll need shorts!


  1. Take a nap. No, really. Sleep is a catch-all cure for so many things, from crankiness to brain fog to straight-up fatigue. Set a timer for half an hour and hit the hay, then wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your tasks.[24]
    • If you don’t want to nap, at least sit back and rest your eyes for a few minutes. All that screen time can start to wear.
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Make a playlist.

  1. Put together a mixtape for the digital age. Planning a fun night out? Or maybe you’re just feeling a bit sick for spring after a long winter. Make a playlist for it![25] There’s nothing like organizing a seamless stream of songs to put your mind at ease.
    • Also make a productivity playlist, with upbeat and blood-pumping songs to blast the next time your get to work.

Talk to the people around you.

  1. Start up a conversation with a coworker or a friend. We sometimes forget that we can connect and socialize with nothing more than a “Hey, how’s it going?” Even starting a conversation with a stranger can be a valuable opportunity to broaden your horizons.[26]
    • Ask them about something they enjoyed recently, like a movie or an outing.
    • Talk to them about their job or interests—you might find a new interest for yourself!
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Pick up a simple skill.

  1. Learn something you can master in just a few hours. There are plenty of things you can learn in a short amount of time that’ll make you handier and more capable.[27] For example, learn to fix a flat car tire, flip an omelet, or tie a tie.[28]

Start a blog.

  1. Take advantage of your writing skills and start a dispatch. Got a little extra know-how you’re itching to share? Or maybe you just want to connect with other hobby enthusiasts. Start a blog to release your thoughts into the world wide web.[29]
    • Alternatively, browse other online blogs related to your work or interests to learn something new.
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Play a brain game.

  1. Do a crossword or sudoku to enrich your mind. It’s true what they say about all work and no play. Games are a vital part of leisure time, and maintaining a balance of work and leisure is key to being successful in both. Find a brain-teasing game to play, like a book of crosswords.[33]
    • You might also play a word game on your phone—just be sure to set a timer for 10-20 minutes to remind you to put your phone down after a while.
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Sketch something.

  1. Practice your artistic ability with a pen or pencil. Did you know that drawing works out areas of your brain you might be neglecting?[35] Don’t worry about your skill level or making the prettiest picture ever. Just uncap that pen, grab a napkin, and draw what’s in front of you. Flex those creative muscles. Your brain will thank you.
    • Make this the start of an artistic journey. Get a sketchpad and draw something every day, and watch how quickly you improve.
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Do your laundry.

  1. Take care of that pile of dirty clothes. We hate to say it, but they’re not going to wash themselves. Believe us, we wish they would. Into the hamper with them![36]
    • If you use a laundromat, take the opportunity to get other errands done while you’re out and about.

Read a newspaper.

  1. Catch up on local and world news. These days, it’s easy for our worlds to shrink to the size of our homes. But there’s so much more going on out there. Pick up a newspaper or open your browser to an online rag and let the outside in.[37]
    • Or, just flip to the crossword, sudoku, or funnies. These, too, are worthy uses of your time.
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Practice an instrument.

  1. Pick up that guitar you’ve always been meaning to play. It’s never too late to learn a new instrument. Try a service like Yousician to learn at home.[38]
    • If you’re at work or can’t make much noise, throw on some headphones and boot up some YouTube tutorials to learn the basics, even without the instrument in-hand.
    • Alternatively, learn to sight-read sheet music to give yourself a headstart in performing the hits.

Drink water.

  1. Hydrate to stay healthy. Chances are you’re not getting enough water, which can impact your health in numerous ways. Consider this: most people need at least 11.5  c (2.7 L) of water every day. Now ask yourself when you last had a glass of plain old water. Time to take a quick walk to the water cooler.[39]
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About This Article

Desiree Panlilio
Co-authored by:
Teen Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Desiree Panlilio and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Desiree Panlilio is a Teen Life Coach and the Owner of Encouraging Teens, LLC. With over three years of experience, she specializes in helping teens and young adults define roles, set goals, develop healthy academic and personal habits, grow in leadership potential, and create their life paths. Desiree holds a BSN in Nursing from The University of Victoria and an MA in Human Services Counseling with a concentration in Life Coaching from Liberty University.
2 votes - 20%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 19, 2023
Views: 469
Categories: Boredom Busters