The motivation behind a question like “What do you like to do for fun?” varies depending on who asked it. As an interview question, it could be a means to find any hidden talents you can bring to a position or see how you’d meld with company culture. On a date, the asker could be learning more about you, trying to break the ice, or stockpiling for future date ideas. No matter the intention, a question like this can be a stumper if you’re unprepared. But no worries, we’ve collected different ways to approach this question so that you can give the strongest answer. Read on to learn the best tips.

Things You Should Know

  • During an interview, tie your hobbies and interests to skills that would fit the job.
  • On a date, highlight your personality by mentioning a unique hobby or some lesser-known facts about your interest.
  • Be honest with your answer. Adjust your response to fit the situation, but don’t embellish too much.

Give an honest answer.

  1. Tell them what you actually like to do. You may feel the urge to make yourself sound more interesting, but there’s no need to embellish. Don't shy away from your more tame hobbies. Plus, if you do oversell your interest, you might have to answer for it later. Avoid any damage control by staying true.[1]
    • If you have a collection, share how you started collecting and why you like doing it. What may seem mundane to you can be extremely interesting to others.
    • "My father got me into collecting state quarters when I was young. It always brightens my day when I look through my change and find a new one.”
    • If you don't have hobbies, there are still plenty of answers you can give. For example, if you have a daily routine that makes you feel good, you can answer with details about that.
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Add only the necessary details.

  1. Adjust your response to the social context. In a job interview, the interviewer may just want a two-minute snapshot of you outside of work.[2] Alternatively, when talking to your date, they could want a more in-depth conversation. Keep your answer short and add more details if asked.
    • If you’ve recently taken up a hobby, at a job interview you might briefly state how you got into it and why you like it. For example: “I’ve recently taken up pottery. Molding the clay into a new bowl helps me relax when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’m looking forward to learning more about it.”
    • You can be more open-ended on a date to help keep the conversation flowing. In this context, your statement about pottery could sound like: “I just started learning pottery. I’ve made a couple bowls so far. Have you tried it?”

Show your creative side.

  1. Talk about what you like to make. As a creative person, you are more likely to bring emotional intelligence and new ideas to the table.[3] An answer that includes a creative hobby will show you can think outside of the box, which can bring excitement to a relationship or a new perspective to a company.
    • At a job interview, you could round out your answer by including what technical skills you use. If you love photography, you could talk about how you learn to take better photos or edit the pictures afterward.
    • For example, you might say something like “I like to tweak the coloring of the photos I take so they have a more professional look.” An interviewer may be impressed that you care to learn more about your craft. Similarly, your date may be curious about photography and ask more questions.
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Talk about an interest that reveals your personality.

  1. Pick a response that highlights your positive traits. What you like to do can say a lot about the person you are. For instance, if you build models, you need to be detail-oriented, a great trait for many jobs. Your response can also show your sense of humor or your thoughtfulness, which can impress dates.[4]
    • More extreme hobbies like rock climbing or bungee jumping can show that you’re not scared to take risks. It could also suggest that you are too risky. While this may be fine as-is on your date, you may have to choose your words more wisely when talking about this interest in an interview.[5]
    • "When I’m on a rock wall, I’m constantly thinking about the best routes to take for the safest climb. Because of this, I am very good at analyzing risks and making decisions under pressure.” A response along these lines will show the interviewer you are a risk taker, but also calculated and careful.

Emphasize your people skills.

  1. Talk about how you work with a group. Playing a team sport or being a member of a club shows that you like to work with others. Good people skills are great if you plan to work with a team or the public.[6] Similarly on dates, your partner will have some idea of what to expect when you go out with a group.
    • Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, your date may be curious about how you manage your social energy. Your answer could give them an idea of what people-centric activities you could do together.[7]
    • You can also back up your organizational and leadership skills if you take a central role in your group as captain, treasurer, secretary, or otherwise. This can impress during an interview or on a date, since such skills are valuable in the workplace and attractive in the dating world.
    • Activities like DJing or stand-up comedy are solo acts that require being able to read people. Hobbies like these help you work on your soft skills, which are highly desirable in many jobs.[8]
    • "Every first Saturday of the month, I host a trivia night at the public library. The staff invited me because I’m very good at relating to the crowd and a familiar face in town.”
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Share how you approach problem-solving.

  1. Highlight your logical thinking skills. If you like to spend time thinking over brain teasers and puzzles, you have a knack for breaking down and solving problems. These are skills that can be transferable to a lot of jobs, and it can also be a unique, somewhat quirky, fact about yourself to tell your date.[9]
    • If you can solve Rubik’s Cubes in less than a minute, you can talk about how you learned to do it or any methods you favor if the asker seems interested.
    • "I like to do crossword puzzles when I have the time. Sometimes the clues can be vague, but I have a technique I always use…”

Demonstrate your patience and dedication.

  1. Show how you commit yourself by mentioning long-term projects. Gardeners start their planting knowing they won’t see the final result for months. Studying a language takes years. If you like doing long-term projects for fun, talk about it to let people know you can stay focused and dedicated for a significant stretch of time.[10]
    • Taking the time to learn a new skill can also show your willingness to grow and your curiosity, which many find attractive.[11]
    • If your project has an end, it will also show you can follow through on long-term goals.
    • "My son and I are working on a car project together. Once we get it finished, we’re hoping to show it off at a car show later this year.”
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Express your values.

  1. Explain what you care about most. Connection to community is an admirable trait, as is loyalty and commitment to charity.[12] Do you volunteer around your community? Are you happiest when spending time with your family? Reveal your values with responses along these lines.
    • If you like to read to children at the library, you can talk about why that is. For example, you care about literacy and want to help the next generation get excited about reading.
    • "On the weekends, I volunteer to walk dogs for the animal shelter nearby. I’ve always loved animals and want to make sure they get a lot of care while they search for their forever home.”

Tell how you relax.


Showcase your worldliness.

  1. Share your favorite travel stories. As a well-traveled person, you have immersed yourself in another culture, tried new foods, seen iconic sites, and maybe gone off the beaten path. Not only does this give you plenty to discuss, but it also proves you are comfortable adapting to new environments.[14]
    • If you went abroad for school, you can talk about why you chose where you went and how that added to your education.
    • "Whenever I travel, I like to learn a bit of the local language. Because of that, I can say ‘Hello’ in 7 languages, and ‘Where is the bathroom?’ in 5.”

Add new facts to give your interest new depth.

  1. Give a new perspective on "common" answers to show your expertise. If you think your go-to answer feels too bland, spice it up by sharing facts only true enthusiasts would know. The change in perspective will show how thoughtful you are and make your answer more interesting.[15]
    • If you spend a lot of time watching movies, talk about costume design, production, or other aspects most people don’t normally think about.
    • "Because I was a band kid, I’m really interested in the soundtrack when I watch a movie. It’s cool to see how the composer tells the story using only instruments.”
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Find common ground.

  1. Use similar interests to stand out. You may notice the other person wears a brand of clothing you like or collects sports merch for a team you support. Use your shared interest to answer the question. Because you have something in common, you will stick out in their memory.[16]
    • Your date may have buttons or a keychain related to a television show you both like. If you notice it, use that as a launching point when they ask this question.
    • "I’m also a big fan of the 49ers. I try to go to their home games at least once a season.”
    • Remember to be honest with your answer. If the other person knows a lot about this topic, they can call your bluff pretty quickly.

About This Article

Krysten Jackson
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Krysten Jackson. Krysten Jackson is a Chicago-based writer with a love of language and learning. She has contributed her editing skills to multiple content teams and publishing houses. Now, Krysten writes for wikiHow as an Editing Fellow, hoping to help others while they explore new topics and skills. Krysten graduated from Northwestern University in 2019 with a B.A. in English, focusing on Creative Writing and Linguistics. This article has been viewed 10,453 times.
3 votes - 40%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 10,453
Categories: Boredom Busters