This game is "Hide and Seek" backward. Only one player hides while all the other players go hunting individually. Then, when a hunter finds the hiding player, instead of announcing it, that player gets into the hiding place with them. Though it can be played with 3-5 people, it's best played with groups of 10-20. This way, as the players settle into the original hiding place, they become packed, just like sardines.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Starting the Game

  1. 1
    Set up boundaries for the game. Since you can play this game either indoors or outdoors, it’s important for every player to know where they can and can’t go. For example, if you are playing outside, you want to make sure that everyone understands they have to stay in the yard and not wander over to the neighbor’s two doors down. Of course, the size of the area depends on the number of players and how much space you want to use.[1]
    • All that matters is that there are enough places to hide.
  2. 2
    Make the house as dark as possible. If you are going to play indoors, you want to try and make the area you’re using as dim as you can. Turn out the lights, close the blinds/curtains, turn off TVs, computer monitors and any other sources of light. Once you do this, your group can either go outside or start in a neutral area like a foyer.
    • If there are other people in the house while you’re playing, you can either restrict your group to one area or simply do your best to work around them.
    • If you're afraid of getting hurt in a dark house everybody could have flashlights and when you find the person remember to turn your flashlight off and don't make a sound.
    • You can also play another version where all lights are on, and the hunted hides in plain sight, but in a tiny space.
  3. 3
    Choose one person to be “it.” You can do this in a multitude of ways. For example, if no one volunteers, try playing rock, paper, scissors or pulling names from a hat. Once a person is chosen, have them go into the house and hide somewhere in the dark. This person is the hider/hunted and everyone else is a seeker/hunter.[2]
  4. 4
    Find a good place to hide. The place you choose may depend on how many people you're playing with. For example, if you are playing with 4 other people, you only have to fit 3 other people in with you. On the other hand, if you're playing with 15 other people, then that's 14 people you need to fit in your hiding place beside yourself.
    • You can try hiding under a table or a bed, in a closet under piles of clothes, in a pantry, a spacious cupboard, even in a doghouse if you find one. Just keep in mind the other people who will be forced to hide with you.
    • If you're the hider/hunted and don't like your hiding place you are free to move. However, be aware that you have to be very fast and sneaky if you hear footsteps.
  5. 5
    Count to 50 or 100. While the chosen person hides inside, the people left outside count to 50 or 100. They should do this slowly to give the person hiding some time to find and get into a spot. If you have a larger playing area, like a big house or yard, you will want to give the person hiding more time.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Finding the “Sardine”

  1. 1
    Go find the person hiding. When the people outside or the hunters are done counting, they shout, "Ready or not, here I come!" and can split up and start looking for the person that is hiding. When you’re playing in a house, the darkness should help make finding the player more difficult. However, if you’re playing outside during the day, you will probably have to rely on playing in a large area to make it more difficult.[3]
    • Make sure that everyone looking works as individuals, there are no teams in this game.
    • When trying to find the hiding person/group feel your way through the house with your hands since you can't see. Or, if you are worried about breakable objects or bones, give each participant a small flashlight to help them find their way. The flashlight should be used only if necessary and turned off again after overcoming any obstacles.
  2. 2
    Ask, "Are you the sardine?” to the person hiding. If that person is “it,” they must answer, "Yes, I am the sardine." At this point, you become a sardine, too. That is to say, you must hide in the same spot and stay quiet. You don't want anyone else to find you, so make sure to look around before you hide.
  3. 3
    Continue hiding until one person is left. As everyone discovers the original hider, they have to hide with them. This continues until there is only one person left. Whoever is last becomes the next hider or sardine. Depending on the number of people playing, packing everyone into one space can be both difficult and amusing.
    • If you're the last person to find the original hider and everyone else, you become it for the next game.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If there is one seeker left, does everyone come out of the hiding spot, or does the seeker have to find everyone?
    Community Answer
    The seeker must find everyone; he/she then becomes 'It' for the next round.
  • Question
    How many players are needed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can play with however many you want. If you have a lot of players, you can play in groups of two or three.
  • Question
    What if the people can't find me and give up?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can set up an exact amount of time for the game. Plan a spot where you'll all meet up if the time runs out and no one has found you.


  • Don’t hide in ovens, refrigerators, or any other place that could close behind you! Oxygen is in short supply in these places and you could quickly suffocate!
  • Be careful if you're playing outside, make sure to move anything people could get hurt on before you start.

Things You'll Need

  • A group of friends that like games
  • A house, apartment, or large yard. The more rooms/space the better.

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Co-authors: 57
Updated: February 5, 2023
Views: 257,621
Categories: Hiding Games
Article SummaryX

To play Sardines, turn out the lights, close the curtains, and power down all electronics to make the area as dark as possible. Next, choose one player to be "it," give that person time to hide, then feel your way through the dark with your hands looking for that person. If you touch another player, ask "Are you the sardine?" If that person is “it,” they will say, "Yes, I am the sardine." At this point, you also become a sardine and hide in the same spot. Continue hiding until only one person is left! For tips on finding good hiding spots, read on!

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