Five stones is a fun, simple game that you can play alone or with friends. All you need to play are 5 small items, traditionally stones. The object of the game is to complete a series of moves without dropping any of the stones. If you do drop the stones, don’t despair! While your turn is over, you can pick back up where you left off in your next turn.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

Setting up the Game

  1. 1
    Gather 1 or more friends if you want to play against someone. Five stones is a fun game to play against friends. You can play with two or more players, depending on your preferences. Keep in mind that the game will take longer if you have a big group.[1]
    • You can also play by yourself! Challenge yourself to complete the moves without dropping the stones.
  2. 2
    Collect 5 stones to use in the game. You only need 1 set of 5 stones because all players will share them. Gather the stones outside or use stones you already have in your home.[2]
    • If you don’t have 5 stones, you can use any small item for game pieces. You might try jacks, beads, marbles, or folded paper.
  3. 3
    Sit down on the floor or ground. Traditionally, you play 5 stones on the ground. Leave space between you and your friends so you have room to throw the stones.[3]
    • If you’re playing with 1 friend, you might sit across from them.
    • If you’re playing with a group, try sitting in a circle.
  4. 4
    End your turn if you drop the stones at any point. During 5 stones, you’ll be tossing and catching the stones. This can be super hard, especially at first. You’re probably going to drop the stones at some point, and this ends your turn. Don’t worry because you can always pick back up at that point in the game on your next turn.[4]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 6:

Doing the First Round

  1. 1
    Throw all 5 stones on the ground in front of you. Hold all of the stones in your hand. Then, toss them on the floor to start the round. Try to keep them close together so they're easier to retrieve later.[5]
  2. 2
    Pick up a stone and toss it up in the air. Use your dominant hand to pick up the stone. Try to toss it straight up in the air so it’s easier to catch on the way down.[6]
    • If you aren’t careful, the stone might accidentally curve away from you and fall too far away for you to catch it.
  3. 3
    Grab a 2nd stone, then catch the falling stone in the same hand. Pick up a stone off the floor while the 1st stone is in the air. Then, reach up and catch the stone you tossed using the same hand.[7]
    • If you threw the stone with your right hand, pick up the 2nd stone in your right hand. Then, catch the 1st stone in your right hand.
  4. 4
    Set aside 1 of the stones you're holding. Place the stone beside yourself so it’s out of the way. Then, continue playing the round.[8]
    • If you want to make the game more challenging, you might keep all of the stones you’ve collected in your hand until the round is over. Try this when the game becomes easy for you.
  5. 5
    Repeat the previous steps to collect all 5 stones. Toss the stone you keep in your hand, then scoop up 1 stone off the floor. Catch the stone in the same hand, then set 1 stone aside. Do this again to pick up the 4th and 5th stones.[9]
    • Once you’ve collected all 5 stones, you’ll be finished with round 1.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 6:

Completing the Pick-Up Rounds

  1. 1
    Toss all 5 stones on the ground. Collect the 5 stones in your hand, then throw them down on the floor in front of you. Remember to try to keep them close together so it’s easier to reach them.[10]
  2. 2
    Pick up 1 stone and toss it in the air. Grab a stone that’s farther away from you because it’ll be easier to get the ones closest to you. Throw the stone you picked into the air. Try to toss it straight up so it doesn’t fly out of reach.[11]
  3. 3
    Collect 2 stones then catch the 1st stone in the same hand. While the stone is in the air, grab 2 stones from off the floor. As soon as you pick them up, use the same hand to catch the stone you threw.[12]
    • You should now have 3 stones in your hand.
  4. 4
    Set aside 2 of the stones but keep 1 in your hand. Place 2 of the stones that are in your hand beside you so they’re out of the way. Hold onto 1 stone to do the process again.[13]
    • To make it more challenging, you might keep all 3 stones in your hand so it’s harder to achieve the move.
  5. 5
    Throw the stone in the air again and collect the final 2 stones. Toss the stone in your hand straight up, then grab the 2 remaining stones off the floor. Open your palm to catch the stone that you threw in the same hand.[14]
    • This completes this pick-up round.
  6. 6
    Begin again but this time collect 3 stones on your first stone throw. Toss all 5 stones onto the floor in front of you. Pick up 1 stone and toss it up. While it’s in the air, grab 3 stones off of the floor before catching the stone you threw in the same hand.[15]
    • Set aside the 3 stones if you’re playing the easier version of the game.
  7. 7
    Toss your throwing stone again and scoop up the final stone. Throw the stone straight up, then pick up the stone left on the floor. As soon as you do this, catch the stone that you threw in the same hand.[16]
    • This ends this pick-up round.
  8. 8
    Start over and collect all 4 stones on your toss. Throw all 5 stones back onto the ground in front of you. Pick up 1 stone and toss it into the air. While it’s in the air, grab the 4 stones off of the floor. Then, catch the stone you threw in the same hand.[17]
    • You should finish with all 5 stones in your hand.
  9. 9
    Toss 1 stone up in the air and put down the other 4 stones. While you have all 5 stones in your hand, throw 1 stone up into the air. While it’s in the air, drop the other 4 stones in front of you.[18]
    • Try to keep the 4 stones close together, as you’ll be immediately picking them back up.
  10. 10
    Catch the 1st stone, then immediately toss it back up. Hold out your hand so you can catch the stone you threw. Don’t hold onto it, however. Instead, toss it right back up into the air.[19]
  11. 11
    Scoop up the 4 stones before catching the 1st stone. While the stone is still in the air, grab the 4 stones off the floor. Finally, use the same hand to catch the stone you threw. End with all 5 stones in your hand.[20]
    • This will complete the pick-up rounds.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

Playing the Exchange Round

  1. 1
    Throw all 5 stones on the ground. Gather all of the stones in your hand. Then, toss them onto the ground in front of you. Try to keep the stones as close together as possible.[21]
  2. 2
    Pick up 2 stones in your dominant hand and toss 1 in the air. Grab the 2 stones you think are farther away from the others. Keep 1 in your hand, but throw the other stone into the air. While it’s in the air, try to complete the next move.[22]
    • Choose the stones that are far away from the others so it’ll be easier to collect the other stones.
  3. 3
    Exchange the stone in your hand for one on the floor. While the stone you threw is still in the air, put down the stone in your hand in the spot of one on the floor. Pick up that stone and hold it in your hand.[23]
    • It’s best to start with 1 of the stones on the side. That way, you can work from right to left or left to right as you pick up each stone.
  4. 4
    Catch the tossed stone in the same hand. After you pick up the new stone, open your palm to catch the stone you threw. Make sure you don’t drop either stone.[24]
    • You should now have 2 stones in your hand again.
  5. 5
    Repeat the process until you’ve exchanged all of the stones on the floor. Toss 1 stone in the air, then exchange the stone in your hand with 1 on the floor. Pick up a different stone than the last one. Catch the stone that you threw in the same hand, just like before. Continue until you’ve held all of the stones on the floor in your hand.[25]
    • At the end of this round, you’ll be holding 2 stones in your hand.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

Doing the Juggle Round

  1. 1
    Toss the 2 stones in your hand up into the air. Unlike with the other rounds, don’t worry about throwing all of the stones on the ground. Instead, start with the 2 stones you’re already holding in your hand.[26]
    • If you already put the stones down, you might pick them up and begin the round like normal. However, some people say that this ends your turn, as if you dropped them.
  2. 2
    Pick up a stone with the same hand while the stones are in the air. As soon as you release the stones into the air, grab 1 of the stones that are still on the floor. Make sure you use the same hand you used to throw the stones. Then, immediately get into position to catch the 2 stones you threw.[27]
  3. 3
    Catch the 2 stones you threw in opposite hands. Unlike in previous rounds, you’ll use both hands for this move. As the stones come down, catch 1 stone in the hand that’s holding the stone you picked up and the other in your free hand.[28]
    • Reach for whatever stone is closest to that hand.
  4. 4
    Throw the 2 stones in the same hand up into the air. Keep the single stone in your non-dominant hand. Use your dominant hand to toss the other 2 stones you’re holding up into the air.[29]
  5. 5
    Scoop up the 4th stone in the same hand. While the 2 stones are still in the air, grab 1 of the remaining stones off of the floor. Use the same hand that you used to throw the stones.[30]
    • You should still have 1 stone left on the floor.
  6. 6
    Catch the tossed stones in opposite hands. Like the last time, catch 1 stone in your non-dominant hand and 1 stone in your dominant hand. Be careful that you don’t drop any of the stones in your hand.[31]
    • At this point, you should have 2 stones in each of your hands.
  7. 7
    Repeat 1 more time to gather the 5th stone. Hold onto the 2 stones in your non-dominant hand. Then, toss the 2 stones you have in your dominant hand. Scoop up the 5th stone in your dominant hand, then catch the 2 stones you threw in opposite hands.[32]
    • You’ll finish this round with 3 stones in your non-dominant hand and 2 stones in your dominant hand.
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Part 6
Part 6 of 6:

Finishing the Game

  1. 1
    Toss the 5 stones on the ground and ask your opponent to pick 1. Gather the stones in your hand and throw them one more time. Remember to try to keep them as close together as possible. Let your opponent pick a stone for you to toss in this final round.[33]
    • If you’re playing in a big group, ask the person to the right or left of you to pick.
  2. 2
    Throw the stone and scoop up the other 4. Use your dominant hand to toss the stone up in the air. Before it falls, collect all 4 stones on the floor using the same hand. Be careful that you don’t drop any of the stones.[34]
    • This will be much easier if the stones are close together.
  3. 3
    Catch the falling stone in the same hand. Open your hand and try to catch the stone you tossed before it falls. Make sure that you don’t drop any of the other 4 stones as you do this.[35]
    • If you catch the stone without dropping any, you’ve officially finished all of the moves!
  4. 4
    Award 1 point for each completed round without dropping any stones. If you want to play multiple rounds, give yourself a point each time you make it through all of the steps. Try to see who can earn the most points by completing multiple rounds without dropping any of the stones.[36]
    • Keep track of how many points each person gets so you can check the final score.
  5. 5
    Give the win to the person who gets the most points. Like with most games, the person who has the highest score wins. When you’re tired of playing or run out of time, check the score to find your winner![37]
    • If you want to play a shorter game, give the win to the person who finishes all of the moves first.
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Things You'll Need

  • 5 stones or small objects

About This Article

Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Danielle Blinka is a Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Improv Performer, and Artist currently living in Houston, TX. She also has experience teaching English and writing to others. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Master of Arts in English with a concentration in writing, and Master of Public Administration from Lamar University. This article has been viewed 81,557 times.
16 votes - 62%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: August 26, 2020
Views: 81,557
Categories: Featured Articles | Games