Going to a concert by yourself is one of the first milestones of freedom, and you want to make sure your parents allow you to go. But parents can be a little wary of sending you off on your own and just want to ensure that your safety comes first. There are many strategies that will help you persuade your parents to let you go to the concert by yourself while also making sure that you're prepared for the experience.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Creating a Plan to Share with Your Parents

  1. 1
    Have a detailed plan in advance. If you want your parents to let you go to a concert, it's best to create a plan many days, or even weeks, beforehand. Figure out the logistics way ahead of time so that you'll be able to answer all of your parents' questions. Having a detailed plan will make your parents feel more confident about allowing you to go, as will knowing that you've thought about it far in advance.
  2. 2
    Give your parents information about the band. If your parents haven't heard of the band you want to go see, tell them details about their music. What's their genre? How many people are in the band? Who is their intended audience? Even playing some of the band's music for your parents will let them get a better idea of what the concert will be like.
  3. 3
    Provide information about the venue to your parents. Let them know how far away the venue is and exactly where it's located. Show them pictures of the venue, and tell them details about the inside, such as whether or not there are specific seats or general admission.
    • If your parents are concerned about the venue being too far away, ask if one of them could drop you off at the concert and wait at a restaurant or other nearby location.
    • Some venues offer a waiting area for parents to hang out while their kids enjoy the concert. Research more about your venue to see if this is a possibility.[1]
  4. 4
    Know what type of audience you will be a part of. Depending on the type of concert, an audience can range from very mellow to a little wild. Make sure your parents, as well as yourself, understand the type of environment you'll be putting yourself in - you don't want to stray too far from your comfort zone.[2]
  5. 5
    Have a plan for what to do in unexpected scenarios. Sometimes things won't go exactly as planned, so it's always good to know what to do in these circumstances. Maybe your phone died, you got separated from the group, or you can't find the pickup location - whatever the issue is, discuss all of these potential scenarios with your parents so that you're all on the same page for what you should do.[3]
    • Memorizing or writing down your parents' phone numbers will let you call them from any phone, and agreeing on a meet-up spot with your friends if someone gets separated from the group will ensure that no one gets lost.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Figuring Out the Details

  1. 1
    Introduce your parents to the friends you'll be going to the concert with. If your parents haven't met the people you plan on attending the concert with, invite them over beforehand so that everyone gets to know each other. Your parents will feel better knowing who it is you'll be spending the evening with as opposed to picturing strangers.
  2. 2
    Know how you're getting to the concert. Are you getting a ride there? Taking an Uber, Lyft, or other taxi service? Figure out how you'll be going to the concert as well as how long it takes to get there and which route you'll take. These are important factors to discuss with your parents so that they know you'll arrive safely and without rushing.[4]
  3. 3
    Ride with a reliable and safe person. If you'll be driving there, make sure the driver is responsible and someone you (and your parents!) trust. If you're having a friend drive you, check to make sure they have a clean driving record and won't be drinking. Asking your parents or another family member to drive you is always a great option, too.[5]
  4. 4
    Ask an older sibling to go with you. If you have an older brother or sister, ask them if they wouldn't mind going to the concert with you. Knowing that you'll be with someone they trust and know very well will make your parents feel better about letting you go, and you'll have just as much fun.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Proving You're Responsible

  1. 1
    Be polite and calm when persuading your parents to let you go to the concert. Whether your parents allow you to or not, always show maturity and understanding when discussing going to the concert with them. Try to think about things from their point of view, and remember that your safety is the most important thing to them.
  2. 2
    Buy the concert ticket yourself. Concert tickets can be expensive, and buying the ticket yourself will show your parents not only how responsible you are, but also how much you want to go. However, discuss the concert with your folks before you buy the ticket because if they say no after you've bought one, then you might be stuck with an expensive ticket you can't even use!
    • If you don't have enough money to purchase the ticket by yourself, offer to earn the rest of the money by doing chores, babysitting, mowing the lawn, or other helpful tasks.[6]
  3. 3
    Agree with your parents on a curfew. Setting a certain time that you should be home will allow your parents to breathe a little easier knowing that you won't be home too late. It's really not safe to stay out at all hours of the night, so set a curfew and stick to it.[7]
    • Many concerts start later than expected or is listed on the ticket, so be sure to take into consideration how long you think the concert will truly last. Usually, concerts end by 11pm.
  4. 4
    Tell your parents you'll keep them updated throughout the concert. Take a cellphone with you and be sure to check in with your parents every hour or so. Let them know when you've safely arrived, how the concert is going, and when you're leaving.
    • You won't be able to hear your phone ring during the show, so text your parents and let them know that you'll call once it's over, or you'll text them if you have a problem.[8]
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Updated: April 29, 2020
Views: 146,189