Painting wrought iron fence can be a tedious task if not done correctly. The fence should be stripped of all paint, remove all rust, and make fence as smooth as possible before painting begins. This can be done either by manually sanding, using a sand blaster or paint and rust remover. Remove the old paint instead of trying to paint over it. This prevents the new paint from chipping and peeling.The life of your wrought iron fence when painted correctly will be years instead of months when certain steps are followed during the painting process.


  1. 1
    Prepare to remove the rust from the wrought iron fence. A big reason for removing the rust is to make sure the primer can be absorbed into the wrought iron fence.[1]
    • Take a good look at the fence for any signs of rust. If rust is present then you need to remove it properly. Make sure that you protect yourself by wearing gloves, protective glasses and a mask to protect yourself from the particles released while removing the rust.
  2. 2
    Take a durable steel brush, steel wool, or high grit sandpaper and start removing the rust. Now this part of the task can be very time consuming but, this must be done for a proper wrought iron fence painting. Once you're done removing the rust, you can take some lighter grain sandpaper to smooth out any left over rough areas that remain.[2]
  3. 3
    Wash the fence with mineral spirits. Once you have removed all of the rust and rough areas we need to wash the fence down properly. This is done with mineral spirits. Mineral spirits helps to get rid of any remaining residue remaining on the fence so wash the wrought iron fence thoroughly with the mineral spirits.[3]
  4. 4
    Rinse with water. Go back over the fence with just plain water because your final rinse will remove any mineral spirits remaining on the fence. Mineral spirits can actually cause the wrought iron fence to not absorb the fence properly.
  5. 5
    Prime the fence. Find a good metal primer that you can buy at your nearest hardware store. Take the primer and lay down your first coat; this will allow the paint to stick to the fence better and prolong the life of the painting.[4]
  6. 6
    Let the primer dry. Once the primer is laid down let it sit for about a day or so, we want to make sure it is good and dry before applying the paint.[5]
  7. 7
    Make sure you have a paint that is strictly for metal surfaces. All paints are not created equal, some paints are for wood, some for plastic and some for metal or iron.
  8. 8
    Paint the fence. Add a couple of coats of paint to the fence. This will allow for a longer life of the wrought iron fence painting.[6]
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Updated: March 10, 2022
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