The best way to truly relax and embrace the festival spirit is to devote a good chunk of time and effort beforehand towards packing everything you're going to need. While you will not be able to fit too much in your car, organizing and properly storing your belongings before you leave will relieve stress and ensure that you are able to enjoy the festival safely. Begin packing the most important things first, and then move on to the luxury items that will make your festival experience more fun and comfortable.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Packing the Essentials

  1. 1
    Check the festival website for specific guidelines. Visit the FAQ page of your particular website and make note of the festival rules. Make a list of things that are not allowed at the festival, as some will not allow you to bring in outside food and drinks, or may have specific rules for outdoor camping. Keep this list in mind as you pack, and stay within the festival's guidelines.
  2. 2
    Don't forget your festival tickets and parking passes. The very first thing you should pack is your festival ticket, as you will not be able to enter the festival without it. Put your tickets and parking passes in a safe place, either in your car or in a special pocket. Double check the festival's website to find out if there is any other paperwork you will need.
    • Your tickets may be mailed to you in advance, or you may be able to print them online.
    • If the festival uses electronic tickets, be sure to have your cell charged and on hand when you enter the festival.
  3. 3
    Purchase several large water bottles. Check the festival's website to see if there are water stations throughout the festival, as this will dictate how much water you need to bring yourself. Bring 2 or 3 water bottles to refill and carry with you throughout the festival. Purchase enough containers of water to last each day if the festival does not provide fill up stations.
    • CamelBak packs can be great for festivals because they're hydration packs that allow you to carry water that can be obtained through an attached tube.
  4. 4
    Protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen and sunglasses. Getting stranded at an outdoor festival without sunscreen can lead to bad sunburns, so bring enough sunscreen for the trip. Consider bringing two or three bottles to share with friends if you are attending a multiple-day festival. Being outside for multiple days also means that your eyes are at risk from sun damage, so bring two pairs of sunglasses. You never know when you may lose a pair while dancing.
    • The SPF content of your sunscreen is up to you, but purchasing higher SPF levels will mean you can apply it less often.
  5. 5
    Pack plenty of toiletries. Bring 2 or 3 bottles of hand sanitizer and apply it after using the restroom and before eating. Pack wet wipes to clean your hands if they get dirty, and to wipe any mud or grime from your body throughout the festival. Pack dry shampoo for showering, a first aid kit, your toothbrush with toothpaste, and deodorant.[1]
    • Wet wipes are also great to clean your eating utensils after a meal.
  6. 6
    Print your own copy of the festival schedule. Before leaving for your trip, find the festival schedule online. Print two or three copies of the schedule (in case you lose one) and keep the schedule with you. Cell service may be choppy during the festivities, so refer to the printed schedule when navigating and planning your day.[2]
  7. 7
    Purchase a portable battery charger for your cell phone. Find a portable battery charger that fits your cell phone online or at an electronics store. Buy enough batteries to keep the portable pack charged, and keep it in your car or backpack. Keep your phone battery charged throughout your trip in case you lose your group or need to call someone for help during an emergency.
    • These are especially important for outdoor music festivals where electric outlets are scarce.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Packing Clothes and Accessories

  1. 1
    Pack appropriate, fun clothing that matches the weather outside. Festival clothing should be funky and fun, but you must also prepare for different weather conditions. Unless it it is guaranteed not to rain, bring a raincoat or poncho to keep yourself dry. Consider bringing lightweight pants that dry quickly. Bring an outfit for every day of the festival, with additional socks and underwear for sleeping.
  2. 2
    Pack appropriate shoes for the festival. Choose shoes or boots that protect your feet should someone manage to stomp on them. If it is going to rain during your trip, bring waterproof shoes or boots to keep your feet dry. Sandals aren't recommended if you're planning on dancing in the large crowd, as your toes may get stepped on.[3]
  3. 3
    Use a fanny pack to store your ID, wallet, and cell phone. Buy a fanny pack online or at a local retailer and keeping it wrapped around your waist at all times. Place anything personal or important, especially your ID, money, and cell phone, inside the fanny pack. Wrap these belongings in a plastic bag in case you get wet or spill something on your fanny pack.[4]
    • Consider taking out a little bit of cash, as well, and storing it in your fanny pack. Although some food venues may take debit cards, some may not.
    • Fanny packs are in style again and they allow you to keep track of your most important belongings.
  4. 4
    Buy a set of quality earplugs. Wear earplugs during the show if you are close to the venue's speakers, as you can get significant ear damage from the loud music. Use these earplugs at night if you are camping, too, as you may have rowdy neighbors that stay up later than you do.
    • You can purchase concert earplugs online for as low as 5 dollars a pair.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Packing for Your Campsite

  1. 1
    Bring plenty of food and cooking tools. Although there may be food options at the festival, spending money for each meal will add up, and the lines will often be very long. Pack perishable foods, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, and vegetables, in a cooler stocked with ice. If you plan to cook, purchase a portable gas stove that runs on batteries. Bring nonperishable snacks, such as peanut and jelly butter sandwiches, nutrition bars, and nuts to snack on during the day.[5]
    • Great festival foods include pre-made pasta salads, dehydrated meals, fresh fruits and vegetables, chips and salsa, and protein bars.
    • Set a food schedule for yourself and ration each day to avoid running out of food.
    • Don't forget to bring coffee for the mornings!
  2. 2
    Purchase a tent to sleep in if it is a camping festival. Find a tent that will accommodate your group, or buy a one-person tent if you want to sleep alone. Visit an online retailer like Amazon, or visit a sporting good store to pick out your tent in person. Decorate your tent however you want, as this is a great way to be festive and spice up your campsite.[6]
  3. 3
    Bring a sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Even if you are camping at a festival during warmer months, use a sleeping bag in your tent for maximum comfort. Lay your sleeping pad down on the floor of your tent, and place your sleeping bag on top of the pad. The sleeping bag will bring you warmth if it gets cold, and will keep you comfortable while you sleep.
    • If you are camping during the spring or during a time where it gets cold, purchase a sleeping bag that specializes in warming your body.
    • If your festival is happening during the summer, purchase a warm weather sleeping bag to keep you cool.
  4. 4
    Bring a pillow to sleep on. Pillows may seem like a luxury item but they make camping much more comfortable. Put the pillow in between your backpack and your back to carry it into the festival. You can also find small, compressible camping pillows online or at a sporting goods store.[7]
  5. 5
    Consider bringing a canopy for your campsite. Especially if your festival is during the summer months, provide yourself some shade and shelter to make your campsite more comfortable. Use the canopy as a place to congregate with friends during breaks from the festivities, and as a place to eat meals. Double check with the festival venue to be sure your camping site is big enough to fit a canopy, and to make sure they are allowed.[8]
    • If you plan to do a lot of lounging under the canopy, also consider bringing a foldable table and foldable chairs for maximum comfort.
  6. 6
    Pack for the drive home, too. When you return to your car after the festival you're likely to be exhausted and hungry. Pack a bag of warm, clean comfy clothes, fluffy socks, water, snacks, a towel, and some relaxing music to leave in the car. Bring anything else you can think of that will keep you comfortable for the journey home.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Should I take drugs to a music festival?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Only if you feel for it, have experience with drugs and understand the content and consequences. Remember that most drugs are illegal.
  • Question
    Do the food stands take credit cards?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of festival you're going to, and where. A lot of food stands do where I live, but your experience may differ.

Things You'll Need

  • Bag
  • Toiletries, sunscreen
  • Clothing, sunglasses, hat
  • Sleeping gear, tent
  • Food, snacks, water, water carrier
  • Cooking gear
  • Festival schedule
  • Umbrella, rain gear, boots
  • Spare change, cash, money bag

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21 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 300,346