A community at your back is one of the best ways to support yourself in any area of life. Whether you've only come out to yourself or you're living openly as a lesbian, you'll benefit from people with similar experiences. And of course, exploring LGBT spaces is a more successful start to a dating life than approaching attractive women and crossing your fingers.


Look for LGBT community events.


Show up at a lesbian bar.

  1. If you're lucky enough to live in a place where LGBTQ folks can gather openly, take advantage of it. This is a nerve wracking step for many newly out or semi-closeted lesbians, but gather up your confidence and get out there. If your town doesn't have a lesbian-specific bar, visit the gay bar to see if it attracts a wider LGBTQ clientele.
    • If you're not interested in a party or hookup scene, show up on a weekday evening. The atmosphere will be more relaxed and friendly conversation will be easier.
    • Straight bars are rarely a good place to look for same-gender dates. Only about 11% of U.S. lesbians in a relationship met their partner in a bar or restaurant, which might be related to the small and shrinking number of LGBTQ bars.[2]
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Spend more time socializing.

  1. You don't need to attend a rainbow-themed roller derby club to meet other lesbians. The more time you spend in social activities, the better the chance of meeting people who catch your interest. Whether it's attending classes at a community center or joining a sports team, picking up a hobby is a great way to meet like-minded people. Even just starting conversations at the gym or getting to know progressive coworkers can help you make friends, and potentially something more.
    • Small towns may only have one or two locations where LGBT people are comfortable meeting openly. In that case, it may be easier to make your first connections with that community online or through LGBT events.
    • Go out to places on your own sometimes instead of always going out with friends. You're more likely to be approached by someone if you're by yourself.
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Learn to drop the hint.

  1. Mixed signals can be a problem for some feminine-presenting queer women. Especially queer women trying to date in straight spaces, especially for people who fall more on the femme side of the spectrum. If you don't want to spend an evening becoming a straight girl's new friend, you'll have to muster up some confidence and make it obvious what you're there for. Make a casual reference to an ex-girlfriend or a comment about how you'd love to date that hot celebrity.[3]
    • If you don't want to risk a homophobic encounter, try something more subtle before you out yourself. Mention an LGBTQ event you attended, and see whether she reacts positively.

Volunteer at LGBTQ organizations.

  1. Volunteering at activist meetings and charity events is a great way to become involved in the LGBTQ community. You get to work for organizations that represent your values, and meet other lesbians at the same time.
    • In the United States, look into GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, Gay for Good, Equality Federation, and the National Organization for Women.
    • The international organizations ILGA, Out Right Action International, and IGLYO (for youth) can direct you to country-specific resources.
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Find your comfort level when dating from the closet.

  1. It is much more difficult to date another lesbian if your sexual orientation is a secret. Besides the scarcity of comfortable opportunities to signal your intent, many lesbians in LGBTQ-friendly areas are not interested in a closeted relationship.[4] If you've been thinking of coming out already, maybe that should be your priority before jumping into the dating pool. If coming out would risk your safety or the health of important relationships in your life, or if you're just not ready, think carefully about the level of public disclosure you are willing to make. A few options include:
    • Coming out to close friends who are unlikely to spread the word back to your family and coworkers.
    • Traveling to neighboring towns where you can be open in public with a lower chance of seeing someone you know.
    • Discreet online dating, as described below. This can be a great way to expand your comfort zone.

Figure out what you're looking for.

  1. For many newly out or closeted queer women and nonbinary lesbians, online dating is their first opportunity to feel accepted, flirt, and overcome introversion about their sexuality. Maybe that's all your looking for, maybe you're looking for casual sex, or maybe you're interested in long-term romantic relationships. Think about your comfort level and what your goals are before you enter the digital dating world.
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Choose a dating service.

  1. The LGBTQ online dating scene has grown tremendously in the past ten years. Here are a few of the more popular sites and apps:
    • LGBTQ-specific: Her (lesbian, queer, bisexual and straight women and non-binary people dating and social networking site), Chemistry.com, Compatible Partners (for serious relationships only), Brenda
    • All-purpose dating: OK Cupid, Match.com, and eHarmony all have lesbian options. Hinge seems to tailor results for LGBT people better than other "swipe" apps.
  1. Online dating has its perils, so don't take chances. Keep your personal information private, use a free email without your real name, and meet up with strangers in public locations. In addition, if you are not out to everyone in your life, take extra steps to prevent nosy employers or family members from finding you. Most sites allow you to hide your profile until you've agreed to accept communications from someone, but this option makes it harder to make connections.
    • Ok Cupid has an "I don't want to be seen by straight people" checkbox in the privacy settings.
    • Chances are good that your straight friends won't be browsing an LGBTQ-only dating site. Just make sure the profile doesn't show up when you google your name.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I know a person who is a lesbian, should I go talk to her?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should talk to her. Lesbians are people too. It's not like they have the plague or something.
  • Question
    How do I tell if she's a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There's no exact way to tell if she's a lesbian, lesbians are just like everybody else; but you could bring it up casually, like asking about her "boyfriend". If she's says she isn't attracted to males, then bingo, but if she's says she wants one, you may be out of luck (unless she's bisexual). It'd best to bring it up casually.
  • Question
    I go to a Catholic school with no literally no lesbians. How do I meet girls?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could always try to attend LGBT+ events in your area like pride or LGBT+ clubs or organizations, or go to a gay bar or club if you're old enough. If you want a less direct approach, you could try downloading a lesbian dating app like the HER app or something similar.


  • Some out lesbians are reluctant to date people still exploring their sexuality or entering the LGBTQ dating scene for the first time. If that applies to you and you live somewhere with an established LGBTQ community, consider how you're presenting yourself on dating sites and in introductions. Being up front about your status may help you find better matches, but you may prefer to make connections first and have the conversation once you know each other a little better.

About This Article

Christina Jay, NLP
Co-authored by:
Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Christina Jay, NLP. Christina Jay is a Matchmaker and Certified Life Coach based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christina is the founder of Preferred Match (preferredmatch.ca), her matchmaking service that finds love for successful and elite individuals. She has over 10 years of coaching experience, earned her NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) certification through NLP Canada Training, and has a BA in Business Administration from Brock University. This article has been viewed 573,878 times.
42 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 53
Updated: June 9, 2022
Views: 573,878
Categories: LGBT Dating
Article SummaryX

If you haven't had any luck finding the LGBT community in your area, you might want to try finding other lesbians online. Use online dating sites like Her, Chemistry.com, Compatible Partners, and Brenda to meet, befriend, or date other lesbians. If you're trying to figure out if someone is a lesbian in person, drop hints about finding female celebrities attractive and carefully gauge their response. For more advice, including how to date if you're in the closet, read on!

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