Maybe you're looking to expand your social circle, or you've recently started going to a new school and you don’t know anybody yet. Regardless of the reason, it helps to know where and how you can meet new people. We know it can be scary to introduce yourself to strangers, but making friends will totally get easier the more you try. For tips on meeting new people, read on and we’ll point you in the right direction.


Take a class.

  1. Chatting with new people is easier if you have similar interests. It’s hard to become friends with someone if you don’t have anything in common. Pick something you’re interested in learning and sign up for a class near you. You could take a dancing class at a studio, a cooking class at a nearby culinary school, or a creative writing class at your local community college.[1]
    • If you’re still in school, consider taking an elective you’d never otherwise take. If you’re not big on art and most of your friends are into sports, an art class may introduce you to a new crowd.
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Pursue a new social hobby.

  1. Fun group activities make socializing a breeze. Things like community theatre, improv groups, and writing clubs are all perfect when it comes to meeting new people and finding friends. Look online or ask around to see if there’s something interesting out there that you could join. It can be intimidating to join a group where you don’t know anyone, but they’ll welcome you with open arms.[2]
    • If all of your hobbies are solitary, there are probably social groups out there for them. Reading is the perfect example—if you love a good book, join a book club!
    • If you’re still in high school or college, there are probably social clubs all over the place that you could join.
    • If you’re struggling to find group pertaining to your hobby, check out Meetup. Facebook groups for your area may also have resources for you.

Hit the gym or join a sports team.

  1. If you’re athletic, these are great ways to meet other active people. There are tons of social sports leagues out there that are always looking for new team members. Even pickup basketball games at the park are a great way to meet people. You can also start going to your local gym on a regular basis. Over time, you’ll meet the other gym rats who hang around.[3]
    • If you normally do yoga at home, signing up for a guided yoga class will expose you to people who love the same kind of things you do!
    • Not only is this a great way to meet people, it’s a fun way to stay fit.
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Volunteer for a good cause.

  1. Volunteering is perfect if you want to meet people with similar values. You might join a local political organization, or sign up with a neighborhood cleanup crew to help beautify your area. Volunteering is fun and rewarding, and it also happens to be the perfect way to meet folks who have beliefs that align with yours.[5]
    • Church groups can be a great way to volunteer and meet people with similar religious beliefs if that’s important to you.[6]
    • If you enjoy being outside, you might volunteer to help out at your local park, or to coach a kid’s sports team.
    • You might offer to help out at a local soup kitchen, or see if anyone needs a hand at your local community center.
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Frequent a nearby bar or coffee shop.

  1. Going to the same local spot will make it easy to meet other regulars. If there’s a local bar you like, try going there for an after-work drink a few times a week. Alternatively, you meet go to a cool coffee shop every Saturday and Sunday around noon to do your homework. Over time, you’ll find yourself running into the same people over and over again. This is a great way to meet new people who probably live near you.[7]
    • The people who work at the bar or coffee shop will get to know you too. Maybe there’s a fun barista or bartender looking for new friends.

Meet your neighbors.

  1. Instead of giving head nods and waves, try talking to them! You know what’s better than a new friend? A new friend who lives a few buildings over from you! Don’t go on autopilot when you see the people on your block—actually engage them in conversation. If you find someone you could see yourself hanging out with, the two of you may become friends over time.[8]
    • An easy way to chat a neighbor up is to ask about something that happened in the area. You might say, “Hey, do you know why they shut Main Street down last week?” or, “What was all that noise last weekend? It sounded like it was coming from the end of the block.”
    • Alternatively, you could ask for a recommendation. “Do you know if there’s a good Mediterranean place around here?” can spark a friendly conversation.
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Try finding friends online.

  1. Message boards and social media can help you find friends near you. Go on to your local Facebook group and ask if anyone wants to grab a drink, play chess, or just hang out. You can also poke around on meetup sites, your hometown’s Reddit page, or on a friend-finder site to see if anyone near you might need some new pals. There are even apps out there that will help you connect with people near you who are looking for buddies with similar interests.[9]
    • This might have been an uncommon thing to do a few years ago, but this is super normal these days. Don’t feel weird about finding friends online.

Ask a friend to introduce you to others.


Open up to new people early and often.

  1. Sharing something personal can put new people at ease. People tend to be a bit guarded when they interact with people they don’t know very well. This can make it hard to connect. To break the barrier, try opening up and being more vulnerable than you might normally be. Just pretend you’re already kind of friends. This will help them connect and bond with you.[11]
    • For example, if you’re talking to a new person and they ask you how you are, you might normally say, “I’m good, you?” Instead, try saying something like, “I’m great actually! I had a wonderful day. I went shopping actually.”

Say yes to every invitation.

  1. Accepting every invite will expose you to the maximum number of people. It’s super easy to find an excuse to not do something. If you’re tired after work, fight through it. If you still have to do the laundry, put it off for later. Say “yes” any time someone asks you to do something. You will meet so many new people if you’re open to going new places and trying new things.[12]
    • This can be a little uncomfortable if you’re not used to it. The good news is that it gets a lot easier the more often you do it.
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Give people compliments.

  1. People like hanging out with folks who make them feel good. When you’re talking to new people, pick one thing to compliment them on. You might say their outfit is really on point, or tell them you like some accessory they have. As you get to know people better, make the compliments more meaningful. This will make it much easier to build relationships with new people.[13]
    • More meaningful compliments might include things like, “You’re really kind,” or, “I love the way you think about things.” You don’t need to go over the top or anything—these little comments matter.

Get a dog.

  1. A cute pooch will draw people to you and help you get outside. A pet dog can be a great way to meet new people. You might come across people who want to pet your dog, or meet other dog owners on your walks. On top of that, you’ll have a brand new friend in your pup![14]
    • The more time you spend outside, the more likely you are to meet someone new. A dog is a great motivation for getting out of the house.
    • Don’t get a dog if this is the only reason you’d want one. If you’ve been strongly considering it though, maybe this is the little nudge you need to justify getting one.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I meet people if I don't go to any clubs, etc.?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In order to meet people, you've got to get out there. Do things you enjoy; find groups that appeal to your interest on sites like, find local volunteer opportunities for a cause that has personal meaning to you, take community education classes. Go to concerts, do outdoor activities you like, and basically be places where others will be doing things that you enjoy doing.
  • Question
    What if I'm super shy and nobody will talk to me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Go talk to them! Chances are they've noticed you and just don't know how to approach you either.
  • Question
    My friend wants to set me up on a blind date. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's only a date and nothing will come out of it if you don't want anything to. Just try and have fun and enjoy a nice time meeting someone new. Find common interests and be yourself.

About This Article

Christina Jay, NLP
Co-authored by:
Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Christina Jay, NLP and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Christina Jay is a Matchmaker and Certified Life Coach based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christina is the founder of Preferred Match (, her matchmaking service that finds love for successful and elite individuals. She has over 10 years of coaching experience, earned her NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) certification through NLP Canada Training, and has a BA in Business Administration from Brock University. This article has been viewed 1,402,307 times.
23 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 88
Updated: January 30, 2023
Views: 1,402,307
Article SummaryX

When meeting new people, start off slow and talk about easy topics, like your favorite music or where you went to college. To appear confident, stand tall and maintain eye contact, which will show people that you like yourself and are a person who is worth talking to. If you run into an awkward silence with a new person, do your best to resist oversharing personal details and just try to find some common ground to bond over, like the weather. Remember to maintain a positive attitude and smile and laugh when something is funny. To learn how to respect boundaries when meeting new people, keep reading!

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