You have a crush on a smoldering Scorpio, but you might have a hard time figuring out if he's interested in you. That's no surprise, given Scorpio men have a reputation for being private, mysterious souls.[1] He might be hard to read, but that's what we're here for. So sit back, relax, and comb through this list of possible signs that the Scorpio of your dreams is dreaming about you too.


He seems to be wherever you are.

  1. A Scorpio guy likes to observe someone he likes. He's usually pretty private, so he wants to rack up a lot of observation time before he makes his move. If you start noticing that everywhere you go, he shows up somewhere on the fringes, there's a good chance he likes you.[2]
    • This is an especially strong sign if you know he's going out of his way to be there. For example, if you go to school together and he has class on the other end of campus, odds are good he's into you if he starts showing up outside your classroom.
    • Are you seeing him in places you've never seen him before? He's probably there because of you. For example, if he starts showing up regularly at the local café where you work even though he doesn't drink coffee, you might be drawing him there.
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He keeps his eyes locked on you.

  1. Scorpio men are known for their penetrating gaze. If he's staring at you, you'll feel it. Even if he's shy and looks away as soon as you turn in his direction, you can be sure he likes you if he always seems to be watching you.[3]
    • The Scorpio stare is legendary in astrology circles for its intensity. If he's particularly dark and mysterious, it might even be intimidating. When you meet his gaze, you might feel as though he can see through to the depths of your soul.[4]
    • Always be attentive to a Scorpio's body language.[5]

He approaches you and starts a conversation.


He engages in some extreme flirting.


He's willing to compete for your time and attention.

  1. The typical Scorpio has a competitive streak and wants to be on top. Scorpios tend to be pretty possessive (this can be a good or bad thing), so if he likes you, he wants to be #1 in your eyes. If you start talking about someone else, he'll go out of his way to prove to you that he's really your best choice.[13]
    • For example, if he's around while you're flirting with another guy, he might bring up ways in which he's better than the other guy or knows you better. He might also become extra flirty or find ways to distract you from the other guy so that you pay attention to him instead.
    • Since Scorpios are very emotional, they tend to get easily attached.[14]

He sticks up for you and supports you.

  1. The typical Scorpio is a natural caretaker who wants the best for you. He's protective and loyal, so he'll do anything he can to make your life a little easier. If people are giving you a hard time, he'll step in and put a stop to it.[15]
    • For example, if you have a class together and you give a wrong answer that causes other classmates to laugh at you, he might point out how it was an easy mistake that anyone could've made and they're wrong to make fun of you.
    • This also means that if you had a bad day and come to him to vent your frustrations, you can count on him to listen and help you make things right or offer words of encouragement if that's what you need.
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About This Article

Jessica Lanyadoo
Co-authored by:
Astrologer & Psychic Medium
This article was co-authored by Jessica Lanyadoo and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal. This article has been viewed 112,613 times.
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Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 112,613