High school marching band is a highly rewarding activity that requires a lot of hard work. Not only does it require musical knowledge, but it also requires a little bit of athleticism. Marching band requires you to be active, social, and hard working. Joining your school's marching band can be the greatest time of your life if you are ready for it.


  1. 1
    Check to see that your school has a marching band and who the director is. The director is the person running the band. Their job is to make sure things are running smoothly and progressively. They will be the person to ask if you want to join.
  2. 2
    Talk to the director about joining and playing an instrument. Marching band includes marching drum line, pit percussion, brass, and woodwinds. If you have no musical experience, but like to dance, you could consider joining colorguard also.
  3. 3
    Talk to others in the marching band. Being social will help boost confidence when joining a band. Most of the time they love what they are doing and will give you a good idea of what it is like.
  4. 4
    Ask the director what instruments he/she needs. If any of those appeal to you, join up! However, if one doesn't seem appealing to you, just ask to play one that you like.
  5. 5
    Get private lessons before the marching season. Private lessons will help provide you with knowledge you need to proceed further into your music. They help you become a better player. Most schools will offer lessons, but if they don't, look for private lessons at a community center or ask your band director for recommendations.
  6. 6
    Learn when practices are. Most bands practice over the summer (aka band camp), on Saturdays in the morning, and once or twice during the week after school - sometimes even everyday after school! You will most likely participate in marching competitions throughout the year, competing against other bands in your county, state, or even country! You might also have to be in the pep band at fall football games.
  7. 7
    Pay attention during the first practice and learn the various commands and the proper marching technique. This will be a daunting task at first. Try hard and you will become decent in your first year.
  8. 8
    Attend all the practices. Memorize your music and learn the marching drill. That way the band can put together the field show.
  9. 9
    Conduct yourself correctly at all times and listen to your drum majors, directors, and section leaders. They've been around the longest and will be correct 99% of the time.
  10. 10
    Try your best. People will learn to respect you even as a newcomer if they can see that you are working hard instead of complaining or being lazy, even if you aren't very good yet. Also, remember that you aren't perfect and don't expect too much of yourself. Don't be discouraged if you find it difficult, just try all the more to overcome it.
  11. 11
    Have fun! Hopefully you'll make friends and perform an awesome show.
  12. 12
    Make sure you have time to do marching band. You might be required to play at every Friday night football game until November, or even later, depending on your school's schedule.
  13. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I join with my flute, and is it very hard? I'm scared about band camp. How will I sign up the year before?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can join with flute in most bands. It is quite hard, especially if you live somewhere where summers are very hot and you have to be in the sun all day for band camp. However, it is extremely rewarding and most people love marching band. You will probably get a sign up sheet at the end of each school year.
  • Question
    Do I have to audition to be in a high school marching band, or can I just join?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends. My school's band is open to people who were in band in middle school and who take the class in high school. Inquire at your school to find out how things work with the marching band there.
  • Question
    I want to play a marching band instrument. However, I don't have any musical experience. Will I be able to join?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on how your school's band operates. You should speak to the band director about it. I'm sure they can find a place for you if you are interested.


  • Don't join if you're unwilling to work hard.
  • Don't cause drama. Nothing ruins a section's time in the band like a vendetta between two or more of its members.
  • Do not talk during practice.
  • Be aware that some high schools will not let you join marching band unless you were in band in middle/junior high school.
  • If you're struggling, get help from an upperclassman that knows what he/she is doing. It's not shameful or embarrassing It's learning from someone who's been where you are.
  • Your director can be a very mean person during practice and at competitions but they aren't always like this. Do not cross them during this time. They may seem picky, but that's because they're seeing the full image instead of what you're seeing; the back of the person in front of you.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 57,974 times.
46 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 31
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 57,974
Categories: Bands