Infused vodkas are all the rage—from mango to bacon, there really doesn't seem to be a flavor that is off-limits. So why not save some cash and try infusing your own vodka? You can brag about it at your holiday party, give it as a gift, or make an absurdly tasty cocktail. Follow these easy steps to learn how to infuse your own vodka.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Week-long infusion

Picking and preparing the ingredients

  1. 1
    Choose a vodka. As the saying goes, if the base isn’t sturdy, the whole building could collapse (or something like that.) If the vodka you use doesn’t have a good flavor (*cough*plastic bottle vodka*cough*) then infusing it with some other flavor won’t work quite as well because you’re still going to get some of that chemical taste. Get a middle shelf vodka—something that is decent but not the classiest bottle out there either.[1]
  2. 2
    Choose a flavor. You can be as creative or as conservative as you like—these days just about every flavor is used in vodka, from whipped cream to bacon (don’t bash it ‘til you’ve tried it.) Decide how you want your vodka to taste, and get plenty of the desired fruits, berries, peppers or herbs (or bacon). You also don’t have to limit yourself to just one ingredient. Some ideas include[2] :
    • Using just one flavor to spice up your vodka. Options you can choose from include mango, orange peel, watermelon, apple, blueberry, vanilla, cinnamon, basil, chili pepper, horseradish, or bacon. You can also try various candies, such as toffee.
    • Combining chili pepper, horseradish and bacon for the best bloody mary you have ever tasted.
    • Combining orange peels and cinnamon for a sitting-by-the-fire-during-a-snowstorm feel. For a more Christmas-y vibe, combine cranberries and a vanilla pod.
    • Combining mangoes, pineapple and passionfruit—you’ll feel like you’re sitting on a white sand beach drinking the most delicious cocktail you’ve ever had. See the Tips section for more ideas.
    • Get the right amount of the ingredient you will be infusing your vodka with. Vodka (as anyone who has drunk it knows) has quite a distinct taste. In order to beat out the natural flavor with the ingredient you’ve chosen, you’ll need to get the right amount of fruit, spice, etc. Use the following guidelines for infusing about one liter of vodka.
    • If infusing your vodka fruit, use one to three pieces, depending on the size of the fruit. Aim for about two large apples' worth; one is usually enough for larger fruits (i.e. grapefruit), but you'll need three to four for smaller fruits (apricots, plums, etc.)
    • If infusing fresh herbs, use one to three fist-fulls of the herb, depending on its potency. Use about half as much when using dried herbs or spices.
    • If infusing your vodka with berries, add at least a cup of the berries (but feel free to add more.)
    • If infusing with peppers, use as many as you want. The more you use and the longer you infuse, the spicier the end product will be.
  3. 3
    Prepare the ingredients. Infusing your vodka with fruits that have dirt on them may lead to an awkward party moment during which you discover you have dirt in your teeth. To avoid this, wash all fresh ingredients thoroughly (except, of course, the dried spices.) Other preparations differ on the ingredient[3] :
    • Slice fruits finely to increase their surface area and speed up the infusion, removing any pits, seeds, or stems. If you are using larger fruit like mangoes or pineapple, cut the fruit up into large chunks.
    • When using citrus like oranges or lemons, use a peeler to separate the colorful part of the peel from the pith (the white part of the peel.) The pith is bitter and could add some unwanted bitterness to your vodka.
    • Leave berries whole, but bruise them slightly by very gently squeezing them and removing any stems.
    • Crush herbs gently, as it will help to release their flavor. If you are using vanilla beans, slice the bean from top to bottom, keeping the top intact (it should create an upside down ‘V’ shape.)
    • Create a cut down the center of any peppers you might use. However, do not make too deep of a cut as the seeds need to stay inside the pepper.
    • For bacon vodka, you are actually using the bacon fat and not the actual bacon. Cook several strips of bacon and then drain the bacon fat. For one (750ml) bottle of vodka, you need 2 tablespoons of bacon fat.[4]
  4. Advertisement

Infusing the vodka

  1. 1
    Place all of the ingredients together in a clean, airtight container. Glass jars with tight lids work best for infusing vodka. The amount of vodka you are infusing (a whole bottle, half a bottle, etc.) will determine how many jars you need. Generally, it is easiest to split your ingredients in half and place half in one jar and half in another. However, if you have a glass jar that can hold a whole bottle of vodka, just use that.[5]
    • The relative proportions of each ingredient, if you're using more than one, are a matter of personal preference.
  2. 2
    Infuse! Fill the container with vodka, seal it, and put it some place safe. You can place it in the refrigerator to keep it cool or you can leave it out on your counter, so long as it is not sitting in direct sunlight.
  3. 3
    Wait and shake. The timing isn't scientific but most recipes will infuse within three to five days.[6] Generally, citrus fruits or strongly flavored ingredients will infuse more quickly, but softly flavored or fibrous ingredients (vanilla beans or fresh ginger) may need up to a week or more.[7] Shake the jar once a day to speed up the infusion process. To ensure that your vodka has the flavor you want it to, sample it after two days have passed and then every day after that until it reaches the desired flavor.
  4. 4
    Strain the vodka. Once you vodka has become infused with the desired flavor, you will want to strain the vodka into a different bottle. You can use a funnel and a mesh strainer to make the straining process easier. The easiest thing to do is to strain the vodka back into its original bottle, but you can also use cute, new bottles bought at a local glass or craft store (this is particularly great to do when giving your vodka away as a gift.)[10]
    • The reason you should strain the ingredients out of your vodka is that if you leave the ingredients in, the flavor might become too strong (no one wants to drink vodka that has been infused with chili peppers for a month.)
    • Don't throw the ingredients away. If you used fruit to infuse your vodka, you can actually eat them.[11] They will be packed with fruity vodka flavor (just make sure you don't eat them before you drive.)
  5. 5
    Sample and enjoy!
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Infusing vodka in minutes

This quick method will also work for infusing olive oil.

  1. 1
    Prepare your fruit and/or spices the same as you would for regular infusion above.
  2. 2
    Pour the liquor into a whipped cream dispenser, the ones that use nitrous oxide cartridges.
  3. 3
    Insert a cartridge. Let the dispenser sit for about one minute.
  4. 4
    Replace the cartridge with a new one, and shake the dispenser for another minute.
  5. 5
    With the bottle upright and aiming the nozzle into a glass held upside down over another glass, gently squeeze the trigger to release the gas.
    • Keep the dispenser upright––if you turn it upside down all the liquid will spray out; the upside down glass is to catch any stray spray from overzealous trigger squeezing.
  6. 6
    After all the gas is released, crack open the container, and pour the contents through a strainer into a glass.
  7. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you infuse fruit flavor into vodka?
    Ollie George Cigliano
    Ollie George Cigliano
    Private Chef & Food Educator
    Ollie George Cigliano is a Private Chef, Food Educator, and Owner of Ollie George Cooks, based in Long Beach, California. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in utilizing fresh, fun ingredients and mixing traditional and innovative cooking techniques. Ollie George holds a BA in Comparative Literature from The University of California, Berkeley, and a Nutrition and Healthy Living Certificate from eCornell University.
    Ollie George Cigliano
    Private Chef & Food Educator
    Expert Answer
    Use your senses! You'll usually need a couple of days, but sometimes a 24 hour infusion will smell and taste great. It really depends on what you’re infusing with. With pineapple, for example, I usually leave it in the liquor the whole time to be part of the treat!
  • Question
    What is the issue if my Vodka freezes?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have teenagers. They are raiding your stash and replacing what they take with water.
  • Question
    Can I use canned peaches to make peach vodka?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. Canned peaches will make a delicious tasting vodka. Consider using the ones in a light syrup, with no or little added sugar, unless you like your vodka sweet.



Things You'll Need

  • 750ml - 1 liter (0.3 US gal) vodka
  • Infuser (fruit, peppers, herbs, berries, etc.)
  • Jar with airtight sealing lid


  6. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  7. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  8. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  9. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  2. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  3. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.
  4. Ollie George Cigliano. Private Chef & Food Educator. Expert Interview. 31 January 2022.

About This Article

Ollie George Cigliano
Co-authored by:
Private Chef & Food Educator
This article was co-authored by Ollie George Cigliano. Ollie George Cigliano is a Private Chef, Food Educator, and Owner of Ollie George Cooks, based in Long Beach, California. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in utilizing fresh, fun ingredients and mixing traditional and innovative cooking techniques. Ollie George holds a BA in Comparative Literature from The University of California, Berkeley, and a Nutrition and Healthy Living Certificate from eCornell University. This article has been viewed 937,394 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 42
Updated: February 9, 2022
Views: 937,394
Article SummaryX

To infuse vodka with flavor, start by cutting up some fruit, like apples, lemons, or oranges, and putting the pieces in a glass jar. Then, fill the jar with vodka and seal it with a lid. Next, store the vodka on your counter or in your fridge for at least 2 days, shaking the jar once per day to speed up the infusion process. Finally, strain the vodka into a new container once you're satisfied with the flavor. To learn how to choose flavors to infuse vodka with, keep reading!

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