Have you wanted to host a sleepover, but have you tried to refrain from following through to host one yourself because of a bedwetting situation? If so, don't worry; this article can give you the details on how you can host one yourself.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:


Writing the Invitation

  1. 1
    Set aside a list of invitees for the sleepover. Although most sleepovers are with only one other person, you can plan a small party where a group of friends gathers and sleeps in the same room if you'd like. Whether the invitees know your secret or not, it'll be pertinent to know who you are inviting over to the sleepover that night.
  2. 2
    Determine if your guest is a true friend or not. The answer to this must come from deep down inside you. Try to determine your friendship with the invitee and if you would want them to know that you have been having bedwetting accidents. Determine if you can trust them with the fact that they won't let out any of your bedwetting secrets to others. A true friend will understand and accept that you wet the bed and aren't wetting the bed maliciously.
    • Bedwetting affects all sorts of people in many different ways. Much like how some people can't see without glasses, and some people can't get around without a wheelchair, the bedwetter's body can't control the urge to urinate when they fall asleep without letting them know that their bladder is full. They need to urinate in the toilet.
  3. 3
    Create and send the invitation to your sleepover invitee guest list. Although current invitations have turned towards digital invitations, you can still handwrite a letter and send or call the person and expect a response after a period of a few days. Mention that you are having a sleepover on a certain night from and to two dated times but try not to mention in the letter that you bed-wet unless you can rest assured that your invitees know your secret and won't divulge your secret to others or from shying away from attending the sleepover.
    • Date your page containing your invitation accordingly. This can reassure them that they are reading a current invite and not an invite from a party they have already attended but forgot to discard.
    • Tell your guests that it is a sleepover and they are invited.
    • Give them the dates and times of drop-off and pick-up if they choose to attend. Set aside a date and a time when the sleepover will begin - and plan in advance. Write this date down in the invitation.
    • Mention the address the sleepover is being held at. This is critical.
    • Give your intended guests an RSVP date in the invitation slip if they plan to attend. Try to get them to give you a yes or no answer within a two week period before the sleepover.
    • Mention which door you'd like your guests to arrive at if you have to use an alternate door to enter and exit from beside your front door.
  4. 4
    Write a personal note to your invitees who can be included in the invite. Realize that your friends will need to realize that nothing different changes between you and your guests no matter if you have to wear bedwetting diapers or not.
    • Assure your guests (if you have siblings) that your siblings won't be permitted to enter your room once you and your guests have settled down for the night and that your siblings will be watched over by your parents so that your guests won't be bothered by their presence(as long as you can efficiently trust your parents to watch over your siblings while you and your guests are asleep or are getting ready to sleep).
      • If your siblings are still only babies or infants, let your guests know that your siblings are only babies and that though they can expect child-like issues, but that they shouldn't expect other creepy crawlies guests to come into the sleepover sleeping room when the guest isn't closely watching (sleeping) during the night.
    • Try to give your guests the power to choose whether they will want to sleep on your-provided beds or if they should choose to bring their own beds (such as air mattresses or sleeping bags and the like). If you don't have enough beds for each of your guests, mention that there aren't enough beds to go around that each of these guests brings their own sleeping accommodations. Always try to utilize any empty beds first.
  5. 5
    Look for clues of how you could attempt to form the sleepover. Prepare a setup plan of how the sleepover will be set up. If you have to sleep in bunk beds, recognize that bunk beds tend to have problems during sleepovers when the hosting family's child bed-wets. Sleeping in the bottom bunk may have some problems with additional leakage, but it isn't always the best solution for the sleepover night problem.
    • If you must sleep on bunk beds, the invitee must sleep on the top bunk to ensure that any of the host's bedwetting accidents don't dribble down onto the invitee during that night, as well as so that the invitee doesn't notice that the bedwetter hasn't gotten up to grab a new protective garment (as you'll later learn about in this article) after the accident.
      • Use common courtesy, though, if your friend says they have problems sleeping in the same room or the top bunk of a bunk bed and can find another suitable place to sleep in your house that's fair to them, their parents, you, and your parents.
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Planning a Protective Routine

  1. 1
    Plan to use several layers of protection on the bed you will be using during the sleepover. Choose some protective bedwetting diapers, along with some disposable bedwetting bed mats and even using a waterproof mattress protector. Become so comfortable with sleeping with these on that you'll want to use these even on the days the sleepover isn't even being used.
  2. 2
    Wear a disposable bedwetting diaper every night on each successive night leading up to the sleepover. Changing from your day-clothes into your nightwear and clean bedwetting diaper is crucial to the preparation that must go on during the sleepover night.
    • Make the transition a part of your standard routine and have your parents help you choose one that best fits you. Make the transition between wearing one at night seem seamless to ensure you are ready for the transition on the sleepover night.
    • Yes, some emotional triggers will make you feel like saying "Yuck!" But, protection must be achieved to ensure the sleepover is a success. It'll be quite a big transition between not having to wear (as you did before the decision was made) and now with the diaper being an integral part of the procedure, but if you don't wear one, you'll wish you had because the sleepover won't be a success if an accident occurs and you weren't wearing one.
    • Utilize your diapers any time you end up taking any siesta. If you still take siestas (naps) in the afternoon or evening hours, choose to wear these diapers.
  3. 3
    Make sure that the idea of wearing a disposable bedwetting diaper isn't a foreign idea to you and that you can expect to wear one seamlessly from the evening before the sleepover till the next morning or until the sleepover concludes. Pre-planning for this transition like this for a sleepover is key when the host kid wets their bed.
  4. 4
    Address diaper-changes during the night if a bedwetting accident occurs. If you explain to your parents that you don't completely understand the process of changing it, they'll be able to show you. However, if they don't, wikiHow has an article on those steps too.
    • Ensure you are aware of this process to ensure you don't have to have a whole-house uproar if and when the accident occurs during the sleepover. If they showed you the process to have prepared you for your own diaper-changes, make sure to brush up on this action at least once the night before the sleepover, so it is solidly ingrained in your mind.
  5. 5
    Protect your bed with the use of a disposable bed mat and other water-absorbent covers in case an accident causes a mess-up each night. Use these mats as secondary and tertiary forms of protection on the bed to ensure the bed can't become wet from your bedwetting accident.
    • Use an alternative waterproof fitted-style mattress protector as you sleep on the bed each night. Although these can sometimes be called waterproof mattress covers, these can help salvage even more of the bed's fine fibers from becoming ruined due in part to the wetting accident. However, ToysRUs sells these offline for twin-sized beds. Mattress protectors don't go overtop of the fitted sheet on the bed but can help the accident from traveling through to the mattress below.
  6. 6
    Wear clothing that is at least two or three sizes larger than what you usually wear to bed when you wear your protective clothing. Try to nix all frilly pieces of lingerie when you go to bed, as the frilly clothing will make for a much tighter fit, and with diapers, you want to feel a bit lose on your stomach-line. Use sets of nightwear that include nightshirts and night pants until you no longer need to wear the diapers to bed: these can include sweatpants and casual nightwear, but you'll have to buy the more comfortable pieces.The bigger the clothing, the better the possibility the protective clothing will not be seen or noticed easily.
    • If you own an adult blanket sleeper, you may choose to wear it, though you may want to think twice about the current weather conditions since these sleepers are always a bit baggy in the genital areas the diaper will be utilized.
  7. 7
    Trash all used disposable garments as they are spotted. These used disposable garments include those diapers which are either wet or soiled at night. Keep a trash can and bag around to help you dispose of each wet garment you end up claiming after you spot each wet garment. Most disposable garments can be thrown away quite easily into this trash disposal area lined with the bag.
  8. 8
    Avoid feeling ashamed if you find that you wet your bed. It's not your fault for wetting the bed. Even at age eleven, twelve, and thirteen, lots of kids still wet their bed[1] , so you are not doing this alone.
  9. 9
    Remind yourself daily to change into your bedwetting diaper. While most kids tend to keep the bedwetting diaper packages visible (so they aren't forgotten once the nighttime routine begins), some kids may need a parental reminder to change into them to ensure you don't forget. Have your parents make sure to remind you, such as "Don't forget to change into those diapers that were just bought and placed in your room" every night, or they may help you change into them upon dressing for bedtime.
    • Although it's a matter of choice where you keep these pieces, most bedwetters prefer to keep their diaper packages open at one end of their dresser to ensure they don't forget to change into their diapers before they begin the sleeping process each night preceding the sleepover.
  10. 10
    Maintain one to two diaper stacks of five diapers near the sleepover. Ensure that these packages have diapers in them (should you need to change them by yourself at night) and that there are more available if the need drags even further than the first couple (such as if a case of the flu or other stomach bug begins).
    • Keep a few (two or three) spare diapers in a stack in an "emergencies only" location and recharge this stack during the day following the necessary need to use.
    • If your parents help you make your bed or help you dress, have them do a daily sweeping check of all your diaper stack piles to ensure that you are stacked with some extra diapers that you can use if you need them during the night. Although most will check into your stack before they turn off the light, they should keep an eye on how many are there at least once per day and may have to come back to help you replenish (if they notice you are out or coming close to running out). If you can change your clothes by yourself, monitor your stacks very closely, and remind them when it's time to replenish and before you run out and end up reaching into your emergency stash of diapers.
    • Even if you didn't have an accident in the preceding night's diaper, use a fresh one from out of the package. Sweat can build up inside the bedwetting diaper's parts and can end up sticking back to your diaper's genital region of your skin.
  11. 11
    Ask your parents how you should handle accidents during the night, should you end up having an accident with the diaper on. Sometimes, if the messes aren't too bad, most bedwetters don't even change their diapers and rely on only releasing urine into their diaper alone during the sleepover. However, some parents think differently, hoping that you'll take their advice (since wet garments tend to accumulate rashes in affected areas). This decision must be left to the wearer and their parents to decide how they'd like to let this evolve at the sleepover.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Getting Ready for the Sleepover (The Night Before)

  1. 1
    Put away almost all bedwetting diapers except for a lingering diaper or two. Put them into less visible areas up and out of the way of passers-by. Bring out several diapers from the package and set them down in a less visible place, such as in a partially-empty drawer (such as space near your underwear in your dresser) away from the prying eyes of your invitees. Arrange your diapers with what can be agreed upon with your parent's permission. If you need them during the night, you'll still need to know where to find them, but your parents will want some control, so they know where to look before the sleepover and/or if they are needed in an emergency.
    • Never change the orientation of the diapers as you work through the pack. If the diapers were standing with the front-facing you, make sure that the diapers can sit tight with the outer edge facing outward. (Never reverse the direction.) You've started a regimen before, and changing it now would be completely useless and forgotten where and how to grab it.
      • If you kept the center core facing you, make sure the core is facing you during the sleepover night. If the diaper was in a pile, keep them in a pile.
  2. 2
    Clean out all trash cans in your room where the sleepover will be taking place. Empty and dispose of the dirty pairs of bedwetting diapers you have previously used so as not to show your medical secrets to your invitees once they arrive. If many are inside your drawers or are in another trash can, you may need to use a trash bag to bag these diapers up.
    • Bedwetting diapers are different than just standard styled disposable diapers meant for babies. Diaper Genie machines can't handle bedwetting diapers, so don't try to fit them inside of them.
  3. 3
    Stash a diaper in one of the bathroom cabinets. On the morning you awaken from your sleepover, you'll need something to change into to make it seem as if you had no accident and that no sweat has built up during the night. You'll want to plan on using the diaper until your invitee leaves, so keeping one handy is of utmost concern. (You'll learn where the dirty one goes momentarily.)
  4. 4
    Prepare your bed the same way you have been since the trial run of the diapering workaround. Make sure to change the bed mat and replace the mattress protector (if you have more than one) onto the bed you are using. This must be done at least an hour before the sleepover begins; even if it's not wet, change it! Dispose of the old bed mat into the trash bag containing the previously-used diapers, and place a new one on the bed in its place. Make the transition to that sleepover night seem seamless.
  5. 5
    Change into your bedwetting diaper and nightwear before greeting your friends at the door. Give yourself some space in time, so you are not scrambling at the last second and accidentally tear or urinate into the diaper (causing a mishap to happen at the very last second). Even if the sleepover doesn't start until later in the evening, you'll want as little contact with your invitees as possible when showing your guests that you must wear a diaper to bed and having an embarrassment happen when they arrive and are walked through your door.
    • If your invitees normally arrive at other parties unexpectedly early, plan on changing at least one hour before the sleepover is supposed to begin but shortly after, you have changed your own bedwash. If your invitee arrives unexpectedly early and you don't have time to change into the diaper, secretly grab a diaper and change yourself into your diaper in your own bathroom - all in hopes of not seeming odd, strange, or even remotely different than your invitee.
  6. 6
    Don't use the diaper until the sleeping portion of the sleepover begins. Utilize the bathroom until the sleeping portion of the sleepover begins. Your guests will smell the stench of the urine when they come through the door if you utilize your diaper, and they can spot when things are amiss, and your genital region sags more than normal. Add in a few extra minutes to adjust when going into the bathroom to pull up your pants.
  7. 7
    Talk to your friends about your secret if the friend is a true friend. However, keep this information you mention to a bare minimum. If they are true friends, you can tell them your deep dark secret during any evening activities without stirring up trouble or causing an embarrassing situation to arise.
    • Don't worry: Some bedwetting diapers (such as Pampers UnderJams and most store-brand bedwetting diapers (if available)) have the association of being more spotted than those associated with Goodnites (by Huggies). With a little more disguise and planning, you can achieve a great result in the end.
    • Realize that underwear may be worn with bedwetting diapers if you plan accordingly. Bedwetting diapers tend to be thicker than a normal pair of underwear, so plan to wear at least one size larger underwear to ensure the diaper doesn't become lodged in the diaper when you go to move around when you have an accident in them.
      • You can go around without a pair of underwear on top of the diapers, wearing a pair of pants and shirt instead, but beware that you must be able to conceal your diapers until all of your guests know about your bedwetting issue or until your guests leave the next morning, all to ensure you don't expose your medical secret too early.
  8. 8
    Greet your friends like any other sleepover as they arrive. Most sleepovers begin with a cheery connection between you and the invitee(s), but how you greet them is up to you. However, most host families with a bedwetter traditionally neglect to mention your use of bedwetting diapers for your bedwetting problem.
    • If your friends are your true friends of yours, you may want to tell or hint to them that you have to wear the diaper. They might want to know, and you should really hint that you need to wear them. Tell them that you have wetting accidents in your bed and that these diapers help prevent your sleeping accommodations from becoming wet. Still, they shouldn't be alarmed - all without using the proper term "diaper" in your description of the preventative item.
    • Don't reveal that you wet your bed if your invitees don't trust that you'll know how to handle accidents when they occur since this will almost always backfire on your plan to handle an accident when they occur.
    • Mention to those who choose to accidentally reveal that they too have bedwetting problems, that you side with them, and must wear diapers for your bedwetting problem too. But pick your battles wisely if you think this secret might backfire on your plan.
      • If you suspect or have noticed your guests also wearing a bedwetting diaper, you're in luck. If you can, share your diaper stack with them. They will later thank you for telling them and make adequate plans to keep your diaper stack freshly stocked for both you and your invitees to share during that sleepover night.
    • Don't make the greeting any more dramatic other than saying hello and walking them in. However, don't make it seem as if you were awaiting their arrival while sitting next to the door when you provide the greeting.}
  9. 9
    Refrain from showing off that you wear bedwetting diapers when you sleep as much as you can tolerate. Even if you realize that you can still hold your urine in during the day, having to change into the diaper when the friend is at your house can become chaotic and problematic for most.
    • Don't feel ashamed if your sleepover guest must find out that you wet your bed and have to wear these diapers. It's a natural problem that kids must know exists, and eventually, they will want to know why you have to keep concealing your "secret" from them. That issue must be only up to the wearer and the wearer's parents to decide.
  10. 10
    Take any medications within a half hour or so of the sleepover if your doctor or pediatrician has required you to take a medication for your bedwetting. If you have to take medications to help manage frequent bedwetting, by all means, take that medication! Don't skip your medications on the night of the sleepover. You may have to take your medications in an alternate place if you are afraid your guests will accidentally find out, but that's a small price to pay in part with dealing with life while stuck in a phase that makes you urinate while you sleep without waking you up.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

During the Sleepover Night

  1. 1
    Handle your bedwetting in a responsible manner. Utilize the system of diaper-wearing as you have during those last few weeks. It all comes down to handling your bedwetting, much like you've been handling it with the same processes from the past few weeks.
  2. 2
    Prepare yourself with a quick way out of accidents, should an accident occur during the night. The diaper and bed mat may protect your body and bed a bit, but no piece of clothing is foolproof - no matter how disposable it is believed or claimed to be. Things happen that can make accidents seem very disastrous during sleepover nights. Change only the wet diaper after the accident during the night, but don't make a big fuss; don't talk or allow the furniture or your diapers to creek around as you walk.
  3. 3
    Continue to wear the same diaper you had on the previous night to assure the invitee that nothing about you has changed. You'll get your chance to change your diaper into your day-clothes in a little while, but for now, you'll have to live with wearing this diaper and nightclothes until your invitees leave for their homes the next morning.
    • Look into changing your diapers in your bathroom if you have time before your invitees awaken. However, if your invitees have arisen out of bed before or with you, you'll need to delay your diaper and clothing change after the guest departs.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

The Next Morning

  1. 1
    Have your parents help awaken you close to the time your invitee is going to be picked up. To ensure the natural transition at a sleepover, let the morning routine flow. Whether that means allowing them to serve them breakfast or arise from their slumbers at their will on their casual planning, this sleepover can be an easy solution.
    • As was stated earlier when talking about placing an extra diaper in the bathroom, use the period after you have awakened before the guests wake up to change your diapers. Place all used diapers in a small plastic bag that can be tied shut and knotted and placed separately into any trash can in your home - however, most bedwetters will use their bathroom trash can for convenience purposes.
  2. 2
    Let your friend leave. Walk your friend to the door when you hear the doorbell ring for your guests' parent's arrival. Thank your friend for coming, and let them walk to their ride for pick-up.
  3. 3
    Close the door to your house as you wait for your guests' parent's car to pull away from the curb or driveway.
  4. 4
    Take out and change all your clothes for the new day - including your diaper - if you changed into a new one for those few minutes while you waited for your invitee(s) to leave. If you intend to have other sleepovers at your house soon thereafter, plan on continuing to use the diaper regimen and keep up the process so as not to forget and get out of your routine.
  5. 5
    Change any wet bedwash that should be on the bed from an accident that night. Prepare the bed with a new disposable bed mat once the bedwash has been changed.
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  • Try not to use bedwetting alarms if you don't want your friends to find out that you wet the bed. Although these audible alarms will alert you when it notices moisture starting to seep through, it will also alert everyone else within earshot distance - including your sleepover guest. Take other preventative measures above to ensure you have a safe, restful, and enjoyable sleepover.
  • Make sure that none of your siblings can invite themselves into the sleeping quarters and expose your secrets to your guests that night.
  • Minimize as much possibility as you can to draw out as much urine before setting off to sleep that night. By all means, if you can catch yourself without urinating into the bedwetting diaper and can make it into the bathroom that night, go and take care of "business" in the bathroom itself. But keep these trips to the bathroom as minimal as you can. Don't raise suspicion by utilizing only your diaper that night just because you have the occasional accident.
  • Never place a plastic bag of any size (or any waterproof or plastic sheet) on top of the bed, or use the bag to cover up during the night. Plastic and waterproof sheets can cause suffocation and death if misused.
  • If you have a medical condition that means you wet your bed occasionally, don't be ashamed! Treat your less-severe accidents the same way.
  • Don't feel ashamed that you must conceal the diaper too much. Use protection for your body and carry on with life as best as humanely possible.
    • If the invitee feels like they don't want to sleep near you, have them bring an alternate sleeping bag.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 43,859 times.
30 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: October 20, 2022
Views: 43,859
Categories: Sleep Overs | Bedwetting