Spiritual growth can be spurred by regular devotional practices like prayer and attendance at religious services. You can develop your relationship with your own spirituality by increasing your mindfulness, contemplating the natural world and works of art, and making things of beauty. To move beyond yourself, do good works for others and practice empathy.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Developing Your Personal Practice

  1. 1
    Meditate. Grow spiritually by increasing your mindfulness and detaching from the worries of your daily life. Meditation will help you to get handle on yourself and your mind.[2] You can meditate by yourself or with a meditation group.[3]
    • Consider deepening your commitment to spiritual introspection by going on a silent meditation retreat.
    • Take a yoga and meditation course to attune your body and mind.
  2. 2
    Connect with the natural world. Go on long solitary hikes or short sunny walks. Go without your headphones in, and avoid looking at your phone. Observe the world around you. Take trips to the mountains, the desert, and the sea. Take breaks to rest, observe your surroundings, and listen to the quiet.[4]
    • As you explore, take some time to give thanks for the world you live in.
    • Sing a song or recite a poem if you are so moved.
    • Take camping trips to have longer periods out in the wilderness.
    • Hike with others who are also interested in spiritual development.
  3. 3
    Take in works of art. If you are on an independent spiritual journey, or belong to a faith tradition that believes in visual beauty, you can deepen your relationship with sacred images and great works of art.[5]
    • Visit mosques, churches, temples, and other devotional sites known for their architecture, music, or devotional artworks.
    • Take in great works of religious and secular art at museums.
    • Listen to classical and contemporary music that moves you.
    • Read spiritual poetry by poets like John Donne, Rumi, and Nathaniel Mackey.
    • It's not necessarily going to be a religious artwork that brings you closer to God. If a work of art speaks to you, spend time contemplating it. Return to it if you can.
  4. 4
    Engage in creative acts. Creative expression can deepen your spiritual understanding. Creativity helps you imagine that which cannot be logically understood, and brings you closer to its present.[6]
    • Music is a traditional form of devotional expression in many faith traditions, and is often a part of secular spirituality. Learn hymns or other songs to sing with your loved ones or alone.
    • Dance is a form of worship in many cultures. Take a dance class, or just put on music that makes you feel spiritual and try moving to it.
    • Any form of creation that makes you feel centered and peaceful can help, including traditional domestic activities such as baking.
  5. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Engaging with Your Faith

  1. 1
    Attend religious services.[7] Find a church, temple, mosque, or other religious center that shares some of your beliefs. If you already belong to a congregation, renew your engagement with it. Volunteer your time, join a committee for a cause you believe in, and connect with other members of the congregation.[8]
    • Consider attending religious services at congregations other than your own. Get to know other spiritual traditions.
  2. 2
    Pray. If your spiritual practice involves prayer, focus on improving the quality of your prayers. Pray at least daily.[9] When you pray, do not let your mind wander. Focus on the words you are saying. If you notice your mind wandering, remind yourself what your intentions are and resume with a renewed sense of purpose.[10]
    • Pray with others. See if your congregation has a prayer group. If not, consider praying with another congregation.
    • If your family prays together at meals or at other moments, ask to lead the prayers one night.
    • No matter your denomination, prayer profoundly shapes your mind and your sense of oneness with the world.
  3. 3
    Read core texts. Get to know the core beliefs of your faith tradition. Read directly from the source, and seek to understand the central messages of your spiritual ancestors. Consider creating or joining a reading group to share your journey.[11]
    • If you are Christian, for instance, you may join a Bible study group through your church.[12]
    • If you are interested in spirituality across religious faiths, consider reading texts from many faiths.
  4. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Doing Good Works

  1. 1
    Volunteer. Focusing on others will help you develop yourself.[13] Find a cause you care about and donate your spare time to it. Look at local organizations that could use volunteers, start a fundraiser, or begin your own volunteer group. There are many ways to help others. You can:[14]
    • Volunteer at a homeless shelter
    • Teach free ESL classes to immigrants
    • Get involved in your local union and help other workers in your field
  2. 2
    Practice gratitude to those who help you. Take note of the good things others do for you. Be grateful, and express your gratitude to yourself and to those who help you.[15]
    • Thank people sincerely when they do something for you. Explain how their actions have benefited you.
    • Keep a gratitude journal in which you write one or two things you are grateful for every day.
    • Take note as well of the good feeling you get from doing good for others. Feel grateful to them for letting you participate in their lives.
  3. 3
    Develop empathy. Empathy may seem like an inherent quality, but it's actually a practice you can develop. To develop your empathy, pay close attention to others. Listen to them, and do your best to understand how they feel. You can do this for people in your immediate vicinity and people you read about in the paper.[16]
    • Listen hard when you are in conversation. Don't just nod and answer—contemplate what is being said to you, and take it seriously.
    • Get to know people. Make friendly conversation with strangers you are seated next to, provided they seem interested in talking. Try to understand what goes on in their heads, what makes them happy, and what troubles them.
    • Challenge your assumptions about others. If you harbor ill feelings towards any group or individual, make an effort to get to know them as people.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I help other people to grow spiritually?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Start simple. Something small can be really meaningful. Be kind, say hello, smile, say a kind word, give compliments, and be a good listener.
  • Question
    How can we grow into Christ when people judge us as Christians?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Those who judge Christians are choosing to waste time judging a religious community. You need not do the same. Follow in Christ's example and love and help others without judgment. As Jesus prayed alone sometimes on a mountain, you too can keep your faith growing in your own way without worrying about or arguing with them.
  • Question
    Why do I fall to sin?
    Brie Lalally
    Brie Lalally
    Community Answer
    You are a human, we all do it. There is nothing we can do to stop that. All we can do is ask for forgiveness by God and be cleansed.

About This Article

Soken Graf
Co-authored by:
Certified Meditation Coach
This article was co-authored by Soken Graf. Soken Graf is a Meditation Coach, Buddhist Priest, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and a Published Author who runs Bodhi Heart Rolfing and Meditation, a spiritual life coaching business based in New York City, New York. Soken has over 25 years of Buddhist training experience and advises entrepreneurs, business owners, designers, and professionals. He has worked with organizations such as the American Management Association as a consultant for training courses on such topics as Mindful Leadership, Cultivating Awareness, and Understanding Wisdom: The Compassionate Principles of Work-Life Balance. In addition to his work as a priest, Soken has certifications in Advanced Rolfing from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy, SourcePoint Therapy®, and Cold-Laser Therapy. This article has been viewed 159,715 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: March 7, 2023
Views: 159,715
Categories: Faith and Belief
Article SummaryX

The key to growing spiritually is keeping an open mind and connecting with other people. One of the main ways you can grow spiritually is through meditation. By paying attention to your breath and letting your thoughts come and go, you’ll learn not to resist your own mind and be at peace with yourself. You can also read spiritual books to absorb the wisdom passed down through the generations. You can read religious texts or secular books on mindfulness and philosophy. Try to help people as often as you can, no matter how small a gesture. This will help you to connect with the infinite love and compassion within you and make the world a better place. For more tips, including how to cultivate a greater sense of empathy, read on!

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