In our era of globalization, we often come into contact with people different from us. This is particularly true in international business settings. Want to greet a Muslim respectfully? A few simple rules will help you do that.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Greeting a Muslim if you are a Non-Muslim

  1. 1
    Use the Salam greeting when meeting a Muslim. Greet a Muslim as they would greet one another.
    • Use the phrase "As-Salam-u-Alaikum" ("Peace be unto you").[1]
    • This is pronounced “as-saa-laam-muu-ah-lay-kum.”
    • You might also choose to use the longer greeting of "As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh" ("Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and his blessings”).
    • The pronunciation is “us-saa-laam-muu-alie-kum waa-rah-ma-tull-laa-hee wa-bara-kaa-tu-hu.”
  2. 2
    Do not expect the Salam greeting from a Muslim. Traditionally, the Salam greeting is reserved for those of the Muslim faith, so if you are not Muslim, you might not receive this greeting.[2]
    • Some current Islamic scholars believe that, in the interest of global peace and understanding, it is permitted to initiate the Salam greeting with non-Muslims.
    • If you do receive the Salam greeting, respond with "wa-Alaikumussalam wa-Rahmatullah."
    • The pronunciation is "waa-alie-kum-us-salam waa-rah-ma-tull-la"
    • The meaning is "May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you."[3]
    • The longer response is "waa-alai-kum-us-salam-wa-rahma-tall-ahi-wa-ba-ra-ka-tu".
  3. 3
    Expect a Muslim to return the Salam greeting. If greeted with the Salam greeting, a Muslim will respond to a non-Muslim with the return greeting ("wa-Alaikumussalam wa-Rahmatullah").
    • It is obligatory for a Muslim to return the Salam greeting, regardless of the religion of the other person. To refuse this is against their religion.
    • According to the Qu'ran (Muslim holy text), the Salam greeting has been mandatory since the creation of Adam and is commanded by Allah.
    • Some Muslims may only return your greeting with "wa alaikum". If that's the case, It's their religious matter and has to do with the historic setting of Medina (Holy city of Muslims). It's narrated that in Prophet Muhammad's PBUH time some non-Muslims greeted Muslims with "assam o alaikum (destruction be upon you); a close Arabic rhyme with salam ", then they returned the greeting with "wa alaikum". The practice is still in use today.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Shaking Hands

  1. 1
    Shake hands with male Muslims if you are male. It is common for Muslim men to shake hands.
    • There is generally no prohibition against men shaking hands with other men.
    • The exception is some Shia Muslims prohibit shaking hands with any non-Muslims.
    • Do not be offended if a Muslim declines to shake your hand. It isn’t a personal affront but a reflection of their religious beliefs.
  2. 2
    Do not shake hands with female Muslims if you are male. While there is debate on the appropriateness of female Muslims shaking hands with men, you should not do so unless she initiates the contact.
    • Many Muslim women do not shake hands with men due to religious prohibitions against a woman being touched by a man outside of her family.[4]
    • Some Muslim women, especially those working in corporate environments, might shake hands with men.
    • Some Muslim women wear gloves in order to get around the prohibition against touching a male who is not a relative.
  3. 3
    Do not shake hands with male Muslims if you are female. Regardless of your religious beliefs, you should not reach for a male Muslim’s hand unless he initiates the contact.
    • Pious Muslim men do not touch women outside of their family (wives, daughters, mothers, etc.)[5]
    • Refraining from touching a woman she is not related to is considered a gesture of respect and modesty.[6]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Greeting a Fellow Muslim

  1. 1
    Greet your fellow Muslim by wishing them peace. One should always greet a fellow Muslim.
    • "As-Salam-u-Alaikum" is the most common greeting among Muslims.
    • This is the minimum required when greeting a Muslim.
    • It is permissible to use the minimum greeting when time is short, such as when passing each other on the street.
    • Add “wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh” to complete the greeting.
  2. 2
    Remember that Allah commands that Muslims greet one another. Be mindful of the rules governing who initiates the greeting.
    • The one who comes greets the Muslims that are present.
    • The one who is riding greets the one who is walking.
    • The one who is walking greets the one who is sitting.
    • The smaller group greets the bigger group.
    • The young greet the elders.
    • Say the Salam greeting when arriving and leaving a gathering.[7]
  3. 3
    Return the greeting. Always acknowledge the greeting by giving a response.
    • Respond with "wa Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullah."[8]
    • It is permissible to respond only with the first part ("wa Alaikum Assalam").
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if you say the greeting wrong?
    Top Answerer
    If you say the greeting wrong, the meaning is changed, but if it is done unintentionally, it is an innocent error. Take caution when saying it to make sure you say it correctly.
  • Question
    How do I say "how are you"?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Simply say, "Kayfa haluk?" It is not Muslim-specific, it is a Standard Arabic expression, and you can address it to Arab Muslims and non-Muslims.
  • Question
    How do I say 'good day'?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Simply say "Good day" (in whatever language). Muslims are not averse to socialising. We believe that all people are the same and equal, and that we live in different cultures and know several languages. "Good day" has no specific phrase in religion, if you speak with Arabic person you can say Yaum Saied, but remember not all Muslims are Arab, and not all Arabs are Muslims.


  • Do not replace the Islamic greeting with words like Hi, Hello, or Good Morning when speaking to devout Muslims.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 28 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 993,708 times.
172 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: December 9, 2022
Views: 993,708
Categories: Islam
Article SummaryX

To greet in Islam, say "As-Salam-u-Alaikum," which means "Peace be unto you." If someone returns the greeting, say "wa-Alaikumussalam wa-Rahmatullah," which means "May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you." To learn how to shake hands with Muslims when you're greeting them, scroll down!

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