So, you messed up, and now the Sagittarius woman you love isn’t yours anymore. While the fiery and quick-witted Sagittarius signs aren’t the easiest to persuade, by playing into her personality and getting a little creative, you might just be able to win her back. Read through this article to learn how you can make her miss you, one step at a time.


Give her some space.

  1. Sagittariuses tend to feel stifled when people are too clingy. Although it might be the last thing you want to do right now, go ahead and give your Sag some time to themselves to make her miss you.[1] She needs to know that you can make it on your own, so go out and live your own life full of adventure.[2] If you come crawling back to her, she might stick with her initial decision.[3]
    • Hang out with friends, dive into your career, or go on a solo road trip. You don’t have to give her space forever, but try to wait until she reaches out to you first.
    • If you trust your Sagittarius enough to give her space, she will come closer. If you try to control or micromanage her, she won't be able to deal with it.[4]
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Act like you aren’t upset.

  1. This sign tends to avoid drama like the plague. Although it might feel like your world is ending, if you show up on her doorstep crying or post a long, sad story about her, she’s not going to be super happy. Try to keep your emotions to yourself, and talk about them with a close friend if you need to. The more you can act like you’re okay, the more you can make her miss you.
    • She’ll appreciate this because she’s probably going to do the same thing. Sag women tend to keep their emotions bottled up, so they don’t love it when other people wear theirs on their sleeves.

Ask for her forgiveness if you messed up.

  1. Sagittarius women are quick to give people second chances. If you know you hurt her feelings or made her angry, offer a sincere apology to see if she can forgive you. She might hold onto her anger for a little while longer, but eventually, she’ll probably be able to move on.[5]
    • You might say something like, “I’m so sorry that I didn’t make enough time for you in our relationship. It wasn’t right, and I can understand why it made you upset.”
    • The key here is only to apologize if you truly mean it. Sagittariuses are like lie detectors: if you’re not telling the truth, they’re going to know.
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Focus on being friends, not partners.

  1. This sign values friendship more than anything else. When you two start seeing each other again, don’t try to immediately jump back into a relationship. Instead, treat her like you’d treat a really good friend: be there for her, listen to her, and spend a lot of time with her. She’ll appreciate that you aren't trying to rush anything and that you’re content with just being friends for now.
    • There’s no set timeline for how long you might just have to focus on friendship, but expect to spend a few weeks (or even months) being her friend before she considers a relationship with you again.
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Keep your conversation topics casual and positive.

  1. Sagittariuses usually don’t like talking about their emotions. If you try to rope a Sag woman into a conversation about her feelings, you might just send her running for the hills. Instead, talk about casual, fun things, like what you’re doing that weekend or how your job is going. She’ll appreciate that you aren’t trying to trap her into a heavy conversation, which might send her right back into your arms.
    • For instance, you might say, “Just went frisbee golfing for the first time! It was really fun, I think you’d like it.”
    • Or, “Did you get into anything fun this weekend?”

Take her on an adventure.

  1. Offer to take her to the beach or go rock climbing. If there’s one thing Sagittarius women can’t stay away from, it’s a fun time![6] You can try reconnecting with her by asking her to take a trip or a fun day out with you. Somewhere outdoorsy is always a good choice, but you know her best.[7]
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Focus on the present, not the past.

  1. Sagittarius signs hate reliving old memories or talking about the past. Instead of bringing up all the stuff that you two did before, focus on what you’re doing right now and how much fun you’re having. If you constantly wallow in what went wrong or all your old memories together, she’s probably not going to be open to seeing you again.[10]
    • For example, you might say something like, “I’m so happy we’re spending time together again. I’m having a lot of fun with you.”
    • Or, “Isn’t this nice? I love taking adventures with you.”

Promise her a brighter future.

  1. Tell her that you’ve changed, and that you can make things work. Sagittarius women aren’t ones for focusing on the past, but they do think about the future a lot. If you can promise her that things will be different from now on, she might just take you back.
    • For instance, you might say, “I really think that we could work out now. I’ve grown a lot, and I’m sure you have too, so why don’t we give this another shot?”
    • Or, “Are you open to trying this again? I’ve learned a lot from our time together, and I think I could be a better partner to you.”
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Why would a Sagittarius come back?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    A Sagittarius might come back if they sense that you aren't trying to control them. Being controlled is a real trigger for them, and they're more likely to approach you if you give them space.


  1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
  2. Patti Novak Williams. Professional Matchmaker & Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 12 January 2021.
  4. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
  6. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
  8. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
  9. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Co-authored by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 29,288 times.
5 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 31, 2022
Views: 29,288
Categories: Dating