Flipping someone off is a classic nonverbal signal for showing anger and frustration toward a person. You might "flip the bird" to someone who has cut you off, insulted you, or otherwise provoked your ire. At its simplest, flipping someone off is just pointedly displaying your middle finger in their direction.[1] More advanced techniques take on an element of comedy or performance art. Remember: when you flip someone off, you are calling him or her out – so use with caution, or be prepared for the consequences!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Basic Flip-Off Moves

  1. 1
    Give someone the finger. There is a simple straightforwardness to the classic "flip-off." Turn the back of your fist toward someone, as though you are shaking a fist at them. Then, extend your middle finger. Hold the pose and look the person in the eye. This is a quick and easy way to get the point across.
    • Wave your finger around for emphasis. Hold it out firmly and emphatically to make sure that you get the point across.
  2. 2
    Try using both hands. For added effect, whip out the "double-finger" flip-off.[2] Flip the person off with both middle fingers at the same to show them that you are unusually angry.
    • Do "the X": cross your middle fingers into an "X," and then hold them against your chest facing the offender.
  3. 3
    Switch fingers. For a somewhat more dynamic insult, flash your left and right middle fingers at the person in rapid succession. Alternately, keep both middle fingers extended and wave them around for emphasis.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Discreet Flip-Off Moves

  1. 1
    Act like you are itching your nose. Reach up to your face as though you are going to itch your nose or your face.[3] Look in the direction of the person that you want to flip off. Then, use your middle finger to scratch your nose while staring pointedly.[4]
    • The person that you are flipping off might not notice this move. However, it might give other onlookers a laugh.
  2. 2
    Flip the person off behind their back. You might feel a bit better simply by releasing your anger somehow, even if the person in question doesn't actually see you. Consider whether you want to provoke a confrontation, or just get your feelings out.
  3. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Theatrical Flip-Off Moves

  1. 1
    Do the "jack-in-the-box" flip-off. Hold your fist out in front of you, knuckles facing the offender – but do not raise your middle finger yet. Then, make a fist with the other hand, and crank it in circles next to the first hand as though you are winding up an old-timey jack-in-the-box toy. As you crank, hum "Pop Goes the Weasel," the tune traditionally associated with jack-in-the-boxes. Hum and crank faster and faster as you approach the end of the tune. Then, at the final "Pop" of the "Pop Goes the Weasel" tune, extend your middle finger as though it is the jack popping out of the box. Finish humming the tune while flipping the person off.
    • Make sure that you have the person's undivided attention. This move takes a bit of time to pull off, and you want to make sure to get the full effect.
  2. 2
    Practice "the balloon." Hold your fist in front of your face and put the tip of your thumb in your mouth. Act as though you are blowing up a balloon: "blow" into your thumb, and slowly extend all of your fingers as though your breath is inflating them.[5] Then, hold you middle finger of the "balloon hand" with your other hand, and move the thumb away from your mouth. Slowly close the other fingers on your "balloon hand" until only your middle finger is left pointing at the person whom you want to flip off.
  3. 3
    Pretend to "find" your middle finger. Act as though you are looking for something: in your pocket, or between the couch cushions, or in a desk drawer. Make sure that you get the person's attention. Then, make a show of being relieved that you have found the thing you're looking for. Turn to show the person what you found: and flip them off!
    • Alternately, lean down in front of the person as though you are picking something up off of the ground. Come up flashing your middle finger, and say, "Did you drop this?"[6]
  4. 4
    Try "the trumpet." Blow on your thumb while pretending to play the trumpet, and flail your fingers as though you are hitting the valves.[7] Periodically hold up only your middle finger. Add some musical effects for style!
  5. 5
    Try the "double extreme." Extend the middle fingers of both hands. Then, bring your arms behind your back and through your legs. You should have both middle fingers clearly presented. Note: only people with long arms can pull this off.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if they have a reverse card?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You pull out another reverse card and reverse the reverse.
  • Question
    Can you suck your middle finger as an insult?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, as it can indicate that you're telling someone to "suck it." Suck it is a rude sentence that may offend people, so try not use it too often or around sensitive people.
  • Question
    Will I get in trouble if I flip off my pet hamster?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If a parent sees you, maybe, or if a sibling sees you and tells a parent. But a hamster doesn't know what human hand gestures mean, so he/she will not be upset about it.


  • Flipping someone off is a provocative and reactionary move. Sometimes, the motion is warranted – but be prepared for the consequences. You might seriously offend someone.

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154 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 45
Updated: January 19, 2023
Views: 347,368
Categories: Communication Skills
Article SummaryX

To flip someone off with style, pretend you're looking for something in your pocket and then flip them off with the hand you were using. Or, lean down in front of them and ask "Did you drop this?" before flipping them off. If you want to flip someone off discreetly, try touching your face or scratching your nose with just your middle finger extended. Alternatively, you can flip someone off with both hands to make more of a statement. To learn how to do other stylish flip-off moves, keep reading!

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