Finding people you know in Clash of Clans is a little more difficult than you might think. You can use Facebook to connect with any of your Facebook friends who are also playing Clash of Clans. You can also use GameCenter on iOS devices to find your GameCenter friends in Clash of Clans. If you want to attack your friend's clan, you'll need to pull off some tricky timing to make it work.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Adding Friends to Your Clan

  1. 1
    Use Facebook or iOS Game Center to add friends. These two methods are currently the only supported way of adding friends to your clan.
    • Supercell (the Clash of Clans developer) is currently looking into adding support for Google+ friends through Google Play Games, but this feature is not yet available.[1]
  2. 2
    Connect Clash of Clans to your Facebook account. This will allow you to find your Facebook friends that also have Clash of Clans connected to their own accounts.
    • Open Clash of Clans and tap the Trophy button.
    • Tap the Friends tab and then tap "Connect to Facebook."
    • Confirm that you want to connect accounts in the Facebook app or website that opens. You will need to log into Facebook if you aren't already.
  3. 3
    Add friends in GameCenter to see them in Clash of Clans (iOS only). If you are using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you can find your GameCenter friends in Clash of Clans. You can add people to your GameCenter friends list as long as you know their GameCenter nickname or email address.
    • Open the GameCenter app on your iOS device.
    • Tap the "Friends" tab at the bottom of the screen.
    • Tap the "+" button in the upper-right corner.
    • Search for your friends using their GameCenter nickname or Apple ID email address.
  4. 4
    Invite people in your Clash of Clans friends list to your clan. After you've connected your Facebook and GameCenter accounts, you can invite your friends from those services to your clan.
    • Tap the Trophy button in Clash of Clans and then tap the "Friends" tab.
    • Tap the friend you want to invite. You'll only see people listed who have also connected Clash of Clans to either Facebook or GameCenter.
    • Tap "Invite" to send a clan invite. This option will only appear if that person is not already in a clan.
  5. 5
    Find people by searching for their clan. You can find other users by searching by their clan tag, if you know it. Note that you won't be able to invite them to your clan because they are already in one.
    • Tap the "i" button at the top of the screen.
    • Tap the "Join Clan" tab.
    • Type in the clan tag with a "#" before it. For example: "#P8URPQLV."
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Attacking Your Friend's Clan

  1. 1
    Try to do this at higher levels. Because you're relying on luck to get matched with your friend, you'll have better luck at the higher levels. This is because there are less possible matches at the higher levels, and tons of possible matches at the lower levels. If you're trying to match up against a friendly clan, you may have to wait until you are both high level.[2]
    • There is no way to specifically choose which clan you are going to attack.
  2. 2
    Make sure that you have about the same level Town Halls in the war. When you're trying to get matched up against your friend's clan, make sure that both clan's Town Hall levels are fairly close to each other.
    • For example, Clan A may have four Level 10 Town Halls and three Level 9 Town Halls. Clan B may have four Level 10 Town Halls and five Level 9 Town Halls.
    • You'll have the most success if both clans have the same number of Town Halls at the same levels. Both clans should at least have the same number of the highest-level Town Halls.
  3. 3
    Coordinate with the other clan leader to start your wars at the same time. Both clan leaders should try to press the "Start War" button as close to the same time as possible. This will increase the chances that your clans will be matched against each other. You may have to coordinate over the phone or chat app to make sure you press at the same time.
  4. 4
    Try again if you didn't get paired up. This process is based on timing and luck, so there's a good chance that it won't work right when you try. You'll just have to try again the next time your clan is ready for war.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I attack my friends?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If your friend is in your clan, then you can attack him by starting a friendly challenge.
  • Question
    How can I search the player who was in my clan, but left?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You just tap the player's name in chat, then go to his or her profile and tap invite. However, you cant do it if the player joined another clan.
  • Question
    How do you have a friendly battle with clan mates?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    First you need to rebuild your clan castle, then you can do friendly wars.

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Co-authors: 17
Updated: August 18, 2022
Views: 438,110
Categories: Clash of Clans