So you spent hours and hours studying and preparing for your exams, but now that they’re done, how can you settle your nerves and feel okay about them? Don’t worry. No matter how stressed out you are or how you performed on the test, there are things you can do to make yourself feel better. To help you out, we’ve put together a handy list of options you can choose from to help yourself feel happy about your exams while you wait for your scores.


Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

  1. Try to keep things in perspective and challenge your own thinking. You worked hard, studied, and prepared for your exams and you tried your best! If you find yourself thinking about everything you could have done better or mistakes that you think you made, try to think about things that you did right instead. Shifting the way you think about your exams can make you feel better and less anxious as you wait for the results.[1]
    • For instance, if you find yourself thinking about a problem on the test that you weren’t sure of, try to remember that there were questions that you nailed as well.
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Get out and exercise.

  1. Exercise, play outdoor games, or take a class to help with your stress. Go for a run or a nice bike ride. Hit the gym and get a good weight lifting session in. Let out some of that pent up energy with a good workout. You could also have some fun and get some physical activity at the same time by playing an outdoor sport like basketball, baseball, or football with some friends. Another option is to take a fitness or yoga class to exercise and let off some steam with other people.[9]
    • While it’s fine to just relax and unwind after your exams, some healthy exercise can also help reduce your anxiety and make you feel better.
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Take a trip somewhere.

  1. Travel somewhere new or somewhere familiar to reduce your anxiety. Now that you have more free time, take a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to see. It doesn’t have to be out of the country if that’s too difficult. You could drive somewhere new, even if it’s the next town over. You can also visit your hometown or another familiar place that makes you feel at home. Getting out of town can help clear your head and make you feel happy instead of worrying about your exams.[12]
    • It could even be a day trip to a local attraction or landmark. Get out and see something new!


  • If you do decide to drink to celebrate or blow off some steam, make sure you have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing app if you need to get home. Never drink and drive.

About This Article

Karuna Jain, MS
Co-authored by:
Life Coach & Energy Healer
This article was co-authored by Karuna Jain, MS. Karuna Jain is a Life Coach, Energy Healer, and the Owner of the Karuna Healing Center based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With more than 13 years of experience, she specializes in helping others heal through life coaching, hypnotherapy, reiki healing, pranic healing, and crystal healing. Karuna attended the Hypnosis Motivation Institute to receive her Hypnotherapy Certification. She also has a Life Coach Certification through the American Union of NLP. This article has been viewed 15,776 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: December 28, 2022
Views: 15,776
Categories: Managing Exam Stress