This article was co-authored by Ted Dorsey, MA. Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.
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It’s natural to feel stressed during a test, so don’t panic. You’ll definitely want to develop a plan for taking the test and getting done in time. If you feel tense or nervous, however, it’s equally important to relax yourself mentally and physically. Take a few deep breaths, release the tension in your mind, and loosen up your body. If you try your best to relax and think positive thoughts, you can concentrate and make it through!
Easing Your Mind
1Practice positive self-talk. It’s very easy when you’re stressed to think negative thoughts about yourself. These certainly don’t help ease your mind during a test, however. Instead, make a conscious effort to think positively about your abilities and readiness for the test.[1]
- For instance, banish thoughts like “There are so many questions on this test. I’m so unprepared and there’s no way I’ll make it through all of them.”
- When you feel a thought like that coming on, replace it with a positive one like “I know there are a lot of questions here, but if I take them one-by-one, I know I can make it through.”
- Even a simple "I can do it!" can make a big difference.
2Don’t fixate on what others are doing. You might look around and see others who seem to be breezing through the test without a problem, which can make you feel more stressed. Or, you might see others looking equally stressed, which won’t make you feel better, either. Do your best to just stay focused on what you are doing.[2]
- If you feel the need to take your eyes off the test for a moment, just close them and breathe deeply a few times.
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3Laugh a little. For some people, humor can ease tension and keep you motivated. You could make a little fun of yourself, for instance, by thinking “boy oh boy, I’m going to bomb this one.” Or, you could think funny thoughts about something else—imagine your teacher sitting at home grading your essay in a silly house robe.[3]
- Poking a little fun at yourself may help you get the nervousness out of the way so you can concentrate on the test.
4Go to your happy place. Many people find it helpful to visualize when they’re feeling stressed. Close your eyes for a minute, and picture yourself in a place you really love to be. Imagine yourself relaxed and stressed free. Think of this like a motivator—when you’re through with the test, you can go back to your happy place.[4]
- Some people also find it helpful to visualize test-taking itself. For instance if you feel overwhelmed by the amount of questions you have, imagine that the test is a thick jungle, and you are cutting your way through it, question by question.
Relaxing Your Body
1Wear layers of comfortable clothing. That way, you’ll be able to adjust to the testing environment. Wearing a hoodie over a t-shirt can keep you from getting cold, for instance. And if it gets too hot, just unzip the hoodie. These little tricks let you focus on the test rather than worry about physical discomfort.[5]
2Loosen up when seated. There’s a tendency to sit hunched over when you’re stressed and taking a test. Your hands might also be clenched, and you might bob your legs up and down. Being physically tense will not make you feel better during a test, however. Instead, try to:[6]
- Keep your feet grounded on the floor.
- Relax your arms and hands.
- Sit a bit back in your chair rather than hunching over the desk or table.
3Take deep breaths. Many people also have the tendency to take short, shallow breaths when they are tense. Taking long, slow breaths instead will reduce your stress and help you concentrate. During the test, try to pay attention to your breathing. Every so often stop and:[7]
- Close your eyes.
- Take a slow, deep breath, inhaling through your nose.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth, and repeat.
- Open your eyes and get back to the test, recharged!
EXPERT TIPMaster's Degree, Education, University of California Los AngelesTed Dorsey, MA
Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los AngelesFeeling pressure to perform well can actually be valuable Anxiety isn't fun, but it can be good for you. While very low or very high anxiety typically lead to low performance on an exam, having some mid-range anxiety actually leads to higher test scores.
4Practice mindfulness. If you have trouble concentrating on a particular part of the test, if your mind starts to wander, or if you start to panic a little, some mindfulness exercises can help. These help you to stay centered in the moment, reducing your stress and improving concentration. Take a moment to do things like:
- Notice the way your pencil or pen feels in your hand. Is it smooth? Rough? How does it balance in your hand?
- Think about your posture. How does the chair feel against your back? What are your legs doing? Your arms?
- Consider the sounds around you. What do you hear in the room? Outside of it?
5Take a break, if possible. Movement gives you an opportunity to take a deep breath, stretch a bit, clear you mind, and just recharge. As long as you’re doing ok in terms of the time you have to complete the test, ask if its ok to take a short break to get some water or run to the bathroom. Come back feeling refreshed and ready for the home stretch![8]
Strategizing Your Way Through the Test
1Read the test carefully. When you’re stressed about a test, it can be easy to forget the basics like reading instructions. Before you dive in, however, take a few minutes to read over exactly what the test is asking you to do. Make sure you understand the directions, and ask for clarification if you don’t.[9]
- It’s also worth taking a moment to examine the test sections, if there are multiple parts.
2Decide which questions or sections to tackle first. Some people like to start with easy material, as a kind of warm-up and to build confidence for the more difficult parts. Others prefer to start with the more challenging questions or sections, to get them out of the way. Whatever your preference is, having a plan for working through the test will make it more manageable.[10]
3Take your time, but don’t get bogged down. Even if a test is timed, rushing through it won’t help you. Try to work at an even pace, taking your time to read and answer each question carefully. If you have trouble with one, however, don’t get stuck and spend all of your time on it. Move on, and come back to it if you have time at the end.[11]
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About This Article
To stay calm during a test, remember to sit up straight, relax your muscles, and breathe slowly and deeply to keep yourself calm. Try to avoid looking around the room to see how other students are doing, since this can make you feel even more stressed out! Instead, focus on reading each question carefully and answer the easiest ones first before tackling the tougher questions. If you're having trouble with a question, move on to the next one and come back to it later so you can finish the rest of your test. For tips on maintaining your concentration, read on!
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