This article was co-authored by Bryce Warwick, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD. Bryce Warwick is currently the President of Warwick Strategies, an organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area offering premium, personalized private tutoring for the GMAT, LSAT and GRE. Bryce has a JD from the George Washington University Law School.
There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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Whether you’re a teacher assessing your students’ writing or an editor offering feedback to a writer, it can be useful to be able to evaluate writing skills. Since different types of writing require different skills, you’ll need to carefully consider your evaluation criteria. Once you’ve decided on your approach, put it into action and provide some constructive feedback that the writer can use to improve their skills.
Developing Assessment Tasks
1Assess the writer’s background. Before you can assess a person’s writing skills, you must take their background into account. For example, you would not evaluate an ESL student’s writing the same way you would if they were a native English speaker. Consider such factors as:
- The writer’s age and developmental level.
- Their educational background and experience.
- Their familiarity with the language in which they will be writing.
2Target your evaluation to the writer’s experience level. You will need to adjust your expectations depending on the writer’s background. Keeping in mind their age, experience level, and language proficiency, design a test that is appropriate for the individual.
- For example, if you’re evaluating an ESL writer’s skills, you may wish to focus mainly on linguistic accuracy (e.g., correct use of grammar, syntax, word forms, and vocabulary).
- If you are evaluating the writing of children, keep their age and grade level in mind. For example, you should expect an 8th grader to have a more complex understanding of verb moods and tenses than a 4th grader. Use a chart like this one to determine what skills are appropriate for the child’s grade level:
- For professional and academic writing, basic technical proficiency may be less of a concern than style, content, organization, and proper citation techniques. However, you should still evaluate technical proficiency, as it's an important part of the writer's skills. Think of your evaluation as having a broader approach as the writer's educational background advances.
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3Keep your assignments relevant to the writer’s needs or the skills you're improving. Writing a formal academic paper requires a very different skillset from writing a letter or a screenplay. Before you create a test or assignment, consider whether it reflects the types of writing skills you want to evaluate.[1]
- For example, if you are testing the writer’s ability to use descriptive language, you might ask them to describe a piece of art in a few paragraphs, or to describe a photo of the countryside.
- If you want to assess their ability to convey information concisely, you could have them complete an assignment in a specific number of words or paragraphs.
- You may not be addressing the writer's immediate needs, especially if they're in a class you're teaching. However, you should be helping them work on a specific skill.
4Determine your assessment criteria. There are many different types of writing skills, so you will need to select a few to focus on. Decide exactly which skills you want to evaluate, since this will determine the nature of the assignment and how you evaluate it.[2] For example, you might focus on:
- The use of proper writing conventions, such as good spelling, grammar, syntax, capitalization, and punctuation.
- The writer’s mastery of written vocabulary.
- The clarity and fluency with which the writer presents their arguments.
- The use of clear and logical structure within the text.
5Create a scoring rubric. A rubric is a way of quantifying whatever it is you are trying to evaluate. This might involve assigning a letter grade based on your overall impression of the work (a holistic rubric) or giving points based on the degree to which the work meets specific criteria (an analytic rubric).[3]
- Rubrics allow you to score students with different needs and backgrounds using a different scale. Consider the writer's background and current skill level when creating your rubric so you can differentiate your evaluation process. For example, an ESL student will have a different rubric than a native speaker who is also an honor student.
- If you’re not sure where to start, do an online search for example writing rubrics. This site offers a variety of rubric templates:
- A holistic rubric might assign a letter grade based on the overall clarity, organization, and technical proficiency of the writing. For example, you might say, “An ‘A’ paper will present the main argument clearly and support it with specific facts. It will also be free of grammatical and spelling errors.”
- In an analytic rubric, you will need to develop a numerical scoring system for the different criteria you will be looking at. For example, you might subtract 1 point for every grammatical error, or assign a range of points (0-10) for organization, fluency, or the degree to which the writing addresses the assignment topic.
6Set clear parameters for your assignment. The writer will need to know exactly what is expected of them as they are completing their assignment. Tell them what you will be looking for in as much detail as possible, and invite them to ask questions if they have trouble understanding the assignment. Provide both written and verbal instructions to accommodate different learning styles. Give them information such as:[4]
- How much time they have to complete the assignment.
- Approximately how long the text should be (e.g., 5 paragraphs, 10 pages, or 300-500 words).
- The purpose of the assignment (e.g., to assess their ability to present a persuasive argument).
- The topic (or range of topics) you would like them to write about.
7Keep re-evaluating throughout the writing process. Building writing skills is a process, and so is evaluating those skills. You will get a better idea of the writer’s abilities if you check in and provide feedback at multiple points during the writing process and assess how their writing improves and develops over time.[5]
- For example, you might offer to provide feedback on drafts, and then look at how well they incorporate your suggestions into the final product.
- If you can, offer multiple assignments over a period of time, and provide feedback that encourages improvement and development.
EXPERT TIPTest Prep Tutor, Warwick StrategiesBryce Warwick, JD
Test Prep Tutor, Warwick StrategiesExpert Trick: It's challenging to self-evaluate your own writing. If you need help determining how well you're writing, consider asking a friend to look over your paper and offer to do the same for them.
Evaluating the Use of Writing Conventions
1Check the writer’s spelling. Writing conventions are the basic technical skills that make writing coherent and understandable. Good spelling is a key element of clear and professional writing.[6] When assessing spelling, keep in mind such issues as:
- The overall number of spelling errors (e.g., what percentage of words are spelled correctly vs. incorrectly?).
- The writer’s understanding of basic spelling rules and patterns (e.g., the use of silent letters, the softening of certain consonants before certain vowels, etc.).
- The prevalence of common spelling errors in the writer’s work (such as mixing up commonly confused words, like “stationary” and “stationery”).
2Look at the writer’s punctuation. Proper punctuation is also essential for clarity of writing. Check the writer’s work to make sure that they:[7]
- Use appropriate punctuation when indicating the use of direct quotations.
- Use proper punctuation to mark the ends of sentences (e.g., periods, question marks, and exclamation points) and clauses (e.g., commas, colons, and semicolons).
- Indicate contractions and possessives with the correct use of apostrophes.
3Examine their capitalization. A skilled writer should know the conventions of capitalization.[8] Look over their writing and make sure that they follow such conventions as:[9]
- Capitalizing the first words of sentences.
- Capitalizing proper nouns and adjectives, including personal names, place names, and titles before proper nouns (e.g., Governor Johnson).
- Using correct capitalization when writing titles of works, such as books or articles.
4Evaluate their grammar. Using correct grammar is one of the most complex elements of writing. When looking over the writer’s work, you might look select a handful of grammatical issues to focus on based on factors such as their age or experience level. For example, you might check that the writer is able to:[10]
- Use correct verbal forms (e.g., proper tense, mood, voice, person, and number).
- Understand grammatical cases and use appropriate forms (e.g., distinguish between subjective, objective, and possessive forms of pronouns).
- Show agreement between grammatical forms (e.g., nouns and pronouns match in number and gender).
5Assess their use of syntax. Syntax refers to the ways sentences are put together. For a sentence to be syntactically correct, both individual words and entire clauses must be arranged in an order that makes sense. In English, word order is especially important for establishing clear meaning and correct syntax.[11] Look for:
- Clear and correct word order.
- The use of conjunctions to link coordinating clauses within a sentence.
- Use of a variety of sentence structures (e.g., simple declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, and compound sentences).
Assessing Organization
1Look for a clear beginning, middle, and end. A well-organized piece of writing should have a clearly-defined structure. While the nature of that structure will vary depending on the type of writing, most written works should have:[12]
- An introduction that briefly summarizes the topic or introduces the theme of the piece in some way.
- A body, in which the major points of the text are laid out.
- A conclusion, which wraps up the text and ties up any loose ends.
2Assess their use of paragraphing. Paragraphing refers to the arrangement of sentences into coherent groups. Each paragraph should focus on a single theme or idea, and should be visually separated from the previous paragraph with an indentation or an extra line space. A strong paragraph should include:[13]
- A topic sentence, clearly expressing the main idea of the paragraph.
- A few sentences supporting, explaining, or elaborating on the main theme.
- Some type of transition that links the current paragraph to the theme of the next paragraph.
3Make sure their ideas are ordered in a logical way. A good piece of writing should present its points in an order that makes sense. While there is no single right way to order a piece of writing, the writer should at least have some kind of clear organizational scheme in place. For example:[14]
- In a narrative, the writer might present events in chronological order from earliest to latest.
- For an argumentative essay, the writer might start by presenting their strongest evidence and end with their weakest.
4Check for clear transitions between ideas or sections. In order for a piece of writing to be coherent, there must be a logical flow of ideas from one clause, sentence, paragraph, or section to the next. Transitions are used to clarify variety of links between ideas, such as causative relationships, temporal relationships, or similarities and differences. Transitions can also be used to link a topic to supporting examples or evidence. Look for the effective use of transitional words and phrases, such as:[15]
- “Therefore”
- “On the other hand”
- “However”
- “Furthermore”
- “Likewise”
- “For example”
- “In conclusion”
Looking at Content and Style
1Evaluate word choice and vocabulary. The words that a writer chooses can have a major impact on the tone, clarity, and quality of their writing. When looking at the writer’s work, consider factors such as:[16]
- Whether the words they use clearly express the desired meaning.
- Whether the words they use are appropriate for the tone of the article (e.g., do then need to be more formal or casual?).
- Whether the vocabulary is varied enough to keep the reader’s interest.
- Whether words are being used correctly and at a level appropriate to the writer’s age, developmental level, or experience level.
- Whether the word choice is appropriate for the intended audience of the piece.
2Look for originality and a clear voice. A writer’s “voice” is what makes their work distinctive and interesting. Try to get a sense of whether the writer’s work conveys a tone that reflects their personal style or unique viewpoint. This might include factors such as:[17]
- The use of distinctive words, phrases, and metaphors instead of clichés and stock phrases.
- A unifying and consistent mood or tone.
- Confident “ownership” of opinions and viewpoints.
3Determine if the style is appropriate for the type of writing. The tone and style of a written work should fit the format and context of the piece. When you are evaluating a writer’s work, keep the purpose of the piece in mind. For example:
- If the work is intended for a general audience, a chatty and informal tone might be appropriate.
- For an academic essay, the tone and word choice should be formal and technical. The passive voice is also more appropriate in academic writing than in other types of writing.[18]
- While good advertising copy might appeal to the reader’s emotions, an informative essay on a technical topic should be written in a more objective and impartial tone.
4Watch for concise, straightforward language. Asses the writer’s ability to express ideas clearly without excessive padding or wordiness. In addition to individual sentences, look at the overall structure of the piece.[19]
- Are there unnecessary tangents and redundant sentences or paragraphs? Does the piece contain unnecessary background information (i.e., information that is already obvious to the reader)?
5Assess the format and presentation of the writing. If the writer needs to be able to use a particular house style or citation format, take this into account when evaluating their writing. Make sure that they follow any guidelines regarding things like:
- Page length or word count.
- Fonts and special characters.
- Formatting for sources and citations.
- Line spacing, margin sizes, and headers.
Offering Useful Feedback
1Be specific in your feedback. Your evaluation will benefit the writer the most if you provide clear and specific notes on what works and what needs improvement. Take time to talk to them in detail or write thoughtful comments about their strengths and weaknesses. Make sure that your comments are easy to understand and clear. If they aren't, you should explain them clearly to the student.[20]
- For example, instead of “Grammar needs improvement,” you might say something like “Your understanding of tense is strong, but I’m noticing you have a tendency to mismatch your subjects and modifiers.”
2Offer suggestions on how to improve. Instead of just telling the writer what they need to fix, give them some specific ideas about approaches they might take to making their writing stronger. This might mean telling them to be more mindful of a particular issue in their writing (e.g., lack of strong transitions between ideas) or giving them a specific idea about how they might improve a particular passage.
- For example, instead of just saying, “I’m having a hard time understanding the main point of this paragraph,” you could add, “It might be clearer if you started with a topic sentence.”
3Keep your comments relevant to the skills you’re evaluating. If you give the writer too much feedback on too many different aspects of their writing, they will feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Avoid getting hung up on issues that aren’t necessarily critical to the writing task at hand.[21]
- For example, if you’re mainly interested in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, don’t spend a lot of time making comments on vocabulary choice.
- Keep your commentary appropriate to the writer’s experience level, as well. For example, if you’re evaluating an 8-year-old’s writing, it might be best to focus on their basic technical skills rather than correcting stylistic issues.
4Provide feedback as an audience rather than a critic. Good feedback should help the writer understand their work from a reader’s perspective. This will get them into the mindset of evaluating their own writing objectively. Instead of simply making qualitative statements (e.g., “This doesn’t make sense”), explain your reactions and thought processes as a reader.[22]
- For example, “As a reader, I’m not sure where this idea is coming from in paragraph 2. I think it might make more sense to me if you introduced some evidence for your statement in the previous paragraph.”
Resources for Evaluating Writing
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat do you look for when evaluating writing skills?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerThere are a few simple conventions you can keep an eye out for to help you assess how well someone can write. The first thing is spelling. Good spelling is a key element of clear and professional writing. Look for the overall number of spelling mistakes, as well as repeated spelling mistakes such as consistently using "affect" instead of "effect" in a sentence. These mistakes indicate a lack of professional writing skills. Proper punctuation is also essential for clarity of writing. Make sure the writer uses the right punctuation around quotations, to mark the ends of sentences, and to properly indicate contractions and possessives with apostrophes. In addition to spelling and punctuation, grammar can be a big indicator of someone's writing ability. Check to see that the sample uses the right verb tenses, shows subject-verb agreement, and uses the right form of pronouns. There are a lot of ways to evaluate someone's writing, but these are some of the biggest ones.
QuestionHow do you evaluate how someone organizes their writing?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerOne of the biggest keys to quality writing is a clear sense of organization and direction. When you're evaluating a sample of writing, look for a clear beginning, middle, and end. A well-organized piece of writing should have a clearly-defined structure. There should be an introduction that summarizes the topic and introduces the general theme of the piece, a body, where all of the major points are laid out and explored, and a conclusion, which restates and wraps up the piece so there aren't any loose ends. If a piece of writing doesn't have any of these, then it can be hard to follow it in a coherent way. While there can be some variation here and there, most essays and articles will loosely follow this structure.
QuestionHow do you give feedback on a piece of writing?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerIf you evaluated a writing sample, providing feedback can be really valuable to a writer looking to improve their ability. The key is to be specific. General and vague statements like, "I didn't like it" or "It was okay" aren't very helpful. Your evaluation will benefit the writer the most if you provide clear and specific notes on what works and what needs improvement. Take time to talk to them in detail or write thoughtful comments about their strengths and weaknesses. Keep your comments clear and easy to understand. For instance, you could say something like, "I think you've done a good job with the tone, but every now and then you'll use a word that seems too academic or too elevated for the audience you're writing for" instead of "you need to work on word choice."
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About This Article
To evaluate someone’s writing skills, you’ll need to think about the organization and content of the piece. Most pieces should have an introduction, a body containing the main points, and a conclusion summing up the work, so it's important to note whether the writer knows how to use this structure. Check for common spelling or punctuation errors, since being able to follow these rules is a critical part of developing writing skills. You should also consider the range of vocabulary they use and if it’s appropriate for what they’re writing. For example, if the piece is aimed at a general audience, the writer should use clear language to make it understandable to everyone. The writer should also be able to use capitalization properly, like capitalizing the first letter of each sentence and all proper nouns. You'll also want to look out for good grammar, like proper tense and gender. For tips from our Writing co-author on how to provide effective feedback to a writer, keep reading!