After you’ve found or made the perfect card for an occasion, it’s time to make the perfect envelope. Use coloring and crafting supplies to spruce up an ordinary envelope with words, designs, or custom artwork to make a big impact on your recipient. They will appreciate the thought and effort you put in to help make their special day even more special.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Coloring Supplies

  1. 1
    Draw the recipient's name in a big, bold font on the front of the envelope. This will really grab their attention and make them feel good to see their name crafted in a special way. Use colorful markers, crayons, colored pencils, or even a black permanent marker to make a statement.
    • To do block lettering, begin by drawing the letters with a pencil. Make sure you leave extra space between each letter. Then draw an outline, using straight lines, around each letter to make it bigger and create the block effect. Erase the original letter lines. Use a marker to bold the new lines.[1] Leave the letters as they are, or color them in. Add fun patterns like polka dots, zigzags, or checkers inside the letters to really make them stand out.
    • To make bubble letters, follow the same steps as block lettering, but make all of the points and corners of the letters rounded instead of straight edges.
    • You could also write the recipient's name in cursive or calligraphy. Get creative and add extra loops and swirls to the first and last letters, and if you have to cross a “T” or an “F.”[2] Use a shape such as a flower or a heart to dot a lowercase “i.”
  2. 2
    Create a border along the edges of the envelope to create a frame. This is a simple way to add a little flair. You could use any type of writing utensil and a ruler to draw a simple straight line that follows the edges and the flap. For a style that is a little more creative, use stamps or a border punch.
    • For variation, draw polka dots or dashed lines along the edges. Dip a pencil eraser into ink and dab it on the envelope to make perfect dots.
    • Make a zigzag or scalloped (rounded) border for a fun frame.
    • For an attention-grabbing border, draw shapes along the edges of the envelope. Try hearts, flowers, stars, or X’s and O’s. You can draw anything, really! Consider the person’s likes and interests for ideas.
    • To create intricate designs the easy way, use a small stamp to stamp around the edges.
    • To make a border out of paper, simply punch your choice of paper with a border punch and glue the border along the edges or flap of the envelope.[3]
  3. 3
    Draw a picture of something the recipient likes to add a special touch. Think about the recipient’s interests and draw something that represents it. For the golfer, draw a golf club, ball, and flag; for the dog lover, draw a puppy, dog house, and bones; for a friend or family member, draw a picture of the family or of you and your friend together. Stick figures are okay!
    • If you want to include a drawing, but you don’t know what to draw, just draw something cheery—sunshine and flowers, rainbows, or a cupcake or cake and candles if it’s for a birthday.
    • If you don’t consider yourself an artist, use colored pencils to lightly shade the envelope. Try using the colors of the rainbow, or creating an ombre effect by using one color to shade gradually from light to dark.[4]
    • Or, simply doodle all over the envelope. Relax and draw freely to create a unique design.[5]
  4. 4
    Use stamps or stencils for an easy way to create unique designs. You can use stencils with geometric shapes, floral patterns, swirls, or any other design you like. Experiment with different styles of coloring while you stencil, like shading or ombre. Alternatively, use stamps to add words or images to the envelope.
    • Position the stencil on top of the envelope where you want the design to be. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color in the open spaces.
    • Try dabbing foam on an ink pad and applying the ink in multiple layers to control how light or dark the color is.[6]
  5. 5
    Make a game out of the envelope to double its purpose. Give the recipient a cool envelope and a fun activity to do! Write riddles, or create a crossword puzzle or a word search on the front of the card. Have them complete the activities before they can open the card, or let them save it for something to do later.
    • For crossword puzzles or word searches, include words that are related to the recipient. For instance, include their favorite color, things they like to do, or words that describe their personality. Put the clues or word list on the back of the card.
    • Write clever riddles or funny jokes related to the occasion that you are giving the card for. Put the answers on the back of the envelope. Examples:
      • “Sally was born in May, but her birthday is in June. How is this possible?” Answer: May is a town.[7]
      • “When is a birthday cake like a golf ball?” Answer: When it’s being sliced![8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Attaching Decorative Items

  1. 1
    Apply stickers or washi tape to the envelope for a quick and easy option. Stickers come in countless shapes, colors, sizes, and styles. You can find decorative washi tape in almost any color and design. The possibilities here are endless!
    • Arrange the stickers in a way to create a picture, or place them sporadically across the envelope. It’s also okay to keep it simple and only use 1 or 2 stickers in one of the corners.
    • Add 3D or foam stickers for more visual interest and texture.
    • Make stripes or frames with the washi tape for a sleek look.[9]
    • Try placing a sticker at the point on the flap to create a seal and secure the envelope, or line the entire flap with washi tape.
  2. 2
    Create fun shapes and designs with a paper punch. Paper punches range from basic shapes like circles and ovals, to more complex designs like flowers and scalloped circles. Punch basic shapes out of patterned paper and glue the paper shapes on the envelope.
    • Create 3D flowers by layering the flower shapes on top of one another.
  3. 3
    Combine multiple paper punch shapes to make animal art. Using a few basic shapes like circles and ovals, you can make anything from fish and frogs to bears and owls. If your recipient has a favorite animal, try making it, but any cute animal is sure to make them smile. For example, to create a ladybug:
    • Punch out one large black circle and one small black circle. Use a glue stick or craft tape to adhere the small circle to the top of the large circle. This creates the body and head.
    • To make the wings, punch out a large red circle and draw black dots on it. Then cut the red circle in half. Position the wings so they appear to be open, and adhere them to the large black circle, just underneath the “head.”[10] To make movable wings, use a small brad to attach the red half-circles.
  4. 4
    Tie ribbon around the envelope to make it look like a gift box. This is a great idea if you are giving the recipient money or a gift card. Use ribbon in any color or design. The ribbon can be thin or thick, and you can even use multiple kinds at the same time.
    • Instead of tying the ribbon around the envelope, try making a bow out of the ribbon and gluing it on the envelope.
  5. 5
    Add jewels or buttons for something extra. Glue blingy fake diamonds or pearls on the envelope. Place them sporadically, or use them to create swirly lines or other designs. This would be a fun option for a girly-girl or someone who loves jewelry. For added texture and visual interest, try gluing buttons on the envelope.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How about a romantic theme on an envelope?
    Top Answerer
    For a more romantic theme, you could opt to glue pressed flowers to the envelope and draw hearts on the front.
  • Question
    How to tie the ribbon on the envelope?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    You could try tying the ribbon into a little bow and gluing it on. Or, you could wrap it around one corner of the envelope to create stripes and glue these in place. Another option is to tie the ribbon around the envelope as you'd do for a parcel, completing with a bow.
  • Question
    Can you just mail these or do you need to hand deliver them?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The ribbon and stickers may not be secure for the postal system. Drawing on the envelope is fine for mail delivery as long as you leave space for the addresses and stamps. You can also place an envelope with ribbons and stickers inside a larger envelope to keep them secure in the post.


  • Do not affix bulky items to the envelope if you are sending the card in the mail. Large objects, including thick stickers, can jam the machines at the postal office and will not be accepted or will be charged additional postage.[11] If you are mailing your card, keep your decorations limited to drawings and flat stickers.

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 29, 2019
Views: 25,853