Rabbits can be wonderful and loving pets, but your parents may have reservations about adopting one. If you're looking for guidance on how to convince them, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know so you can approach your parents the right way and present your case. If you're ready to get started, scroll on down. Good luck!

Things You Should Know

  • Research the basics of rabbit care before you talk to your parents. This shows them that you're prepared and serious about getting a bunny.
  • Make your request when your parents are relaxed. Use a calm, mature tone of voice to explain that you want a rabbit.
  • Offer to demonstrate your responsibility and provide solutions if your parents mention specific concerns or problems.

Research basic rabbit care.


Make a list of concerns your parents may have.

  1. Common concerns about owning a rabbit include cost and upkeep. Luckily, most concerns can be addressed if you're proactive about finding solutions. Ask yourself why your parents may say "No" and jot down a list of potential reasons they may refuse.[2] Be prepared to discuss:
    • The cost of having a pet rabbit. Adoption fees, rabbit food, and other supplies (like their hutch or cages, litter box, wood shavings, chew toys, etc.) can add up fast![3] You'll probably need $200-$300 to get started.
    • The time required for upkeep. Your parents will want to know that you're willing to take the time to care for your rabbit properly.
    • The routine cleaning required. Some people tend to think of rabbits as messy pets. Your parents may worry about things like a smelly rabbit cage.
    • The space required. Your parents will want to make sure your home has the available space to accommodate the rabbit’s cage and other needs.

Prepare solutions for their potential concerns.

  1. Providing immediate solutions will impress your parents. Find a clear and specific way to deal with each concern on your list. That way, if your parents raise them while you're talking, you can offer solutions immediately. This shows your parents that you've put a lot of mature thought into this. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    • If cost is an issue: offer to get a part time job or put your allowance toward to pay for the rabbit's care.
    • If upkeep is a problem: look at your own schedule. Find pockets of time each day where you can commit to caring for your rabbit.
    • If cleanliness is an issue: offer to clean the cage every other day and keep it in your room to address concerns about smell. If your parents worry about messes, let them know rabbits can be litter trained.[4]
    • If space is a concern: scout out an available area in the house and clean it so it’s ready to go. You need space for a fairly large cage, plus at least one rabbit-proofed room in your home.[5]
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Make your request in clear, direct way.

  1. Use a calm tone of voice to explain that you want a rabbit. Emphasize that you’ve already done a lot of research about rabbit care and the costs associated with pet bunnies. Tell them that you’re prepared to answer any questions they may have.[7]
    • Say something like, "So, I really want to get a pet rabbit. I've been reading a lot online, so I know all about taking care of one. I think I could do this by myself and it wouldn't create extra work for you."
    • Provide a good reason for your request—this may help convince your parents to agree to what you're asking.

Offer to compromise or demonstrate your responsibility.

  1. There may be ways to meet your parents halfway on the issue. Listen to your parents' concerns and see if you can find a compromise that works for everyone. Since you've already researched solutions for their potential concerns, you should have a few answers ready![9]
    • Offer to show them how responsible you are, explain how you plan to help with costs, or bargain with your parents to get them to change their minds.
    • If your parents are concerned about the smell of the rabbit, offer to keep it in an outdoor shelter most of the time instead of the house.[10]
    • Ask if you can earn it in some way. For example, promise to bring your grades up if your parents agree to let you have a rabbit.

Tell them you don't need an answer today.

  1. Give them time to think about your request instead of pressing them. If you think your parents are going to need a lot of convincing, your best bet is to give them time. Otherwise, they’ll probably just shut you down right away. Having a little extra time will also give you a chance to prove yourself to them.
    • Say something like, “I just wanted to tell you what I’ve been thinking. You don’t have to respond right now. I understand if you want to take time to think about it and I’m willing to prove to you that I can do this.”
    • Basic manners can also go a long way. For example, "Could you please think about it? Thanks!"
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What do indoor rabbits need?
    Jamie Freyer, DVM
    Jamie Freyer, DVM
    Licensed Veterinarian
    Dr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. With over ten years of experience in clinical practice and industry, she specializes in veterinary medicine and surgery, animal behavior, and animal genetics. Dr. Freyer holds a BS in Life Science from The University of Portland and a DVM from Oregon State University.
    Jamie Freyer, DVM
    Licensed Veterinarian
    Expert Answer
    It's nice to give them a nice crate to go into, but it's a good idea to let them get out of that for a bit. Make sure they have an environment where there's lots of fun things for them to do, but keep them away from things that could end up hurting them, such as wires. Buy high quality rabbit food, timothy hay, and a selection of green veggies.
  • Question
    What if they tell me to wait a few weeks to talk about it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Give your parents the time to think it over. It's reasonable that your parents want time to consider such a big decision, so let them have that space.
  • Question
    Will this work for any pet?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    This is a good general guide for a variety of pets. Just make sure to research the specific pet you're adopting.

About This Article

Chandler Chang, PhD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Chandler Chang, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. Dr. Chandler Chang is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, the Founder & Owner of Golden Hour Therapy and Therapy Lab, and a Clinical Instructor at the University of Southern California. With nearly 20 years of experience, she specializes in providing evidence-based, science-backed treatments to toddlers, children, teens, families, and adults to target specific mental health problems or cultivate mental wellness. Dr. Chang earned a BA from Princeton University and a PhD in Psychology from The University of Georgia. She completed UCLA's pre-doctoral internship and trained at NYU’s Child Study Center and UGA Regents Center for Learning Disorders. This article has been viewed 169,765 times.
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Updated: February 6, 2023
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