Do you really want a rat, but your parents say no? Whether they are stubborn, untrusting, scared or disgusted, this article will help you.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Showing commitment

  1. 1
    Do things that make it clear to your parents that you're committed. If you have any pets already, then wash them, feed them, play with them, take them for walks, and train them, depending on the species. If not, help around the house, care for younger siblings and learn all you can about pet care.[1]
  2. 2
    Do lots of jobs around the house voluntarily. Be well mannered and polite. If you don't like the food, don't complain.
    • Write down what you did each day. At the end of the week when you're ready to pitch your case for the pet rat, you'll be in a better position to provide evidence that supports your claim that you think you're responsible enough to own a pet rat now. If they ask "What do you mean?", read your list of facts about completed chores to them.
  3. 3
    Earn some money. Earn enough to buy and care for your rat, because if you don't, it shows a lack of responsibility.[2]
    • Raise your money. What may help is to go into a few pet stores that sell rats to find an average cost. Remember, though, it's important to go to a reputable pet store and get your information from here. Also, it helps to include costs for cages, water and food receptacles, etc.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Developing the case for a pet rat

  1. 1
    Become an expert on rats. Know everything you need to know in order to properly take care of a rat; consider food, vaccines, hygiene, grooming, shelter, playing, etc. This will show your parents that you will be able to assume responsibility for your rat.[3]
  2. 2
    Bring up things related to rats into general conversations. This will help to prepare your parents by showing your earlier interest.
    • Whenever your parents are talking to you, and they say something that could be easily related to information about a rat, give a fun fact!
  3. 3
    Write an essay or speech. Present all the information you've just researched in this essay or speech. If you aren't the best writer, consider making a PowerPoint presentation.
  4. 4
    Create a list of possible objections or questions your parents may have. This will allow you to determine a reasoned answer ahead of any discussion with them about the pet rat. Things to cover might include:[4]
    • A concern that rats are vermin. Explain the difference between pet rats and outdoor rats.
    • Keeping rats with other pets in the house. For example, how will you prevent the cat from eating the rat?
    • Costs. Know what's involved and be prepared to pay for it, including adequate housing and regular food.
    • Diseases. Know what is possible by way of diseases and have good advice on how pet rats are safe around humans.
    • Life expectancy. Rats live about two or two to three years, and there's a good side and a bad side to that. They don't live as long as a cat or a dog. So it's not as much of a commitment.
    • Space and commitment. Rats don't take up as much space as dogs or cats, and they don't necessarily have any demands on you aside from keeping their cage clean and giving him food. That said, it's better if you can spend time with the rat and play with them.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Asking for a pet rat

  1. 1
    Present your case. Read your essay or speech or present your PowerPoint.
    • Keep it fun. Show your parents some adorable pictures of rats on the internet or Youtube.
    • Explain to them the common myths about rats biting, smelling, and carrying diseases and how these aren't true. Rats don't come from a sewer, but from a pet store.
    • Keep saying those fun facts and giving out random pieces of information.
  2. 2
    Tell your parents how much you think that this pet can help you. For example: I won't be lonely, I'll have something to talk to, etc.
  3. 3
    Wait for your parent's answer. Do not badger, push or cajole them. Do not be annoying but be persistent.[5]
    • Patience is a virtue. This could take awhile.
  4. 4
    Respect your parent's decision. Be prepared for a no.
    • If they say no, you also need to prove that you're responsible enough for a rat. If you don't take care of yourself and your homework without being reminded, chances are your parents don't also want to have to remind you to take care of a rat without being reminded.[6]
    • Ask again later. You might get a maybe, but a maybe is better than a no.
    • If you start a plan, don't give up halfway through. Keep trying. Remember though––don't be too annoying.
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Things You'll Need

  • Paper and pen

About This Article

Brian Starr
Co-authored by:
Rat Specialist & Breeder
This article was co-authored by Brian Starr. Brian Starr is a Rat Specialist and Breeder and the Owner of OC Dumbos out of Central Florida. As America’s only breeder of pet Roof Rats, Brian and OC Dumbos specialize in rat breeding, training, and care. Years of experience and several generations of careful breeding have allowed Brian and OC Dumbos to create a line of tame Roof Rats, bred to make friendly, fun pets. In addition to offering rat accessories and training resources, OC Dumbos also offers free Roof Rat adoptions. This article has been viewed 40,264 times.
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Co-authors: 15
Updated: February 24, 2023
Views: 40,264