Unpacking everything you need to know about buying unclaimed baggage

Have you ever wondered what happens to suitcases that are left behind at the airport? Are those goodies up for grabs? If you’re hoping to score a fantastic deal on abandoned luggage, we have great news: those unclaimed items are for sale. Keep reading to learn how airports handle forgotten luggage and confiscated items, and how you can score them for cheap!

Things You Should Know

  • You can purchase items collected from unclaimed luggage at the Unclaimed Baggage store in Alabama, or on their website.
  • Items that are confiscated by airport security are sold in bulk on the GovDeals website.
  • Though it would be fun, you can't buy unopened, unclaimed luggage.
Section 1 of 4:

What happens to abandoned luggage?

  1. 1
    Most luggage is returned to the owner. If the baggage has a label, the airline delivers it to the traveler. Unlabeled bags and suitcases hang out in the airport’s lost property department for 5 days.[1] Then these orphaned items are carted off to a warehouse, and the 90-day countdown to selling starts.[2]
    • Airlines have a system in place so you can track your lost luggage. A whopping 97% of unclaimed luggage is reunited with its owner.[3]
  2. 2
    After 3 months, airlines sell or donate unclaimed luggage. Once the mandatory 90-day period is up, airlines have the green light to pass the items along to a charity or reselling business. That's where the fun for bargain hunters begins![4]
    • Since airlines invest significant manpower and resources in searching for the rightful owner and storing abandoned baggage, they don't end up making a profit from luggage sales.[5]
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Section 2 of 4:

Buying Abandoned Luggage

  1. 1
    Score amazing deals on the Unclaimed Baggage website. If a trip to Alabama isn't in your future, you can still get in on the treasure hunt! Need a laptop? Skis? A designer handbag? You’ll find all that and more on the Unclaimed Baggage site! Goodies are organized by category and have slick product pics, so you can easily find whatever your heart desires.[6]
    • Shop with confidence: keep the original packing slip, and you can return most items within 14 days of delivery (you pay the outbound and return shipping fees). If the item was less than $50 USD, there's a $1.99 USD restocking fee.[7]
  2. 2
    Or, buy luggage at the Unclaimed Baggage store in Alabama. Unclaimed Baggage is the nation’s only retailer of lost luggage.[8] They open the suitcases, sort the items, then sell, donate, or recycle the loot.[9] This massive 50,000-square-foot (4,645-square-meter) retail store has become a popular Alabama tourist attraction.
    • The store is organized into 10 departments, with an extra 3-story "Men's & More" building next door. Plan for plenty of time to explore!
    • Feeling posh? Stop by guest services or call ahead to book a free 90-minute session with a professional style advisor. They'll create a personalized fashion profile, then they'll match you up with fabulous clothing and accessories![10]
    • If you go a little overboard with your shopping spree, guest services has your back. They'll happily mail your haul directly to your doorstep as long as you cover the shipping costs.[11]
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Section 3 of 4:

Purchasing Confiscated Items

  1. 1
    Items that were surrendered at the airport are up for sale too. If a passenger has an item that isn't allowed on the plane, they can leave it behind in their vehicle, mail it to their destination, or say goodbye to it.[12] Agents inventory the surrendered items, then either toss them in a haz-mat can, hand them over to law enforcement, or send them to a surplus center.
  2. 2
    Surplus centers auction the items online. It's illegal for the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) to profit from confiscated property, but they can pass the loot on to other agencies that are free to sell it.[13] These items are often sold on state surplus websites.[14]
  3. 3
    Buy in bulk from GovDeals. This website sells huge lots of recovered items. If you’re looking to buy 80 pounds of keys or a pallet of random paperback books, this is the place to look![15]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why isn't this considered theft?
    Haley Wang
    Haley Wang
    Community Answer
    Because the owner didn't come back to get it within three months so the original owner relinquishes the right to their bag.

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17 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: February 4, 2023
Views: 6,809
Categories: Air Luggage