Decorating your living space is a must in order to feel truly at home in your apartment or house. But that one giant wall can be…a little daunting! However, when you think of that wall as a big blank canvas, it makes the task of decorating a fun challenge. Read on to discover our ideas for breaking up your long wall to help make your home feel…well, like home!


Make a gallery wall.

  1. Instead of one big painting, curate a wall collage. This option gives your space a trendy salon feel. And once again, you don’t have to limit yourself to paintings and photos—you can branch out to include tapestries, clocks, mirrors, maps, or even painted ceramic plates or baskets.[6]
    • Consider making your gallery wall a memory wall: hang photos of loved ones, as well as less traditional decor, like framed ticket stubs, diplomas, and letters.[7]
    • Pro tip: lay a sheet on the floor and mark off the size of your gallery wall. Then, place your art on the sheet and play around with the arrangement so you know how you want it to look before you start hanging it on the wall.

Divide the room with a curtain or a folding screen.

About This Article

Peter Salerno
Co-authored by:
Installation Expert
This article was co-authored by Peter Salerno and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy. Peter Salerno is the owner of Hook it Up Installation, a professional installation company, which has been hanging art and other objects around Chicago, Illinois for over 10 years. Peter also has over 20 years of experience installing art and other mountable objects in residential, commercial, healthcare and hospitality contexts. This article has been viewed 3,996 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: August 12, 2022
Views: 3,996
Categories: Home Decorating
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