The dictionary defines pious as having or exhibiting religious reverence. A young Muslim woman may find it difficult to be pious and follow the rules of Islam, especially if they have friends that are not pious. This article will tell you how to become a pious young Muslimah, as female Muslims are known.


  1. 1
    Have an appropriate attitude. The proper attitude for a young Muslim woman is to be modest, plain, simple and sincere, not someone provoking attention. Observe the hijab, which is not just a dress code, but also a standard of behaviour. Become accustomed to being mindful of Allah (SWT) as much as possible and keep asking yourself if your behaviour would please or disappoint Allah (SWT). Always remember that:
    • Islam is a comprehensive way of life that sets out how we should live our lives.
    • The purpose of our creation is to worship Allah (SWT) alone.
    • Allah (SWT) created us and provides everything that we need, including the rules that set out how we must behave and interact within our societies..
    • Obedience to Allah (SWT) and to His Messenger (SAW) must therefore be our priority.
    • We must love Allah (SWT) and know that He loves us too, but this must be balanced by a fear of incurring His displeasure.
    • Our comparatively short life on earth is preparation for the Hereafter.
    • Jannah (Heaven) and Jahannam (Hellfire) are real places that Allah (SWT) has created for us - our good and bad deeds will be noted and taken into account when Allah (SWT) decides our eternal destiny.
    • A combination of hope (of Jannah) and fear (of Jahannam) is key to driving ourselves towards obedience.
  2. 2
    Offer the five daily obligatory prayers. Prayer is the most effective way that we can connect with Allah (SWT) and is therefore an extremely significant part of the life of a pious Muslim. This may sound quite obvious, but many people take it lightly. Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) once said that the Ascent (Mayraaj) for a Muslim is to pray.
    • Some scholars say that neglecting prayers takes you out of the fold of Islam, so it's really important to make sure that all your prayers are read correctly, just as the Prophet (S.A.W.) has taught us.
    • Parents are required to teach their children to pray from the age of seven and ensure that all 5 daily prayers are read regularly and correctly by the age of ten. When puberty is reached, the child becomes accountable to Allah (SWT) for every single action, good or bad, including praying or not praying.
    • All five prayers are equally important and each has its own significance.
    • Try to learn how to improve the quality of your prayer, for example by improving your concentration and varying the verses of the Qur'an that you recite during prayer.
  3. 3
    Organize yourself by making a timetable based around the five daily obligatory prayers. Include what you need to do: prayers, chores, school, hobbies, family time, sleep etc. Make sure you have time for other acts of worship beyond the five prayers. Studying the Qur'an and Sunnah will give you a better understanding of how Allah (SWT) wishes us to live our lives in His service. Learn more about how to perform Muraqbah.
    • Have the intention to pray and make dua to Allah to help you, your family and the people you care for and shower His blessings on them.
    • Every sin that we commit, however large or small, must be acknowledged before Allah (SWT) in our prayers. Allah (SWT) is Oft-forgiving and Most-merciful and loves it when we ask for forgiveness, but we should never take it for granted and must fear His punishment.
    • Schedule other acts of worship into your daily and weekly routine, such as reciting Qur'an, fasting, remembrance of Allah (dhikr), voluntary prayers and study circles. These will help you develop a feeling of closeness to Allah (SWT) and will boost your faith.
    • Understand that every Muslimah must devote her life to worshiping the One who is behind the existence of everyone and everything and has promised us so much in return for our obedience.
  4. 4
    Gain knowledge. There are many ways to seek knowledge, such as reading and memorising the Qur'an, reading the translation, reading the interpretation (tafsir) and studying the life of the Prophet (S.A.W.) (seerah).
    • Remember that, while seeking Islamic knowledge is a lifelong obligation upon all Muslims, we must incorporate what we learn within our daily lives, as it is our actions that will determine our destiny in the Hereafter.
    • With study comes awareness of how Allah (SWT) wishes to be worshiped, so the more we study the better placed we are to please Allah (SWT) and earn His rewards.
    • Study the descriptions of the bounties of Jannah and the punishments of Jahannam in the Quran and the narrations of the Prophet (SAW) and use these to motivate yourself to become a better Muslimah.
    • Always remember that life on this earth is finite, whereas the Afterlife is eternal.
  5. 5
    Share your religious knowledge. Those who seek knowledge and then spread it are praised in Islam. The Prophet said, "When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three – an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him."
    • Specializing in a particular area of fiqh is a good way of sharing knowledge, for example to help other sisters better understand the Islamic dress code, the rules of menstruation or the correct way to go about finding a husband.
    • Weekly sisters' study circles are a great way of sharing religious knowledge. Each sister can take turns to lead a discussion, perhaps on a favorite aspect of worship or Islamic law, to encourage each other to improve their connection with Allah (SWT).
    • Make sure that your religious knowledge is obtained only from authentic sources. There little room for personal opinion in Islam, except among scholars.
    • Any innovation in how we worship Allah (SWT) is absolutely forbidden. Our Prophet Muhammed (SAW) has shown us the perfect way to worship Allah (SWT), which we must do our best to follow.
  6. 6
    Avoid negative media stories. There is far too much negativity in this world around Islam. There are people who claim to be Muslims yet defy every single characteristic of a good Muslim, but the media often focuses on these people and equates them to the majority of Muslims, portraying Islam as intolerant and barbaric. Distance yourself from extreme Muslims as well as non-Muslims with these views.
    • If you need to speak up for Islam, do so with kindness and humbleness by explaining the reasoning behind its laws and teachings.
    • Emphasize the strong moral perspective that Islam provides on many controversial aspects of modern society.
  7. 7
    Preach your religion. Write blogs, organize sisters' sessions in your local mosque, talk to your siblings, family and neighbors. There are many ways to preach Islam. Allah (SWT) loves those who show Islam in a good light, i.e. a religion of peace, tolerance and strong morals, and offer great rewards for those that make the effort to spread its message.
    • Make sure you give the advice in a humble manner. As Muslims, we are taught by the Quran and our Prophet.(S.A.W.) to be humble, kind and truthful.
    • When you discuss why Islam encourages or forbids a particular practice or why a certain law or punishment applies, always explain the benefits for the individual and for wider society through reference to the Quran and Sunnah.
  8. 8
    Be modest and aspire towards purity. Observe the hijab, which isn't only a piece of cloth. It's a way of life, being humble and modest. Lower your gaze in the presence of unrelated men; this, however, does not mean outright ignore them or refuse to look at them. When interacting with them, do so in a modest, business-like manner, without any sort of flirting, unnecessary chat or staring. Remember, hijab is for our own protection.
    • Many Muslimahs gradually improve their hijab as they develop their spirituality, sometimes taking the step of covering the face (niqab), as this was the practice of the wives of the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.). The minimum requirement is to cover the entire body expect the face and hands with loose clothes.
    • Respect the Islamic norms of gender interaction, which strictly forbids unnecessary free-mixing between genders. Understand that Allah (SW) has guided us this way to help strengthen families and create safer societies.
    • Modesty is reflected through self-discipline. Learn to fight off temptation and base desires through the use of prayer, fasting, recitation of the Qur'an and remembrance of Allah (SWT).
    • Understand that Shaytaan (Satan) tries to put doubts in the minds of the believers to draw them towards sin and away from Allah (SWT). Develop strategies to protect yourself from this, for example by reciting beautiful phrases from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
    • When you need help or support in your life, always turn to Allah (SWT) first and He will respond in the way that is best for you.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I am newly converted. Parents can't accept my converting, saying that once born a Christian with a name gotten in church, it cannot be otherwise. I believe Islam is good at heart. How should I continue?
    Community Answer
    Tell them exactly why you want to follow Islam. If you need more help, ask those at your local mosque.
  • Question
    My parents forced me to marry and I don't love my husband, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    if they forced you to the point that you did not have an option to say no, then this marriage is not valid. if you could have said no, but chose to go along, then try to think about what you like about your husband. What makes him a good man? Make your marriage work for Allah. Pray on it and consult with an elder in the mosque if you need further guidance.
  • Question
    Can a mother-in-law ask her daughter-in-law to wear a hijab?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If any advice or command is proposed, as long as it is according to Qur'an and Hadith, then it is acceptable.


  • Never wear revealing clothes. Do not expose your 'awrah, and wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing too much perfume to prevent attention.
  • Never ever go out with ghayr mahram men (unrelated men). You must have a mahram (related family member) with you in such cases.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 24 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 59,596 times.
219 votes - 96%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: May 13, 2022
Views: 59,596
Categories: Islam | Muslim Prayer