Part game, part martial art, and part dance, capoeira is a beautiful practice with Brazilian roots that can improve flexibility, strength, reflexes, and health. We’ll guide you through the process of becoming skilled at capoeira through proper training and the mastery of both basic and intermediate techniques. With practice, persistence, and patience, you’ll be good at capoeira sooner than you think.


Practice the "ginga" to dodge or swing.

  1. Step to the side or pretend to strike with the "ginga." For a beginner's ginga, step back and cover your face with your opposite arm. Then, adjust your position so both your legs are parallel. Step back with your alternate leg and cover your face again.[1]
    • To perform a fluid ginga, concentrate on your coordination and footwork.
    • With each step of the ginga, remain light on your feet as you shift your weight from side to side or forward and back.
    • Swing your arms to not only dodge or feign an attack but also maintain your balance the entire time you perform a ginga.
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Work on your "esquiva lateral" to dodge attacks.

  1. Lean to the side with an "esquiva lateral" to avoid a strike. Stand so your feet are slightly more than hip width apart and squat. To block yourself, bring your chest to your left knee if you're attacked from the right or to your right knee if someone strikes you from the left. To remain stable and prevent yourself from falling, reach back and place your palm on the floor to support your weight.[2]
    • To return to a balanced and centered position, use your hand to push off the ground while generating power through your legs—this will help you stand upright again.

Perform a "negativa normal" to avoid strikes or kicks.


Focus on your “au” to avoid kicks from your attacker.


Learn the “chapa” to deliver a powerful kick.


Add strength training to your capoeira routine.

  1. Build strength and improve your martial arts by lifting weights. Try bicep curls with a dumbbell to enhance your upper body strength. Try to do a set of 14-22 curls with the heaviest dumbbell you can fully lift. By the end of your workout, you should feel a slight burn in your arms.[8]
    • As you grow stronger, increase the weight of your dumbbell in 5 lb (2.27 kg) increments.
    • Try weightlifting with a bench press so you can lift heavier loads and target more muscles at one time.
    • Work out on a pull-up bar. Aim to do at least 5 pull-ups when you start out. As you grow stronger, try to add 1 pull-up to your routine each week.

Train with a friend.

  1. Work with a partner to improve your reflexes. Arrange a training session where your partner will launch friendly attacks with foam sticks. Try to deflect or dodge their blows. Then, ask your partner to do “pad work” with you by placing large, flat pads over their hands and swinging at you. As they swing at you, strike at the pads. To strike the pad properly, act fast and adapt quickly to your partner’s random movements.[9]
    • You can also build your reflexes on your own. For example, you can punch a double end-punching bag. Since it will swing back and forth when you hit it, you’ll be able to practice your dodges and your strikes.
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Join some capoeira matches.

  1. Once you’ve trained enough and feel ready, participate in the “roda.” The “roda” is where capoeira matches take place. Face off against others who are at a similar skill level as you are. To fully "interact" in the roda and excite the audience, use the element of surprise against your opponent and perform fluid movements that are in rhythm with any live music played.[11]
    • Don’t look at the ground when you fight. Instead, keep your eyes up and on your opponent.
    • Watch your opponent's moves and adapt appropriately. For instance, if your opponent comes at you with a leg sweep, jump back. Move in with your “ginga,” or dance step, for a quick strike.
    • Don’t freeze up in the roda. React with moves you know well, whether its a simple ginga, a negativa⁠—a crouch—or a kick.
    • If you can, record your matches. You can pause and slow-mo these videos to see what you need to improve on.[12]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Is it safer if a capoeira mestra watches my au?
    The most trusted how-to site on the internet.
    Our goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs. For 15 years, we've committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.
    The most trusted how-to site on the internet.
    Expert Answer
    This is a wonderful idea! Since an "au," or cartwheel, requires intermediate gymnastic skills, it's best to attempt this move under the careful supervision of a mestra, an advanced capoeira practitioner.
  • Question
    Whenever I use the 2.2 lbs (1 kg) dumbbell to do bicep curls and warm up, I still struggle with my jump kicks. What else should I be focusing on?
    The most trusted how-to site on the internet.
    Our goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs. For 15 years, we've committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.
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    Expert Answer
    Bicep curls are great for strikes and offensive attacks! However, if you plan to use jump kicks against your opponent, it's best to focus on developing strength in your core and lower body. To achieve higher jumps, try squats, jump squats, and step-up jumps. Also bear in mind that a jump kick takes more advanced martial arts training! It's okay if it takes some time to perfect this technique.
  • Question
    How do I learn kicks in capoeira?
    The most trusted how-to site on the internet.
    Our goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs. For 15 years, we've committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.
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    Expert Answer
    First, focus on stretching before and after every workout to warm up all your muscle groups. Then, focus on lower body workouts like lunges and leg swings to prepare your body to kick efficiently. Ask a friend to do "pad work" with you and practice kicking the pads on their hands. As you become more familiar with basic kicks, work up to intermediate moves like a chapa—side kick—or queixada—upward kick. Good luck with your kicks!


  • To avoid injuring yourself, steer clear of acrobatics or moves that are beyond your skill level. Just stay patient and focus on techniques that feel realistic and achievable.[13]

About This Article

Dany Zelig
Co-authored by:
Self Defense Trainer
This article was co-authored by Dany Zelig and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Dany Zelig is the Founder and Owner of Tactica and the Tactica Krav Maga Institute headquartered in San Francisco, California. He is a 2nd generation Israeli Krav Maga instructor of Imi Lichtenfeld, certified directly by Imi’s most senior disciple and Head of the Rank Committee. He received his Military Krav Maga Instructor certification from the Wingate Institute in Israel in 1987. This article has been viewed 121,059 times.
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Co-authors: 21
Updated: February 23, 2023
Views: 121,059
Categories: Martial Arts
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