In an age where consumers are increasingly relying on each other for honest and straightforward recommendations of new products, writing or recording a smartphone review is a great way to help potential buyers get a feel for a new phone. Technology blogs and video sharing sites like YouTube are all the rage for smartphone reviews and adding reviews to your blog on a constant basis can create a trusting following of readers who come to rely on your reliable advice. You can write or film your own smartphone review with help from the following tips.


  1. 1
    Increase your background knowledge of the device you'll be reviewing. The best smartphone review will result from drawing on your extensive personal experiences with the basics of the device. Without understanding these thoroughly, your review won't be able to enlighten potential buyers, so be sure to be thoroughly comfortable with the basics.
    • If you don't already own the smartphone in question (for example, if you're reviewing a range of phones for your blog), visit one of the smartphone carrier's retail store and play around with the phone, or ask a friend who owns the device if you can use it for a day. Learn about the phone's features, design, pros, cons, and the price.
  2. 2
    Introduce the smartphone. Start with the facts. Be sure to provide the smartphone's name, and any nicknames that it might have acquired in the market as consumers use it.[1] Some consumers will only refer to nicknames when searching, so cover all bases. Give a basic rundown of its cost, availability, network coverage, plans, etc. as relate to your region (noting that it is also important to point out where you're reviewing from and the mobile carrier you're using, given that the internet is worldwide). It's also really helpful to introduce the review with the reason why you have chosen to review it.
    • Be sure to include any relevant hyperlinks to help customers find the information you're referring to, perhaps even purchase locations.
  3. 3
    Break down your review into categories. At this point, you can give your opinion about the phone's particular features.[2] Outline or detail the features in different categories, such calling, text messaging, camera, MP3 abilities, navigation, web browsing, etc. This way, your review will be more thorough without being too confusing. It's a good idea to headline each category and to write succinct explanations for each part of the phone; a potential buyer won't linger too long for the advice.
    • Talk about what you like about the smartphone you're reviewing, how easy it is to use, what features in particular are of worthy note.
  4. 4
    Always include the phone's drawbacks along with its better features. Readers of your review will be more pleased with an honest, fair opinion of a popular smartphone than a highly biased or positive review of a particular device.[3] Plus, it's a lot more trustworthy if your review is balanced. In addition, it can be really helpful for future designs of the phone and for customers to know the ways in which you think the phone could be improved. This helps to give customers a heads up on weaknesses that they can choose to manage around or perhaps prefer a different phone instead.
    • Look at the advertising blurb accompanying the smartphone. Consider whether you think the smartphone in question lives up to the hype or whether there are aspects that you don't agree with. It will be important to compare your experience with the advertised promises.
    • Even summarizing the review with the best "pro" and the most annoying or disabling "con" can be a good overall summary for readers. For example, "Pros: This smartphone has a battery that outlasts any of its competitors in the same niche. Cons: Its price and the limited color range."
  5. 5
    Take clear, detailed photos of the device for written reviews. Be sure to include photos detailing all of the features described. If you are recording a video review, try filming with a high-definition camcorder for optimum viewing because the clearer it is, the better.
  6. 6
    Reach a conclusion. At this stage, it is helpful to conclude by giving your overall impression of the smartphone and your experience of using it, along with encouragement to try it.[4] It helps to clarify if you think the smartphone will only be of use to some people (such as a business person or a teenager, etc.), or whether you think the phone is ideal for anyone; once again, that sort of conclusion is up to your opinion of its utility.
    • Post your review on a blog, on a review site, or anywhere else relevant and be sure to respond to comments made to you. Sometimes developers will also respond if your review has struck a chord, so it pays to monitor your review actively for a good period of time.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I get a free smartphone in exchange for writing a review?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You probably can't unless you're a tech reporter writing for a credible news outlet, a blogger with a fairly significant audience, and/or a social media "influencer" - again, with a large number of followers.
  • Question
    If I don't have personal experience with the device, how should I grab or collect the info from sites with other people's reviews?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're going to try, do as much research as you can. Personally, I can't imagine that a review based on other people's experiences would be very impressive unless you really pulled together the most important observations from a wide variety of sources. The only exception I can think of would be if you have a really unique perspective. For example, if you were an archaeologist it could be worthwhile reading the reviews of others and assessing whether they would apply in your field. In any case, there's really no way of doing it well without putting in significant time.
  • Question
    Do I have to ask the company (manufacturer) before writing a review for the first time? Can I include photos of the device without any issue? Is there any copyright issue when reviewing a phone?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, just don't claim that you made the phone, and your should be good to go. No need to ask anyone before reviewing, but after reviewing, make sure to include the name of the phone somewhere. Which is common sense. Even if your review is on the negative side, the companies don't take down your videos. Just make sure you make something original and not plagiarized.


  • Be objective. If you love Android, don't just simply hate the iPhone. Be objective, and try to explain any issues you find with some clear and concise words. Don't try to mimic a paid publication on the take from a manufacturer like Apple.
  • A review is not a rant. If your smartphone turned out to be a complete lemon, contact the retailer and manufacturer before letting loose your frustration online. You may have been unlucky enough to get a faulty phone, or you may not be using it correctly, or the company may find a problem thanks to your complaint and do its best to rectify it with you.

Things You'll Need

  • Online access
  • Access to smartphones

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 88,705 times.
45 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: October 22, 2022
Views: 88,705