This article was co-authored by Haley Yates. Haley Yates is a Dog Behavior & Training Expert and the Founder of Petra K9 Dog Training in San Jose, California. With several years of experience, she specializes in behavior modification as well as obedience training. She is an in-home dog trainer and teaches owners how to train their own dogs. She’s previously worked at several dog training facilities and taken classes to perfect her techniques.
There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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As a loving pet owner, you’ve provided your pup with a cozy and comfortable place to sleep. With such a soft and inviting place to snooze, why do they choose to sleep under your bed? Whether you’ve spent good money on a luxurious dog bed, or whether you wish your pet would snuggle up next to you, it’s mystifying and frustrating when your pup opts for the floor under your bed instead. Is it normal canine behavior, or does it mean something is wrong? How can you convince them to sleep somewhere else? Does it even matter where your dog sleeps? Keep reading to learn why your pet sleeps under your bed and how to train them to sleep where you'd like.
How can I get my dog to stop sleeping under my bed?
1Put up a barrier. Bar your dog’s access to the space with an “under-bed blocker” or “gap bumper.” These products are typically made of PVC and cover the opening between the floor and the bedframe, preventing your furry friend from wriggling underneath.[11]
- Make your own blocker using a roll of plastic gutter guard mesh and zip ties. Unroll the mesh and fasten it with zip ties to the top and bottom of each bed leg.[12]
- You can also create an obstacle with other objects, such as packed storage bins. Just make sure they’re too heavy for your dog to slide out of the way.[13]
2Reward positive behavior. When you see your dog napping in the correct spot, reward them with a pea-sized treat along with enthusiastic praise. Consistently reward them until they’ve learned not to go under the bed, then gradually reduce the treat frequency while still offering praise.[14]
- In order to be effective, the reward must happen immediately, otherwise, your dog might not make the connection between their behavior and the treat.
- Once your dog is regularly sleeping where you want them to, reward them with a treat 4 out of every 5 times they sleep there. Over time, reduce the frequency to 3 out of 5 times and so on, until treats are random and infrequent.[15]
- Keep praising your dog every time they sleep where you want them to. Your dog will continue the good behavior because they crave your verbal praise (and an occasional treat)![16]
3Crate your pup at night. To crate train your dog, choose a crate large enough for them to stand and turn around in. Add a blanket and place it in a common area, then toss treats inside to encourage exploration (don’t force your dog inside).[17] Leave the crate door open throughout the day.[18]
- After a few days, place your dog’s meals inside the crate. Close the door while they eat, then open it once they’ve finished.[19]
- Gradually increase the length of time before opening the door. Next, condition your dog by leaving them in the crate for 10 minutes at a time while you’re in another room.[20]
- Once your dog has worked up to 30 minutes in the crate without whining, they’re ready to be crated at night.[21]
- If your puppy is under 6 months of age, only crate them for 3-4 hours at a time. Let your puppy out during the night to relieve themselves.[22]
Where can dogs sleep at night?
1Under the bed If your dog seems content and cozy under there, it’s all right for them to stay. Just be sure to keep the area clean. Vacuum or sweep regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and mites.[23]
- Brush your dog often to keep hair from collecting beneath the bed.
2Your bed It’s okay for a well-behaved dog to sleep in your bed. You might not sleep well if your dog is a snoring bed hog, but the comfort of their companionship might make it worthwhile.[24]
- 45% of dog owners choose to snooze with their pups alongside them at night.[25]
- Young puppies should sleep in a crate until they’re housebroken.[26] Your dog must also be large enough to avoid injury in case you accidentally roll over while asleep.
- Make sure your dog can safely get on and off the bed without risking injury.[27]
- Disease transmission between co-sleeping humans and dogs is rare, so don’t stress about snuggling up.[28]
5Outdoor shelter In some circumstances, it's okay for your pet to sleep outside in a shelter. A lot of factors come into play, including the breed and age of the dog, weather conditions, security of the area, and the risk of being confronted by other animals.[33]
- Only 4% of dog owners let their dogs sleep outdoors overnight.[34] Consult with a veterinarian for specific guidelines regarding the needs of your dog.[35]
- Young puppies and older dogs have a hard time regulating their body temperature, so bring them inside at night.
- If your dog is sleeping outside, make sure they have access to food and water, as well as protection from the elements.
- Tethering your dog is dangerous, as they could become tangled in the chain. Instead, provide a fenced area to safely contain them.[36]
Expert Q&A
QuestionShould I let my dog sleep under the bed?Haley YatesHaley Yates is a Dog Behavior & Training Expert and the Founder of Petra K9 Dog Training in San Jose, California. With several years of experience, she specializes in behavior modification as well as obedience training. She is an in-home dog trainer and teaches owners how to train their own dogs. She’s previously worked at several dog training facilities and taken classes to perfect her techniques.
Dog Behavior & Training ExpertSure! In my experience, it's not really a problematic behavior at all. Dogs are animals that tend to dig holes and to want to go into a safe and quiet place. So I think that behavior is just totally instinctual to dogs in general, but I have never really had any issues or problems, bad behaviors with it. Sometimes I've seen my dog personally bring a pillow underneath the bed, and she would just lay on it and take a nap. And it's no big deal for her.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about dog behavior, check out our in-depth interview with Haley Yates.
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