If your date is picking you up on a motorcycle, you're probably pretty excited (and a little nervous). A motorcycle date can be the thrill of a lifetime, and one way to make sure that you're prepared is by picking the perfect outfit. This article is here to help, with a complete list of everything you need to wear for a comfortable and safe ride. We've also got tips on what not to wear and how to keep your hair in place. Read on so that you can stay safe, look cute, and have fun!


Wear a helmet no matter what.

  1. Your safety is the top priority on a motorcycle date. Since you might not have a motorcycle helmet lying around, ask your date first if they have a spare. They'll likely have one you can borrow. If they don't, buy an affordable helmet online or at a local motorcycle shop.[1]
    • Make sure the helmet fits you correctly. It should be snug on your head so that it doesn't move around, but not so tight that it hurts.
    • Some motorcycle shops may allow you to rent a helmet for the day. Consider asking if the shop you visit offers this service before buying one.
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Wear a jacket regardless of the weather.

  1. This will keep you warm and give you added protection. If the weather is cold or moderate, you'll need a heavier jacket to protect you from the weather and winds. Try a motorcycle jacket or a heavy leather jacket, preferably. This will also protect you in case you encounter any flying rocks on your ride.[2]
    • When the weather is warmer out, it's still a good idea to wear a motorcycle jacket or a leather jacket. If it's absolutely sweltering, try a denim jacket as a cooler alternative.
    • A cool leather jacket is always a really classic look.[3]

Sport a pair of leather pants or jeans.

  1. Make sure your legs are covered no matter what the weather is. Leather pants are the perfect choice for a motorcycle date, and they're both durable and cute. They'll keep you warm in the winter, while also being thick enough to shield your legs from dust, flying objects, and any potential impact in the case of an accident. If you don't have a pair of leather pants, go for a pair of jeans.[4]
    • Even when it's hot out, avoid wearing dresses, skirts, or shorts.
    • If you plan on going on motorcycle dates regularly, consider buying a pair of motorcycle pants. These are made with more durable materials to protect you in a crash and keep you extra warm in cold weather conditions.
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  1. Lisa Shield. Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 13 December 2018.
  2. https://www.aarpforemost.com/motorcycle-safety-gear.asp

About This Article

Lisa Shield
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Lisa Shield and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Lisa Shield is a love and relationship expert based in Los Angeles. She has a Master's degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a certified life and relationship coach with over 17 years of experience. Lisa has been featured in The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, LA Times, and Cosmopolitan. This article has been viewed 6,562 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: December 21, 2022
Views: 6,562
Categories: Dating