Using pendulums for divination is a technique that is over two hundred years old. It is used to better understand your intuition, and to speak with your subconscious mind. In this article, you will learn how you yourself can use pendulums for divination.


  1. 1
    Buy or make a pendulum. You might want to buy commercial pendulums, but it is very easy to make a pendulum. You can make a pendulum out of a paperclip, a ring, or a washer. The string or chain should be about 4–5 inches (10.2–12.7 cm), depending on the person.
  2. 2
    Get into a proper position. You may stand, but it is easier to sit. Unfold your arms and legs, and rest your elbow on the table. Sit up straight, and get into a calm state. You may meditate if you like.
  3. 3
    Ask it to show you a "Yes". Once you are into a proper position, ask it "Show me a Yes, please." Wait patiently. It might take a few seconds, or five minutes. It will begin to swing in a direction, whether it be in a circle or from side to side. This is your yes.
  4. 4
    Repeat the above process for the word "No". This time ask it to "Show me a No please." Follow the above instructions from there.
  5. 5
    Begin to ask it simple questions that you know the answer to. This includes questions like "Is my name..." or "Am I Female?" If your name is that, then the pendulum will swing in a yes direction. Same if you were a female.
  6. 6
    Begin to use your pendulum for divination. Ask it simple questions at first. As you become more advanced, you can begin to ask it personal questions. Some questions that you might consider asking are: Should I work at this job, Is it time to move, Will it rain tomorrow, etc.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if when I ask a question that I already know the answer to and the pendulum answers incorrectly?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Usually, you need to cleanse the pendulum. You can try putting it by a burning white candle for a while, cleaning it with saltwater, putting it in the moonlight for a night, or a few other things.
  • Question
    When I use the pendulum, will it stop when I ask it to?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    When you ask for an answer, it swings and shows you. When you ask for it to stop, it stops, and is ready for another question. The pendulum responds by bringing truth from your highest self, your highest consciousness, which some say is the collective conscious.
  • Question
    Do I have to ask my pendulum to show me yes and no every time I use it or just once per sitting/self reading?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's best to ask the pendulum every sitting. You don't need to ask it every time you use it.


  • Do not let the pendulum control your life. Intuition comes naturally for every person, so you do not need the pendulum all the time. In fact, sometimes logic will beat intuition. The pendulum is not always right, and one simple mistake could end up effecting your life.




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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 99,473 times.
184 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 12, 2023
Views: 99,473
Categories: Paranormal Beliefs