This article was co-authored by Isaac Hess. Isaac Hess is a Baseball Coach, Instructor, and the Founder of MADE Baseball Development and Champion Mindset Training Program, a baseball training program based in Los Angeles, California. Isaac has over 14 years of experience coaching baseball and specializes in private lessons and tournaments. He has played baseball for both professional and collegiate leagues including Washington State University and the University of Arizona. Isaac was ranked as one of Baseball America's top 10 prospects for 2007 and 2008. He earned a BS in Regional Development from the University of Arizona in 2007.
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Grip strength is a measure of how strong the muscles in your hands, wrist, and forearms are. Together, these muscle groups can help you hold on to something and keep it stable (like a dumbbell or weight bar).[1] Grip strength is often underappreciated, even though it is essential to everyday life. If you need to open a jar, for example, better grip strength will help you accomplish this task. To test your grip strength, you can either use a dynamometer or do a home test using a bathroom scale. Then you can improve your grip strength over time.
Testing Grip Strength with a Handgrip Dynamometer
1Look for a handgrip dynamometer. Using a handgrip dynamometer is one of the most conventional and accurate ways to test your grip strength. Find or purchase one of these so you can test your grip strength.[2]
- The first place to look for a dynamometer is at your local gym or fitness center. Many gyms have a variety of tools to measure progress and a dynamometer is a common device to have.
- If your gym doesn't have one, consider looking online or in a fitness or sporting goods store to purchase one. You can continuously use it and to track your grip strength over time.
2Position your arm and hand correctly. Although using a handgrip dynamometer is fairly easy, it's important to make sure you position your arm and hand correctly for the most accurate results.[3] Start by holding the dynamometer in one hand. You will test both hands, but can only test one at a time.
- Bend the arm that's being tested at a 90 degree angle at the elbow. Your upper arm should be next to your body with your forearm pointing away from your body.
- The base of the dynamometer should rest on the heel of your hand (or the muscle right under your thumb). Your four fingers should rest on the lever of the dynamometer.
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3Squeeze the dynamometer with maximal effort. In order to get an accurate reading, you need to squeeze this tool with as much force and effort as you can. This will give you your maximum grip strength.
- When your arm and hand are positioned correctly, begin squeezing the dynamometer as hard as you can.
- Keep squeezing for at least 5 seconds. Have a stopwatch or friend time you for 5 seconds.
- Do not move any other body parts while you're squeezing as this can influence the reading on the dynamometer.
- For the most accurate results, take an average of 3 tests.
4Analyze your results. After you've performed the test on each hand and have found an average of your results, you can score yourself to see where you are compared to standards.
- For men, you typically want to have a grip strength reading of 105 and above. A score of 105 puts you at an average grip strength.
- For women, you typically want to have a grip strength of at least 57. This is considered average. Anything above is considered very good or even excellent.
- If your score is below average, you can take steps to improve. For men if your grip strength is below 105, this signifies you're below average or have poor grip strength. You may want to consider adding in exercises to help strengthen your grip. If your grip strength as a woman is below 57, this signifies your score is below average. Again, with practice, you can improve your score.
Testing Grip Strength with a Scale
1Get the right equipment. If you can't find a handgrip dynamometer, you can still test your grip strength at home or at the gym. Using a few household items, you can easily find a fairly accurate reading.
- You need to make sure you have all the right equipment on hand. You'll need a bathroom scale, a pull-up bar or hanging board and a stopwatch.
- Position the scale right underneath your pull-up bar or board. These should be high enough that your arms will be fully extended above your head.
- You want to test your grip strength for a 5 second time period. Set your stopwatch to 5 seconds or have a friend monitor their watch.
- To get in the right position, stand on the scale and place your hands on the pull-up bar or board. Look at the scale to make sure the weight reading is accurate.
2Pull on the bar with maximal effort. To test your grip strength with a bathroom scale, you'll want to see how much weight you can pull up with just your hands.[4] While standing with feet flat on the scale, squeeze your hands around the pull-up bar or the side of the hangboard.
- You should not bend your elbows, wrists or knees. Your entire body, aside from your hands, should remain stable. You want to aim to lift as much of your body weight off the scale as you can, with only the strength of your hands.
- Squeeze or pull on the bar as hard as you can with your hands. Have a friend record what the new weight reading is on the scale. It will be less than your actual body weight.
- Again, it's recommended to take an average of these readings. Do three to five tests and then take the average of these results.
3Calculate your grip strength. Once you've noted your current weight and the averages from the tests, you can calculate your grip strength. Follow this simple equation:
- Your grip strength in pounds = your current weight - your weight while gripping the bar.[5]
- For example 180 pounds current weight - 80 pounds while gripping the bar = 100 pounds of grip strength.
- Record this result and continue to track your grip strength using this same method over time. This will help you see any improvements after practicing strengthening exercises.
Improving Grip Strength
1Do hand extensions. To help increase your grip strength, try incorporating exercises like hand extensions into your regular exercise routine. This exercise is not really a grip exercise, but it will strengthen the muscles that help to give you a strong grip.[6]
- You can either use a thick rubber band (or multiple rubber bands) or get a professional tool that helps you perform this exercise.
- To use the rubber bands, pull the rubber band down over your hand so that it's resting near the base of your fingers.
- In a slow and controlled way, spread your fingers and thumbs out away from your palm. They should be pushing against the rubber band.
- Hold your fingers and thumbs as long as you can against the pressure of the rubber band. Repeat a few times on each hand.
2Use a hand gripper. Another great exercise to try is by squeezing a hand gripper. You will need to get a gripper, which is a handheld grip exerciser that you squeeze with one hand at a time. Squeezing a gripper will help strengthen your grip by working the muscles in your hand.[7]
- Hold on to a gripper in each hand or work one hand at a time. Wrap your entire hand around the handles. Make sure the grippers have a plastic coating to help make this exercise comfortable.
- Squeeze the handles so they are close together (this would typically open the gripper so it could be placed around a barbell).
- Hold this squeeze for as long as you can. Repeat a few reps with each hand.
3Incorporate plate pinches. Another great exercise to strengthen the muscles in your palms are plate pinches. Grab a few conventional weighted plates to get started on this exercise.[8]
- Place 1 or more 10 pound plates together with the smoother side facing out.
- Pinch or squeeze them together with your hands (thumb on one side and 4 fingers on the other side) and hold them as long as you can in the air.
- Keep the plates closer to the floor in case you drop one. Also, do not hold them over your feet.
- Try to work up to being able to hold four 10 pound plates in each hand for at least 1 minute. Repeat 2 to 3 times if you can.
4Squeeze wide barbells. If you have barbells that have a wider circumference than the standard barbells, these are a great tool to use to help improve your grip strength as well.[9]
- Improving your grip strength with a fat or wide barbell is easy and simple to do. Grab one of these barbells with both hands and squeeze as tight as you can.
- Your fingers and thumbs should not be able to touch when your fist is clasped around the bar.
- To make this exercise more difficult, add plates to either side of the bar. Your goal should be to hold this bar for at least 1 minute and repeat for 1 or 2 more sets.
EXPERT TIPBaseball Coach & InstructorIsaac Hess
Baseball Coach & InstructorExpert Trick: If you want to improve your grip strength, do exercises that will work your arms and forearms, including pull-ups and vice grips.
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About This Article
Grip strength is a measure of how strong your hand, wrist, and forearm muscles are. You can easily test this at home or at a gym with a bathroom scale, pull up bar, and a stopwatch. You’ll need to position the scale under your pull up bar, stand on the scale, and hold the bar. Then, pull the bar for 5 seconds with as much strength as you can without bending your elbows, wrists, or knees. Measure your weight while pulling the bar, then subtract this from your normal weight to give you your grip strength. Alternatively, use a handgrip dynamometer, which is a device designed for measuring grip strength. Just hold the dynamometer in the air with your arm at a 90-degree angle, squeeze the tool for 5 seconds, and measure the result. For more tips from our Personal Training co-author, including how to improve your grip strength at home, read on!