Being good at studying is a skill that anyone can learn, and that includes you! There are good study habits and there are bad study habits, and this article is going to show you how to ditch what’s not working and focus on strategies that will work and make a difference come test day. When you’re finished, you’ll know how to study smarter, not harder. Plus, you’ll have a few tricks up your sleeve for when you need that extra boost of motivation!


Create a study space.

  1. Set up your study space. It’s great if you have a desk for studying, but a table will also work great. Make sure your space has good lighting and remove any clutter or distractions that might break your focus. Place the materials you need to study, like pens, highlighters, and a notebook, near the area so they’re handy.[1]
    • It’s okay to switch up your study spot if that’s more convenient for you. For instance, you might like studying at the library or a coffee shop sometimes.
    • Play music while you study so it's more fun. Create a playlist of songs that inspire you but aren't distracting. You might try instrumental music if you get distracted easily, but it's okay to listen to whatever you like.
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Create a schedule.

  1. Create a daily study schedule for yourself. Rather than trying to do all your studies in 1 day, plan to study a little every day. Start by choosing the time of day when you feel the most focused. Then, decide which subjects you’ll study each day. Keep your study schedule in your agenda or somewhere you can see it every day.[2]
    • Everyone has a different time of day when they feel most energized. You might find that you learn best early in the morning, but it’s also possible you might like studying right after school or before bed. Do what works best for you.
    • If you participate in sports or activities, keep these in mind when planning your studies. Let’s say you have sports practice every day after school. You might decide it’s best to study for an hour each evening before bed and an hour every morning before school to accommodate your sports schedule.

Organize your materials.

  1. Organize your study materials so it's easy to find what you need. You probably have a lot to do, so you need to spend your time wisely. Keep all of your papers, notebooks, texts, and writing utensils in a specific place so you don’t waste precious study time looking for them. This way you can quickly pull out what you need and get started.[3]
    • For example, you might keep your pencils, pens, highlighters, and erasers in a pencil pouch in your backpack. If you also have a desk at home, you could keep a cup of them on your desktop. Try using colorful pens for notes you write for yourself so it's more fun.
    • If your instructor sends handouts and readings in digital files, save yours to a Google Drive that you can access from any device. This way you’ll always have what you need.
    • You could use a hole-punch to add holes to handouts, readings, and other paper items so you can keep them in a binder. As another option, you could keep them in a folder. Pick a binder or folder that has an image you like on it! You might even decorate it.
    • Keep books or notebooks in your bookbag or beside your study space.
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Focus on key concepts.

  1. Focus on key concepts rather than minor details. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re studying because there’s so much information to learn. You don’t need to memorize your notes and textbook to do well in class. Instead, study the main points that your instructor pointed out in class. Then, figure out how the minor details and examples in your notes or text help you better understand the main points.[6]
    • In English class, you could start with a story’s theme. Then, you might look for ways the author used literary devices to support that theme.
    • In math class, you might focus on the formulas you’re learning and how to use them. Later, you can figure out how the specific math problems your teacher gave you help you practice.
    • In History class, you might focus on the social and historical factors that lead to war rather than specific dates and people.

Tailor your studies to your learning style.

  1. Incorporate activities that fit your learning style. Figure out which learning style fits you most. Visual learners absorb more information when they can see it, auditory learners take in information by listening, and kinesthetic learners engage more with movement. Personalize your study sessions by using your learning style.[8]
    • If you're a visual learner, you might highlight your notes or text. You may also try incorporating a documentary or slideshow into your studies. You might also like drawing a mind map so you can represent what you're thinking visually.
    • If you're an auditory learner, you might try singing your notes, reading aloud, or listening to your text on audiobook.
    • If you're a kinesthetic learner, try acting out your notes or walking around while you read or listen to an audiobook. Physically manipulating flashcards or drawing a mind map might also work for you.

Make connections to preexisting knowledge.

  1. Look for links between what you’re learning and what you already know. Sometimes you might feel like what you’re learning in class has nothing to do with your real life, but that’s usually not true. Making connections between what you’re learning and what you already know can help deepen your understanding of the material and may help you remember it better. Try to brainstorm links between what you’re studying and something you’ve experienced.[9]
    • For instance, maybe you used math to determine the area of your walls when you were buying new paint.
    • Similarly, you might think about how the characters in a story you’ve read relate to people you know in real life.
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Create a study guide.

  1. Rewrite your notes with extra information to create a study guide. Making a study guide helps you review the material and gives you something to review in future study sessions. Start by typing your notes into a blank document. Then, use your textbook and online resources to add to your existing notes. Additionally, answer questions from your textbook or ones that come to mind as you study.[10]
    • This is a good way to study because it requires you to take an extra step past reading your notes and textbook. Reading, thinking, and writing are ingredients essential for an efficient study session.
    • You might prefer to hand-write your notes. Keep a set of colored pens or markers just for this. It'll be more fun to rewrite your notes if you use special supplies.

Take a break.

  1. Take a 10 to 15-minute break every hour you study. You want to use your time wisely, so you might think breaks are a bad idea. However, trying to focus on your studies for too long can cause fatigue. Instead, schedule breaks into your study sessions so you can burn off a little steam. When you come back, you’ll be refreshed and ready to pick back up where you left off.[11]
    • If you feel like you get distracted easily, you might try the Pomodoro technique instead. Set a timer for 25 minutes and try to study that entire time. Take a 2- to 3-minute break, then start the next session. Do a total of 4 study blocks, with short breaks between them. After the 4th block, either stop studying for the day or take a longer 15-minute break before you start another study block.
    • Use your breaks for something that energizes you, like getting a snack or going for a short walk. Don’t turn on your TV or a video game because it might distract you.
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Alternate subjects.

  1. Alternate subjects so you don’t get burned out. Try not to study 1 subject for too long because you’ll probably get bored after a while. Unfortunately, this can make it harder for you to remember what you’ve studied. Instead, set time limits for how long you’ll focus on each subject, then switch to something else.[13]
    • For example, you might decide to study Math and English on Monday afternoons. If you have 2 hours to study, you might study Math for 45 minutes, take a 15-minute break, then study English for 45 minutes. You could spend the final 15 minutes doing a self-test or review.
    • Do the subject that interests you least first so you'll be more excited to switch topics.
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Make flash cards.

  1. Make flash cards for the information you need to memorize. You can use flash cards for most subjects, and they can be a great tool for testing yourself. Use flashcards to learn vocabulary, mathematical formulas, historical dates and figures, scientific facts and processes, etc. You can make your own cards or print some online. Then, flip through your cards to test your knowledge.[14]
    • Making the cards yourself is super beneficial because you’ll have to write out all of the information you’re learning when you create the cards.
    • You can find pre-made flashcards about many topics on the website Quizlet.

Make a mind map.

  1. Create a mind map to organize the information you’re learning. Mind maps can help you make connections between what you’re learning. Start by drawing a circle and writing the topic inside the circle. Then, draw spokes away from the center circle and draw circles at the end of each spoke. Inside those circles, write the main points you’ve learned about the topic so far. Keep branching off of each circle you draw with new facts and details about the topic.[15]
    • Try looking up example mind maps online to see how others have used this technique to study.
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Get a full night of sleep.

  1. Sleep 8-10 hours a night so you’re well-rested. Teens aged 14- to 17-years-old need at least 8 hours of sleep every night for good health.[17] If you are sleep deprived, studying will feel like a chore. You won't learn nearly as much information sleepy as you will after a good night's rest.[18]
    • If you’re 18 or older, you need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, while kids who are 6- to 13-years-old need 9-11 hours of sleep.
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Test yourself.

  1. Test yourself to review what you’ve studied. At the end of each study session, set aside 15-20 minutes for a self-test of the material. Do a practice test if you can, but you can also flip through your flashcards or block off parts of your notes to see if you can remember the information. This can help you retain more of what you studied and helps you identify the material you need to study again.[19]
    • Ask a friend or family member to quiz you if you can. Have them ask you questions about the material and check your answers.
    • Take a practice exam using questions from your study guide or example tests online. This will help you identify any areas you need to review again.
    • If you're wrong, go through the correct answers.

Avoid cramming for tests.

  1. Don’t cram for tests because it likely won’t work. Like most people, you’ll need a few days for the material to really sink in, so studying a bunch the night before a test likely won’t work out. Chances are, you’ll forget most of what you study during your cram session. Instead, stick to the study schedule you made for yourself so you can learn a little at a time.[20]
    • You probably have friends who brag about how cramming works for them, but you don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes. Ignore what other people say and do what’s best for you.
    • Try planning something fun and relaxing for the night before your exam, like a bubble bath or watching your favorite movie with a friend. This way you'll have something to look forward to that might motivate you to stick to your study schedule.
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Teach someone else the material.

  1. Teach the information to others to help deepen your understanding. Explaining something to someone else helps you retain the information better. Give a short lesson about what you’re currently studying to a classmate, friend, or family member. Then, ask them if they have any questions about the subject. Do your best to answer the questions.[21]
    • If you get a question you can’t answer, find out the answer so you’ll fill in that information gap.
    • If you’re sharing with a classmate, take turns “teaching” each other. This way you’ll be getting double the information!

Join a study group.

  1. Start or join a study group to learn from each other. Study groups help you all learn better because you can share different ideas and explain the material to each other. Ask your classmates to form a study group with you, then schedule meetups at least once a week. Do your best to stay on task so you can get the most out of your study sessions.[23]
    • Ask each study group member when they’re available so you can pick the perfect time for your study group. For example, you might arrange to meet after school in the library every Tuesday.
    • If you’re all busy with after-school activities, you could schedule a study session in the library or a local coffee shop every Saturday at noon.
    • It’s okay to meet more often than once a week if your schedules allow.

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    How can I improve my memory for studying?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    Many exams are more about reading and logic than they are about memorization. In those cases, you really just need to take practice exams to get comfortable with the format. For other types of exams, the best thing to do is practice over and over so answering the questions almost becomes muscle memory.
  • Question
    How can I motivate myself to study?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer

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    Think about what's at stake if you do well on whatever it is you're studying for. That might just be a good grade or passing a class, but it also could be getting into a graduate program or getting a job. This should be a great motivator for studying.
  • Question
    Which is the best time to study?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer

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    Try to devote your best hour of the day to studying, whenever that is. It's different for everybody, but for most people, earlier in the day is better. For instance, you might need to set your alarm an hour earlier and study before work or school. However, you might also do well if you can block off an hour at lunch.

About This Article

Nathan Fox, JD
Co-authored by:
Academic Tutor
This article was co-authored by Nathan Fox, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. This article has been viewed 1,228,859 times.
130 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 172
Updated: March 14, 2023
Views: 1,228,859
Categories: Featured Articles | Studying
Article SummaryX

To study well, find a quiet, bright place to study so you can focus without getting tired. Rewrite your notes as you review them so you remember the material better, and use flashcards to reinforce important information. At the end of each study session, test yourself by writing out sample questions or looking up questions online. Finally, if you can, set aside some time each day to study instead of cramming the night before your test. For more studying tips, like how to avoid getting distracted, keep reading!

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