We read books, novels, magazines according to our interest. Reader always read the matters which are illustrated in the way directly make curious to readers. We want to read even whole content of novels and books as we read a single sentence headline. Many options of writing are emerged with the technology. Now day’s digital content is needed for any organization and they want to hire candidates who are expert in writing content writing as per industrial requirements.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Beginning the Career

  1. 1
    To begin with, you only need a good vocabulary. Now, good vocabulary is not usage of those complicated words like graphophobia (fear of writing) or epeolatry (worship of words) and those words which are far above the reach of a layman. Language you use must be as simple as can be.
  2. 2
    The trick to be a good writer is to be a good player! Yes, play with words, try different possible combinations of them, just keep their relevance in mind while you are at it. Banking up on vocabulary is no math to dread of.
  3. 3
    The dictionary from your closet is your first step. Take time from your leisure and go through the dictionary, like you would go through a magazine, scan it and make note of words that draw your attention and grasp them into your knowledge bank so as to use it in future at the right groove for the word.
  4. 4
    Print media is another source. Make it a habit to read the newspaper every morning, or at least scan through. Read, understand, and try to pick up the most you can. Reading the newspaper is not just going through the coffee break column. Go through the Head lines and observe the excellent presentations made by the column writers and journalists. Look out for the regular writers and try to make out the wavelengths of the language used by every other writer. Also make a hobby of reading quality books from various authors. You will notice that every author has a unique writing style. Look out for the default aspects of the writers. Make it a habit to visit the local library regularly. Look out for new writers and their innovative play of words.
  5. 5
    Solving crosswords is an ideal way into your writing career. Avoid a slip of eye into the answers column. Instead, it is recommended to ponder over, try with all the possible relevant answers to fill up the niches. You might even take the help of your dictionary.
  6. 6
    Maintain a Diary. Write down all the events you have come vis-a-vis with and your activities of the day. Write up a daily planner. Go through the writings from time to time and you shall be able to make out your own mistakes and you will be able to correct them, yourself. You will notice improvement in your writing skills as days go by.
  7. 7
    Listen to music. Pick up an album with lesser acoustics. Play the album and try to grasp the lyrics and the way a writer lends words to a voice. Sing along, you can take help of the inlay lyrics card.
  8. 8
    After you have collected an ideal quantity of quality vocabulary, your writing journey is ignited. The act of taking up writing as a serious career may sound a little ridiculous. It may seem that anyone can take up writing a book at some point in their lives. This perhaps may be true. Moreover, it is not a career that can guarantee a continuous flow of income. Indeed it is a career that guarantees more hardships than success. Yet, surprisingly, more and more of the younger generation seem to be opting for this career option. Therefore, it is necessary to take this matter more seriously and talk about the pros and cons rather than considering it as a leisure activity.
  9. 9
    Writing for leisure is something that everyone can do. However, being a serious writer is something that one needs to do with exact accuracy, diligence, intelligence and constant practice. The first and most important thing is to have a passion for writing. Without it, one would not feel the urge to pursue it once the road gets rough.
  10. 10
    In terms of official qualifications, writing does not need an exact academic background. One can have a science or a humanities background so long as he/she has the knack for writing, it’s enough. It would be useful if one has taken up literature as a major in their academic years as it would provide a solid background of the books written, the history and style of writing of various authors, the various critical approaches of literature, and the trends of writing that keeps on changing with the change of time and their relation to culture and society.
  11. 11
    However, this should not dishearten those who are not students of literature. Self analysis and research can compensate for this, even though it may take some time before one gets a complete grasp of things. The reason why such a background is needed is because it is not always easy to come up with original ideas while writing a book. So if one is acquainted with such ideas, then one can transcribe them in their on fashion while writing and produce a book which is unique.
  12. 12
    Research work is also very important before writing a book. This bit can be very tiresome and weary for it is not only research on the intellectual front. Research work also include a complete study and analysis of the market one has to deal with which further includes, publishing, readership, whether the subject one chooses to write on appeals the readers enough for them to want to buy the book, bookstalls and capital. Writing a book may just be a stepping stone, getting it published by a well established firm to guarantee its success is a greater barricade. Moreover, a writer must have an ability to convince the publisher that his/her book is interesting enough and it will sell. It takes a lot of patience and courage to actually become a well established author but once one gets there, the road is easier ahead.
  13. 13
    A writer has to have the creative ability to draw word pictures. They have the ability to communicate through the written word. A writer's work can be to write articles of fiction woven by a vivid imagination or to write articles covering non fiction like educational resources, news, reviews, technical documents, or articles on science, environment and health. Work could also entail creating summaries or huge tomes, writing for the web, researching on specific topics, or reporting on meetings and conferences.
  14. 14
    When choosing writing as a career choice you must consider whether you want a full time job or whether you would like to freelance.
  15. 15
    If you decide on freelance writing, the first thing you need to do is create a resume that highlights your talents. The second most important aspect is to create a list of clients. Networking, communicating well, and building a good relationship with clients is essential to freelance writing. Today the World Wide Web has opened up many more opportunities for freelance writers and there are job sites as well as sites where one can register and bid for projects.
  16. 16
    If you choose to work full time you have a great many options. You could be a journalist, web content writer, or resume writer. These are just a few examples of the umpteen choices a writer has.
  17. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Becoming a Successful Writer

  1. 1
    To be a successful writer you must understand what the industry needs and sharpen your proficiency accordingly. Study the different writing styles as well as what constitutes good writing. To get the "perfect" job write a triumphant profile and send it out with a brief but succinct covering letter to potential employers. Scan the classifieds as well as online job sites for vacancies that suit your profile. Consider registering with a placement consultant or go for online sites that specialize in jobs for writers. Another option is a paid job coach, agency, or resume blasting service.
  2. 2
    Train yourself in the use of personal computers and desktop or electronic publishing systems. Learn how to research competently using the World Wide Web. Have a working knowledge of graphic design, page layout, and multimedia software would add weight to your goodie bag.
  3. 3
    When you go for an interview be sure to take along with you writing samples, a resume, and any publications in which your work has been featured. Do your homework well and find out about the potential employer and the kind of writing they need. You must be able to convince the company why you are a good candidate.
  4. 4
    As a writer you must constantly update your skills to suit developments in the writing industry. Read writing tips given by experts, attend workshops and seminars. You might even enroll as a member into one of those professional writer's guilds and interact with other writers.
  5. 5
    Writing as a career is a process. Every day can be a learning experience and you never stop growing. With the right mind set and willingness, there is no end to the possibilities as a writer.
  6. 6
    Like they say, a pen is mightier than the sword…Writing has a whole new world on offer. Write and write and write…. And voila! I see renaissance of another Shakespeare, there!
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    My teenager is very interested in creative writing and wants to pursue it as a career choice. What is a good website to use to help a budding writer get started?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    CreateSpace. It is a self-publishing company that has connections to Amazon. It's a free website that allows the user to make all decisions on how the publication looks and is marketed. You can spend money on more professional looks and marketing, but those are optional. You can even turn your work into an eBook using the site.
  • Question
    Can a child like me start writing stories? I have a great idea.
    Top Answerer
    If your idea is great, you should definitely turn it into a story. Ask an adult for help if you need it!


  • Sometimes you think you already found what's going to stay for a lifetime. But at some point, you realize you're wrong as you reach the end of the road. If writing is not really working out for you, don't feel bad. Instead, be thankful for all the things it taught you. Move on and welcome a new beginning.
  • A writing career doesn't assure financial stability. A suggestion would be to make it part-time and take on high paying jobs.

About This Article

Lydia Stevens
Co-authored by:
Author & Developmental Editor
This article was co-authored by Lydia Stevens. Lydia Stevens is the author of the Hellfire Series and the Ginger Davenport Escapades. She is a Developmental Editor and Writing Coach through her company "Creative Content Critiquing and Consulting." She also co-hosts a writing podcast on the craft of writing called "The REDink Writers." With over ten years of experience, she specializes in writing fantasy fiction, paranormal fiction, memoirs, and inspirational novels. Lydia holds a BA and MA in Creative Writing and English from Southern New Hampshire University. This article has been viewed 40,697 times.
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Co-authors: 17
Updated: March 6, 2023
Views: 40,697
Categories: Writing Careers