High demand for plumbers means that there are many opportunities for starting your own plumbing business. However, to succeed in getting clients and competing against other plumbers, you must plan your business carefully. To stay successful, you must also market your business well and stay informed of new techniques and materials.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gaining Skills and Experience

  1. 1
    Be an apprentice. Starting a plumbing business requires knowledge of the trade. If you are going to be responsible for bringing that knowledge to your business, you will need to gain experience in the day-to-day work of plumbing. One common way to learn the trade is to work as an apprentice to an experienced plumber.
    • Apprenticeships can last several years, but they provide you with the skills and experience that are necessary for running a plumbing business.[1]
    • Working as an apprentice can help you develop a list of clients and make a name for yourself, so that transitioning to your own plumbing business is made easier.
    • You can find out how to become a plumber's apprentice by contacting plumbers in your area, or through plumbing education courses.
  2. 2
    Take courses relevant to the plumbing trade.[2] Community colleges, trade schools, and other institutions in your area may offer educational programs designed to train plumbers. These programs may take up to a couple of years to complete. Look for one that provides education in the technical aspects of plumbing, business essentials, and health, safety, and contracting regulations.
  3. 3
    Be physically fit.[3] If you are going to do some or all of the actual plumbing work yourself, you will have to lift heavy objects, fit into small and cramped spaces, deal with heights, etc.
  4. 4
    Find others with plumbing experience. If you want to start a plumbing business and do not have plumbing experience yourself, it is essential that you have partner or team that can supply this knowledge.[4]
  5. 5
    Be a people person.[5] [6] The plumbing business requires making lots of house calls, and communicating with customers in various ways (over the phone, online, etc.). If your plumbing business employs others, you will also need to be able to manage other people well.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Planning Your Business

  1. 1
    Decide if you want your business to have a particular focus. Plumbing businesses can concentrate primarily on selling tools and supplies, or on installing new plumbing work, or on servicing and repairing existing plumbing work.[7] Some plumbing business may offer a combination of these services. You can decide which business model has the greatest chance of success in your area by knowing what your competitors offer, and what needs your community has.
  2. 2
    Write a business plan. A business plan will be helpful when raising the funding necessary to start your plumbing business. The plan will describe your experience in the trade, how your business will be organized and run, and what kind of profits you project. There are numerous sample business plans available online that are specific to starting a plumbing business.[8] Your business plan will need to include information such as:
    • Mission or objective of your business
    • Market research and client analysis
    • Costs of initial start-up
    • Pricing for equipment, materials, transportation, labor, payroll, etc.
    • Projected costs and revenues
  3. 3
    Secure funding. The start-up costs for running a plumbing business vary based on your experience and location. With a solid business plan, you may be able to attract investors who are willing to put up money in exchange for a financial interest in the business.
    • You might also look into getting a business partner. Look for someone who has connections with the local business community and who has experience raising money and running businesses.
  4. 4
    Consider opening a franchise.[9] Having the brand and name recognition of a major plumbing chain can make it easier to start your business, and offer a more immediate promise of steady work. However, operating a plumbing franchise will also mean less chance of flexibility.
    • Opening a plumbing franchise may still require you to have or raise substantial startup capital.
    • If you have already been working as a plumber and have your own tools and equipment, your costs to start your own plumbing business may be lower than opening a franchise.[10] Starting your own plumbing business from scratch can also be a way of avoiding franchising fees.
  5. 5
    Register your business and acquire a license.[11] You will need to provide the name of your business and other pertinent information. The government office you will need to register with will vary based on your area.[12] You will also need to demonstrate that your business will abide by all safety and business regulations applicable to plumbing services. These will vary based on your area, but are similar to those governing contractors, electricians, etc.[13] [14] When you register your business, you can ask for the details of these regulations, if you are not already familiar with them.
  6. 6
    Get the supplies you need. Aside from the tools and materials necessary for plumbing jobs, a plumbing business will will need reliable transportation to make visits to job sites.[15] You may use supplies that you already have, buy new ones, or rent them in some cases. Typical equipment you might need to start a plumbing business includes items such as:[16]
    • At least one truck or van for transportation
    • Pipes
    • Fittings.
    • Pipe wrenches.
    • A reciprocating saw.
    • A circular saw.
    • A propane torch
    • Extension cords.
    • Office furniture and supplies
    • A work phone and/or tablet device for orders
  7. 7
    Find an office. Location is one of the most important aspects of any business, including plumbing services. You will want your business located where it will be easy to get to job sites in your area. If you expect to have customers visiting your office, whether to ask about services or to buy supplies, you will also want to choose a location that is easily accessible and offers parking.
  8. 8
    Hire workers, if needed. Some plumbers may work entirely by themselves. However, you may also hire a team of employees. These may include plumbers, but also an office manager or assistant to handle orders, phone calls, etc., someone to handle bookkeeping and accounting, a marketing specialist, and other positions.
    • If you are hiring plumbers, try to find trustworthy ones with the best qualifications and experience.[17]
    • If you will be hiring other workers, factor this into your business plan by accounting for their wages, insurance, and other costs.[18]
  9. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Becoming Successful

  1. 1
    Focus on marketing. If you have the necessary skills and experience to work as a plumber, then the most important thing you will have to accomplish in order for your plumbing business to succeed is to attract customers. Successful marketing can depend upon a number of factors, including:
    • Word of mouth advertising
    • Sharing business cards and flyers.[19]
    • Creating a distinctive and memorable logo and brand
    • Using social media to attract customers[20]
    • Creating a website and optimizing it for search engines.
  2. 2
    Know your competitors.[21] If you are not the only plumbing business in your area, you will need to position your business well so that you can compete. This means offering pricing, services, and offers that will attract customers to your business rather than one of your competitors.
    • Do regular research to learn what your competitors charge for plumbing services, what they offer customers, and how you can improve in comparison.
    • You may also employ a marketing specialist who can help you with this research.
  3. 3
    Keep informed. The plumbing trade, like most businesses, is constantly changing.[22] In order to run a successful and competitive business, you will need to keep up with these changes. High-efficiency fixtures, alternative energy heating, and new methods of construction are examples of topics that plumbers will want to be informed about. Business magazines, trade shows, and continuing education courses are ways of keeping informed.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I start a business without a high school diploma?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A diploma is not necessary because to have one since plumbing is a technical job and only requires that you have the skills and the experience.
  • Question
    Do I need a license to start a plumbing business?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you need a license to do any work that needs to be inspected. If not being inspected (simple repairs) then you can basically be a handyman, but not technically a plumber.
  • Question
    Do I need liability insurance to have a plumbing business?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you must keep liability insurance if you are running a business under an RMP (Responsible Master Plumber) license.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 125,777 times.
13 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 16
Updated: February 23, 2023
Views: 125,777
Article SummaryX

If you want to start your own plumbing business, write out a business plan that includes the focus of your business, initial start-up costs, and your projected costs and income. Use your business plan to find investors or take out a bank loan to get your business started, then register your business and obtain any licenses you’ll need. Find a building for your business, and get at least one work truck and all the supplies you’ll need to do basic plumbing jobs. Once you’re set up, use strategic marketing to find customers! For tips on growing your business, read on!

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