Adopt-a-Family programs provide Christmas presents for lower income families or those who are struggling around the holidays. You can sign up for Adopt-a-Family as either a recipient or a donor. Most Adopt-a Family programs are run by charities or faith-based organizations, often at the local level. You can find an Adopt-a-Family program by contacting local organizations, signing up with a volunteering website, or doing a web search. Then, you can sign up to be either a recipient or a donor.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding an Adopt-a-Family Program

  1. 1
    Call 2-1-1 if you live in the United States. This is a government hotline that can connect you with local services. Ask them where you can find your local Adopt-a-Family program so you can sign up. Take down the names of each organization in your area in case one is full.[1]
  2. 2
    Contact local churches to ask about their programs. It’s common for churches to host Adopt-a-Family programs at Christmas. They may include families from within the church, or they might open it up to the community. It’s a great idea to ask them how you can sign up to be a recipient or donor.
    • Look for a branch of Lutheran Social Services in your area, as they usually host an Adopt-a-Family program.[2]
    • You can find Catholic Charities organizations located in Dioceses across the world. If there’s one near you, check with them to see if they’re doing an Adopt-a-Family program, as they typically do.
  3. 3
    Use Volunteer Match to look for programs in your area to donate. Volunteer Match is a website that lets you look for programs in your area that need help. During the holiday season, this will include Adopt-a-Family programs, which need donors. Just type your location into the search bar, and the site will provide you with a list of programs in your area.[3]
  4. 4
    Do an Internet search to look for programs in your area. Most cities or counties have some form of an Adopt-a-Family program around Christmas time. However, it may be hosted by a local charity. Type in the name of your city or county, along with the words “Adopt a Family.” Then, scroll through the search results to find a program.
    • For instance, families who live in Northwest Oregon or Southwest Washington can sign up with the Christmas Family Adoption Foundation, which is a local entity.[4] Your area may have something similar.
  5. 5
    Call the Salvation Army to participate in their “Angel Tree” program. This program focuses mostly on children.[5] Typically, local businesses or public institutions put up “Angel Trees” starting in November. Then, donors can pull names off the tree and buy a present for the child listed.[6]
    • If you’re donating, the gift may need to unwrapped. Make sure you read the instructions on the tag you take from the “Angel Tree.”
    • The Salvation Army has locations throughout the United States. If you want to sign up to be a gift recipient, you can find a location near you by visiting here:
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Becoming a Recipient

  1. 1
    Contact your local organization during October or November. Most Adopt-a-Family programs start accepting applications in the fall. This allows them the time to process each application and get families approved. It’s best to apply early so you have a higher chance of getting into the program.[7]
    • Depending on the level of need in your area, the program may accept every family that meets the qualifications. However, this isn’t always possible.
    • Some organizations start approving families as early as September, though this is more likely to happen in a large city. Check the deadline for the programs in your area to make sure you apply early.
    • Programs may be first-come, first-served, so don’t wait until the deadline to sign up.
  2. 2
    Fill out an application to become a recipient family. The application will ask for your name, contact information, and income. Your income must meet the organization’s requirements, which they will provide to you. Then, you’ll need to list the names and ages for the people in your household, as well as their clothing sizes and gift wish list.[8]
    • You only need to include a clothing size if you want to receive clothing.
    • Most programs serve families who qualify as low income, and you typically can’t sign up with more than one holiday assistance program in the same year.
  3. 3
    Pick up the gifts during the specified time period. Gifts are typically due in the week before Christmas, so that’s when they’ll be available for pickup. When you sign-up to participate, the Adopt-a-Family program will give you a date or time frame for the gift pickup. Make sure you remember to get your presents.
    • If your children are expecting to receive their gifts from Santa, you can either hide them or tell the kids that you’ve arranged with Santa to pick them up early. Say, “You know how Santa is really busy on Christmas? Well, we’re going to give him a break by getting our presents early this year.”

    Variation: Some organizations will deliver the gifts to your home, especially if you lack transportation. If you need help, ask the organization that’s sponsoring your Adopt-a-Family program if they’re able to deliver your presents.

  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Sponsoring a Family

  1. 1
    Look for family adoptions in early to mid-December. Most programs match donors with families or release information about the families in the first week and a half of December. This typically gives you 7-10 days to shop for gifts before they’re due back to the organization.
    • Some organizations will start matching donors to their families in mid-November, but December is much more common.
  2. 2
    Contact a local organization that does an Adopt-a-Family program. First, go to their website to see if you can sign up there. If you can’t, call them for instructions. They may take your information over the phone or via email. In some cases, you’ll need to visit the organization in person to sign-up and get your family’s information.[9]
    • If you’re participating in the Salvation Army’s “Angel Tree” program, then you’ll just need to pick a child or children off of one of their trees. These are usually located in high traffic areas, like stores, businesses, schools, and large churches. If you don’t know where to find a tree, call your local Salvation Army to ask where it is.
  3. 3
    Complete a donor application form, if required. Some organizations don’t require donors to fill out an application. However, you may be asked to provide your contact information, what size family you’re interested in adopting, how many families you want to adopt, and if you’re interested in other ways of helping the program. The organization will use this information to connect you with a family that meets your preferences.
    • Your contact information will likely include your address, telephone number, and email.
    • Some organizations will let you submit the application through their website or email, but you may need to visit them in person.
  4. 4
    Get the names, ages, and gift wish list for your adopted family. You’ll receive this information from the organization that’s hosting the Adopt-a-Family program. It may come in hard copy form, or you may receive an email.[10]
    • If you haven’t received your family’s information by the 2nd week in December, check with the organization to find out what to do.
    • If you’re doing the Salvation Army’s “Angel Tree” program, all of the information you need will be on the card you take from the tree.

    Tip: If you have kids, it’s a great idea to adopt a family with children who are similar ages to your own. This allows your kids to help you shop for the other children, which encourages them to practice sharing and empathy.

  5. 5
    Purchase the gifts for your adopted family. Most programs ask that you purchase at least 2 gifts for each person in the family, though adults may be optional. However, you can usually get your family as many gifts as you’d like. You might get them a mix of items, including toys, personal care items, and clothing.[11]
    • Some organizations also request that you buy the family food or a grocery gift card. If you're unsure if your program encourages food donations, read over the instructions or check with a program representative.
  6. 6
    Wrap the gifts, if your organization instructs you to do so. You can wrap them individually or together in one big box. Use holiday wrapping paper or gift bags to wrap the presents. For kids, wrapping paper is usually preferable, as it’s fun for them to unwrap on Christmas morning.[12]
    • You may decide to put the presents in one big box to ensure that your family receives all of them. To make it more fun on Christmas morning, you can wrap and label each present individually before putting them in the big box.
    • Read the instructions that were included on your Adopt-a-Family materials, or check with the organization. Some groups like to collect the presents unwrapped so they can see what the donor purchased.
  7. 7
    Label the gifts with your adopted family’s information. Follow the instructions provided by the program for labeling the gifts. Generally, you’ll need to include the recipient’s name and age. In some cases, there may be a family name or case number to write on the label.[13]
    • If you have any questions, ask a program representative.
    • If your program gave you a form or identification slip for your family, attach that to the presents.
  8. 8
    Drop off the gifts by the deadline. Every program has a drop off date or period that allows the families enough time to get their presents before Christmas. Check your sign up materials to find this date, or contact the program. It will typically be sometime between December 18 and Christmas Eve.

    Variation: Some organizations will deliver the presents to recipients, especially those who lack transportation. If you’re able to deliver presents, you may want to volunteer to help distribute the gifts.

  9. Advertisement


  • Make sure the program you participate in is run by a legitimate organization. In most cases, they’ll have a recognizable name, like the Salvation Army. However, you can also do an Internet search to make sure they are a real organization.

About This Article

Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Danielle Blinka is a Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Improv Performer, and Artist currently living in Houston, TX. She also has experience teaching English and writing to others. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Master of Arts in English with a concentration in writing, and Master of Public Administration from Lamar University. This article has been viewed 46,434 times.
28 votes - 37%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: February 10, 2023
Views: 46,434
Categories: Adoption