Olive oil has been used for centuries as a natural moisturizer. Rich in antioxidants and nourishing for skin, olive oil is a healthier alternative to shaving creams, which are often filled with artificial scents and chemicals that leave skin itchy and dry. Using olive oil to shave is easy. Simply wash your face, apply the oil, and shave as usual.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Prepping Your Skin

  1. 1
    Wash the area. Make sure the area you are shaving is clean to prevent infection. Wash the area you want to shave with soap as you normally would. Try to use a high-quality soap for a deep clean.[1]
    • If you are shaving a particularly hairy area, like your head or your beard, trim off as much hair as possible beforehand using clippers.
  2. 2
    Apply a hot, damp towel. Applying a hot towel will open your pores and allow for a smoother shave. Alternatively, you can take a warm shower.[2]
  3. 3
    Choose an extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is best for your skin. It is the least processed form of olive oil, and therefore contains more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds than other types, including pure and light olive oils.[3]
    • Consider buying a bottle solely for shaving purposes to avoid cross-contamination.
  4. 4
    Lather with olive oil. Pour some olive oil into a cup for easy access. Then, dip your fingers into the oil and massage a thin layer into the area you want to shave. Use extra oil for areas with thicker hair growth.[4]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Shaving with Olive Oil

  1. 1
    Shave along the grain of the hair. Shave with the direction of hair growth, as you normally would. One perk of olive oil compared to shaving cream is that it allows you to see the area you are shaving clearly. Use a damp cloth to keep the area moist. You can use any type of razor.[5]
    • You should discard disposable razors after one use, and clean electric razors after each use to prevent bacterial growth.
    • If you want a cleaner shave, apply more oil and shave against the grain of the hair.
  2. 2
    Wash the area. Wash the area again with soap, either in the shower or at the sink. This will remove dirt and excess oil.[6]
    • If you don’t want to smell like olive oil, be sure not to skip this step! Washing the area thoroughly is important for removing the scent of the olive oil.
  3. 3
    Apply more oil to moisturize. Instead of using a store-bought lotion to moisturize post-shave, try massaging a teaspoon of olive oil into your skin. It’s cheap, and you already have it on hand!
    • Try to apply the oil while your skin is still damp--it’ll absorb better.
  4. 4
    Dip your razor in the oil. Olive oil is a lubricant, and can prevent your blade from rusting. Coating the blade with olive oil after shaving will help it last longer. You can leave your blade in the oil until the next use, or store it in its usual spot.[7]
    • If you store your razor in a drawer or on your counter, you may want to place a towel under the blade to prevent the oil from spreading.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Is it bad to shave with olive oil?
    Marlon Rivas
    Marlon Rivas
    Facial Hair Specialist
    Marlon Rivas is a Barber and Owner of MGX Professional Men's Grooming, a barbershop based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also the founder of Busystyle.com, a service that provides online scheduling services to businesses in the barbering and beauty industry. Marlon has over 15 years of experience in managing and providing barber services.
    Marlon Rivas
    Facial Hair Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Not at all! You can even use olive oil as a pre-shave. Just apply the olive oil to your skin, let it soak in for a few minutes, then apply your regular shaving cream.
  • Question
    What can I do to keep my legs from burning and turning red? I tried this and my legs became red and burn. What can I do to make them better?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use witch hazel afterward to help alleviate the burning sensation. Next time you shave, mix the olive oil with another oil to tone it down in case you are allergic to olive oil.
  • Question
    Can I use canola or vegetable oil?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. In fact, many people use other vegetable oils, especially coconut oil, to shave.


  • Be very careful not to cut yourself with the razor. If olive oil gets into the cut, it will burn.
  • Olive oil will make your tub slippery, so be mindful if you shave in the shower.

Things You'll Need

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • A razor
  • A towel
  • Soap

About This Article

Marlon Rivas
Co-authored by:
Facial Hair Specialist
This article was co-authored by Marlon Rivas. Marlon Rivas is a Barber and Owner of MGX Professional Men's Grooming, a barbershop based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also the founder of Busystyle.com, a service that provides online scheduling services to businesses in the barbering and beauty industry. Marlon has over 15 years of experience in managing and providing barber services. This article has been viewed 266,761 times.
5 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: December 8, 2021
Views: 266,761
Categories: Featured Articles | Shaving
Article SummaryX

Shaving with olive oil can be a healthy alternative to shaving cream. Choose extra virgin olive oil, which is less processed and more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. All you’ll need to do is pour the olive oil into a small cup, dip your fingers in it, and lather it onto your face like shaving cream. Shave in the direction of your hair growth like you normally would, to avoid irritating your skin. It’s best to use different bottles of olive oil for shaving and cooking to avoid contamination. You can also use olive oil to moisturize your face after shaving. For more tips, including how to keep your razor blade sharp for longer with olive oil, read on!

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