Whether you’re making a flirtatious comment or commenting on someone’s adorable baby, the word “cute” is a great addition to your personal phrasebook when you’re visiting a Spanish-speaking country. But with all the different Spanish words for “cute” out there, how do you know which one to use? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve covered plenty of ways to say “cute" in Spanish, so you can make the best possible impression in any conversation.


Lindo (LEEN-doh)

  1. This classic adjective lets someone know they’re looking good. “Lindo” directly translates to cute, making it the perfect option for some casual flirting. Worried about coming on too strongly? “Lindo” is definitely your best bet.[1]
    • In Spanish, many words are categorized as either feminine or masculine, with each form having a slightly different spelling. For instance, “lindo” is the masculine form of the word and ends in “o”—you’d use this form of the word to flirt with a guy. If you were flirting with a woman, you’d use “linda” (LEEN-dah), which is the feminine form of the word (ending in “a”).
    • “¡Tu eres super linda!” (Tu air-es SOO-per LEEN-dah) means “You’re super cute!”
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Bonito (Boh-NEE-toe)

  1. Compliment someone’s appearance with “bonito.” Officially, bonito translates to “cute,” “lovely,” “nice,” “pretty,” or “beautiful.” Sprinkle this word into your flirty remarks to let someone know that they’ve caught your eye.[3]
    • Like other Spanish adjectives, “bonito” changes to “bonita” (boh-NEE-tah) when you’re flirting with a girl. Stick with “bonito” if you’re chatting with a guy, though!
    • “¡Qué bonito eres!” (Kay boh-NEE-toe air-es) means “How cute you are!”
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Tierno (Tee-ERR-no)

  1. Call someone “cute” or “sweet” with the word “tierno.” Looking for a good way to strike up a conversation? “Tierno” is a great way to make the first move and let someone know that you really like them. Although “tierno” can also mean “tender,” plenty of people also use this word in flirty, romantic situations.
    • “Tierno” is the masculine form of the word. It switches to “tierna” (tee-ERR-nah) when you’re speaking with a woman.
    • “¡Creo que eres tierno!” (CREH-oh kay air-es tee-ERR no) means “I think you’re sweet.”

Precioso (Preh-see-OH-so)

  1. Let someone know they’re looking gorgeous or precious with “precioso.” “Precioso” is a super versatile word in Spanish—you can use it flirtatiously, or as a sweet compliment for someone or something that you find adorable.[4]
    • “Precioso” changes to “preciosa” (preh-see-OH-sa) when you’re talking to a woman (or are referencing a feminine noun).
    • “Tu eres precioso.” (Too air-es preh-see-OH-so): “You are charming.”
    • “Mi sobrina es una bebé preciosa” (Mi so-BREE-na es oon-uh beh-beh preh-see-OH-sa) means “My niece is a beautiful baby.”
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Monada (Moh-NAH-da)

  1. Use “monada” to call someone or something “cute,” “gorgeous,” or “beautiful.” Maybe you spotted a cute cat near your house, or you passed a cute girl when you were out at the club. “Monada” can be used both flirtatiously and innocently and can work in all kinds of situations.[5]
    • “Monada” is the only form of this word—you don’t change it to “monado” for masculine nouns.
    • “¡Hola, monada!” (OH-lah moh-NAH-da): “Hello, beautiful!”
    • “¡Qué monada de gatita!” (Kay moh-NAH-da day gah-TEE-tah) means “What a cute little cat!”

Bello (BEH-yoh)

  1. This flirtatious word lets someone know that they’re looking sharp.[6] Although it technically means “beautiful” rather than “cute,” “bello” can be used interchangeably with words that directly translate to “cute,” like “lindo.”
    • As an adjective, “bello” falls into the masculine and feminine adjective rule. Stick with “bello” when you’re flirting with a cute guy, and opt for “bella” (BEH-yah) when speaking with a cute girl.
    • “Eres tan bella que me has hecho olvidar mi piropo” (Air-es tan BEH-yah kay meh yas ay-cho ol-vee-dar me pee-ROH-po) means “You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pick-up line.”
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Bueno (BWE-noh)

  1. This Spanish word can translate to “good-looking.” While “bueno” officially means “good” or “nice,” it can also mean “good-looking” or “attractive” in the right context.[8] It doesn’t technically mean “cute,” but it can still be a charming way to flirt and let someone know that you’re interested in them.
    • As an adjective, “bueno” is used to modify male nouns. With feminine nouns, “buena” (BWE-nah) is used instead.
    • “Ella está buena” (Ey-ya es-tah BWE-nah) means “She is looking good.”
    • To really dial up your flirting, use a superlative like “buenísima” (BWE-nee-see-mah), which means “very good-looking”). For instance, you could say “Tu eres buenísima” (Too air-es BWE-nee-see-mah), which means “You are very good-looking.”
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Atractivo (uh-track-TEE-voh)

  1. This is identical to the English word “attractive.” You’ve hit things off with that special someone but aren’t quite sure how to take your convo to the next level. “Atractivo” could be the word you’re looking for—it literally means “attractive” in English, and is a great way to flirtatiously tell someone that they’re looking good.[10]
    • If you’re flirting with a guy, use “atractivo,” which is the male form of the word. If you’re chatting it up with a woman, use “atractiva” (uh-track-TEE-vah), the female form of the word, instead.
    • “Lucas, eres un hombre muy atractivo” (LOO-cuss, air-es oon OHM-bray MOY uh-track-TEE-voh) means “Lucas, you are a very attractive man.”
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About This Article

Language Academia
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This article was co-authored by Language Academia and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin. This article has been viewed 21,690 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: October 24, 2022
Views: 21,690
Categories: Pronouncing Spanish