You've scored the second date, congrats! You've cruised past that awkward first meetup, established that you two dig each other, and now, you're searching for a fresh, exciting activity to keep the ball rolling. You probably want something that's unique and intimate—but not overwhelming. Don't worry. We've got you covered. We'll walk you through all of the very best second date activities, so you can focus on the fun part: connecting with your crush.


Cook a meal together.

  1. For a playful and sensual second date, tackle a recipe together. Impress your date with a dish you've mastered or team up on a brand new meal. Either way, the chatting, taste-testing, silly mistakes, and culinary triumphs you two experience together will leave room for tons of bonding, laughter, and fun.[1]
    • Before you make plans, ask your date about their dietary restrictions. Prepping a lamb chop for your vegan crush could be a bit of a mood killer.
    • Before your date, strategically do some prep work. Chop onions, wait out long marination periods, and complete unappetizing prep tasks beforehand.
    • Your date may not chop just the way you like—that’s okay! Prioritize having fun over perfecting dinner. Keep things laidback. Worst case, you order takeout!
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Host a movie marathon.

  1. An at-home binge-watching session allows for endless possibilities. If you're worried about having to maintain long conversations, invite your date over for a movie night. It may sound like a simpler date choice, but movie nights can get super intimate. To make your hangout extra special and exciting, add a creative twist.[2]
    • Introduce your date to the “concession stand,” where you have popcorn, soda, candy, and snack options set up. Ask them for their order.
    • Create a theme. For “Nostalgia Night," screen childhood favorites and buy candies that everyone forgets about (like Wonder Ball and Baby Bottle Pops!).
    • Use a movie franchise you both love for inspiration. If you're Harry Potter fans, offer butterbeer, jelly beans, and test your date with an HP quiz.

Visit a rooftop bar or restaurant.

  1. Let a great view elevate the classic dinner-and-drinks experience. With the sun on your face, a posh drink in your hand, and the cityscape to your left, you two will feel like you’re enjoying a mini-vacation together. Get to know each other, laugh, and enjoy yummy treats—all with the added thrill of rooftop scenery.[3]
    • Pick out a local spot with great reviews and if necessary, remember to make a reservation.
    • Check the weather before you make your plans. For the perfect rooftop experience, choose a bright, sunny day for your date.
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Invite your date on a winery tour.

  1. A winery tour combines romance, culture, and connection. Stroll around the gorgeous scenery, enjoy delicious drinks, and impress each other with your wine knowledge (or laugh about your lack of it!). Plan a wine tasting for date #2 and you’ll find that this sensual activity allows for tons of time to chat—and no shortage of material to talk about.[4]
    • Enjoy getting flirty with a little wine-induced buzz. Avoid drinking too much, though. On that note, remember to eat before you leave.
    • Bring along a couple bottles of water to swish around. Red wine can stain your teeth.
    • For a more intimate experience, you could totally pull off an at-home wine tasting. Grab your favorites, print out your background info, and start serving!

Experience the great outdoors together.

  1. Let nature provide a gorgeous backdrop for your second date. Hang out on the beach, a hike, or a park picnic—or, do all three! If you and your date are outdoorsy people, connect through your shared interest. If you’re not, outdoor activities still provide a unique date, beautiful scenery, and tons to talk about together.[5]
    • Bring drinks, snacks, and a towel to the beach. Go for sunset to turn up the romance. Get to know each other while enjoying the sea breeze.
    • Take your date on a beginner-level hike (unless you know they're experienced). Bring lots of water and play twenty questions while you walk together.
    • Pack your date's favorite snacks in a wicker basket. Bring finger foods, wine, a comfy blanket, and a nice plate. Find a pretty park, and you're picnic ready!
    • Engaging in activities or going on an outdoor date helps avoid the awkward silence that you may experience on a dinner date.
    • There are so many things happening around you, so the environment is more casual.
    • It allows you to get to know the other person in a less formal setting.
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Go for a boat ride.

  1. Enjoy pretty scenery, a nice breeze, and great conversation. Buy tickets for a ferry ride, hire a private sailboat for the afternoon, or take a paddleboat out for a spin. There’s something inherently romantic about boat rides, so use this to your advantage. Faster boats may get a bit chilly, so pack a blanket and cuddle up together for warmth.[6]
    • Pack snacks, drinks, and dessert so you two can enjoy a little floating picnic together.
    • For paddleboat rides, you may want to plan out a route. Choose a spot on land to dock at or an exciting site to check out together.

Stargaze with your date.

  1. Starry nights are as romantic as it gets—so use that to your benefit. If you want a dreamy activity and the opportunity for intimate conversation, ask your date to stargaze with you. Bring warm clothes, a cozy blanket, pillows, and snacks. Ask all of your burning questions, snuggle up, and look out for shooting stars together.[7]
    • Choose a spot far away from city lights. Light pollution dims starlight, so for the best nighttime views, travel out to the countryside.
    • Check the weather beforehand. Clouds make it difficult (or impossible) to see those glittering lights. Make sure skies are clear before you make plans.
    • Do some research. To impress your date, look up info on visible constellations, stars, or even planets to share with them.
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Hit the bowling alley.

  1. Enjoy the fun and nostalgia of a round of bowling. Picture this: you chat over a round of beer and fries, laugh about your bowling shoes, and when you need help with a tough split, your date puts their hand on yours, guiding your shot. Take your date bowling, and you’re in for the ultimate romantic, silly, and laidback second hangout.[8]
    • Input funny names for the two of you in the bowling alley computer to make your date laugh.
    • To spice things up, challenge your date. Playfully suggest that the loser has to tell the winner a secret.
    • If the two of you aren’t great players, show off silly “trick shots” instead. Go back and forth tossing unique shots, like backward-facing throws.

Watch a movie at the drive-in theater.

  1. The drive-in is a famous date spot, and it deserves its romantic rep. Cuddle up on your coziest blankets, snack on movie theater treats, and if the movie gets slow, go in for a kiss. If you're nervous about maintaining conversation for hours, this is the ultimate low-pressure, high-romance date choice.[9]
    • Make sure your car is drive-in ready, meaning that it’s warm, clean, and comfy.
    • The drive-in allows for more intimacy than a typical movie theater, but it's always possible that this wouldn't have occurred to your date.
    • Stay communicative when you two get intimate. Consent is a must. Make sure your date knows that whenever they want, you can drive them home.
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Walk around a farmer’s market.

  1. Strolling around the market makes for a sweet and wholesome date #2. Hold hands as you scope out the veggie scene, talk about your favorite local art, and buy a small gift for your date as a romantic gesture. Chat, laugh, and share some delicious, local food; you two will have ample opportunity to connect, tons of interesting things to talk about, and a beautiful backdrop for your second date.[10]
    • Do some research to discover farmer’s markets near you. To beat the crowds, show up on the earlier side.
    • Make sure you check the weather, too. Both wind and rain can shut down outdoor markets early.

Rock out to live music.

  1. Concerts let you dance close while you connect with your date. With all of their dark corners and delicious drinks, live music shows are naturally romantic. Learn more about your date’s music tastes, discuss your opinions on the show, and cuddle up in a corner booth.[11]
    • See an artist you both love. If you know a mutual favorite is coming to town, buy two tickets. Excitement will be running high—perfect for date #2!
    • Go to an intimate, local performance. That'll mean a more relaxing atmosphere and more time to chat.
    • Discover a genre neither of you knows well together. New experiences can be a great way to bond and get to know each other.
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Visit the zoo or aquarium.

  1. For a unique second date, hold hands while watching the animals. Chat about your favorite exhibits, deliver your best animal impressions, and share snow cones together. This is a naturally silly and fun environment, perfect for getting to know your date better. You do want to be able to hear each other and see the animals, so if you can, opt for less busy hours.[12]
    • Research showtimes beforehand. If you think you two might enjoy watching the sea lion show, for example, make sure you catch it.
    • Ask your date if they'd like to enjoy one of the zoo's extra offerings with you. Go for a train ride, feed the giraffes, or get a caricature done.
    • Find a memento to keep. Get a penny pressed, buy a stuffed animal, or save your map. Who knows, it could come in handy on your year's anniversary!

Watch a baseball game together.

  1. Baseball games mean good food, drinks, and conversation. Even if neither of you is a sports fan, enjoy a game for an exciting second date. Bask in the sunshine, chow down on hotdogs, and look out for foul balls. If your date does know baseball well, have them explain the details to you. All and all, this gives you two a chance to connect and have a ball (pun intended!).[13]
    • Before the game, text your date a flirty challenge. Whoever sports the best/most team merch gets their hotdog paid for.
    • Enjoy some people watching while you’re there. Take turns making up silly backstories for those around you.
    • Or, try to get on the fan cam. When the cameras pan over the crowd, dance your hearts out together.
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Take a class together.

  1. Connect by learning (or attempting to learn) a new skill. Fumble through a beginner's class together and make tons of funny mistakes along the way. Or, if you discover you have a hidden talent, offer your date a lesson for a seamless segue into date #3. Regardless of how much you two actually learn, connections, laughs, and a wealth of conversation starters are sure to follow.[14]
    • If you think sharing a bottle of wine could be fun, sign up for a paint and sip course.
    • If you know your date wants to learn to be a better cook, sign up for a beginner’s cooking class.
    • Or, if your date is a fitness fanatic, sign up for a workout class. As an added bonus, this will get your endorphins going, too.

Volunteer together.

  1. If humanitarianism is important to you, donate your time together. You may feel like the causes close to your heart are an important part of your character. To show your date that side of you, sign up for volunteer hours. Introduce your date to an issue that’s important to you, enjoy giving back together, and have deep, meaningful conversations while you do.[15]
    • Spend Saturday morning working together at the Humane Society.
    • Donate food, books, and toys to the local children's shelter.
    • Cook food to serve together at your local food pantry.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What can you do to relax before meeting someone on a date?
    Louie Felix
    Louie Felix
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Louie Felix is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker, and the founder and CEO of Matchmaking VIP, a company which provides concierge-level matchmaking services to clients around the world. He is also the COO of Agape Matchmaking based in New York City. With almost 16 years of professional matchmaking and dating coaching experience, Louie has served as CEO for the United States' two largest matchmaking companies serving over 50,000 clients. He has been featured as an expert matchmaker for shows on E! Entertainment Television, WeTV and the CW. He was also recently acknowledged as a top 5 worldwide matchmaker by both the International Dating Conference and the Matchmakers Alliance. Louie was also selected as one of America's top 10 Relationship Experts for the Great Love Debate National Tour.
    Louie Felix
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    If you are nervous about a date, do something to prepare yourself and educate yourself for that date. For example, research some questions before you go on your date or watch some YouTube videos of some dating advice to calm your nerves.
  • Question
    What is the benefit of engaging in activities or going on an outdoor date?
    Louie Felix
    Louie Felix
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Louie Felix is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker, and the founder and CEO of Matchmaking VIP, a company which provides concierge-level matchmaking services to clients around the world. He is also the COO of Agape Matchmaking based in New York City. With almost 16 years of professional matchmaking and dating coaching experience, Louie has served as CEO for the United States' two largest matchmaking companies serving over 50,000 clients. He has been featured as an expert matchmaker for shows on E! Entertainment Television, WeTV and the CW. He was also recently acknowledged as a top 5 worldwide matchmaker by both the International Dating Conference and the Matchmakers Alliance. Louie was also selected as one of America's top 10 Relationship Experts for the Great Love Debate National Tour.
    Louie Felix
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    Engaging in activities or going on an outdoor date helps avoid the awkward silence you may experience on a dinner date. It allows you to get to know the other person in a less formal setting.

About This Article

Louie Felix
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
This article was co-authored by Louie Felix and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit. Louie Felix is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker, and the founder and CEO of Matchmaking VIP, a company which provides concierge-level matchmaking services to clients around the world. He is also the COO of Agape Matchmaking based in New York City. With almost 16 years of professional matchmaking and dating coaching experience, Louie has served as CEO for the United States' two largest matchmaking companies serving over 50,000 clients. He has been featured as an expert matchmaker for shows on E! Entertainment Television, WeTV and the CW. He was also recently acknowledged as a top 5 worldwide matchmaker by both the International Dating Conference and the Matchmakers Alliance. Louie was also selected as one of America's top 10 Relationship Experts for the Great Love Debate National Tour. This article has been viewed 4,140 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 21, 2022
Views: 4,140
Categories: Dating | Ideas for Dates