Aging is something we all do, but many of us would like to minimize the visual signs of our age. Learning how to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga offers a healthy alternative to botox, face-lifts and other invasive cosmetic treatments by exercising scalp, neck, and facial muscles so they become tighter and smoother. In addition, when practiced regularly and carefully, face yoga helps reduce forehead wrinkles by increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, and reducing stress. The following steps will guide you through four facial yoga poses to help reduce forehead wrinkles.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Trying the Lion Face

  1. 1
    Sit up straight and take a deep breath.[1] While the lion face is a great facial workout, it also helps relax the rest of your body. Making sure you are sitting up straight and taking a deep breath beforehand will ensure the exercise is effective.[2] [3]
  2. 2
    Constrict everything. While breathing in, try to tense every muscle in your body.[4] [5]
  3. 3
    Make the lion face. When you exhale, slowly relax your muscles, stick out your tongue, open your eyes wide, and splay your hands wide.[6] [7] [8]
    • Don't just stick your tongue straight out. Try to point it downward while grinning or opening your mouth wide.[9] [10]
  4. 4
    Hold the lion face. Hold this position for five to ten seconds.[11] [12]
    • To get the maximum benefit for forehead wrinkles, make sure your eyes are wide open.
  5. 5
    Relax and repeat. Relax your whole body for a few seconds, and then repeat this exercise a minimum of three times.[13] [14]
    • On the last repetition, try to hold the position for a full minute.
    • This is a great tension-relieving exercise that also stretches your entire face and improves circulation to the face.[15]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Attempting the V

  1. 1
    Make a V with both hands. Pretend you are making a peace sign or a V with the index and middle finger of both hands.[16]
  2. 2
    Use the V or peace symbol to frame each eye. Move your fingers so that your eye is in the middle of each V, with your middle fingers just below the bridge of your nose near the inner corner of your eye. At the same time, place your index fingers so that they are touching the outer corner of your upper eyelids.[17]
    • It will look like you are holding your eyes open with your middle and index finger.
    • When you look in the mirror, it should look like your fingers form a V below each eye.
  3. 3
    Look up toward the ceiling while squinting. Look up toward the ceiling while you form squint hard with your eyes.[18]
  4. 4
    Push up with your fingers. Use your fingers, or the V shapes you've formed, to push upward while you squint. This exercises your eyebrow and forehead muscles, working them against the resistance of your fingers.[19]
  5. 5
    Squeeze your eyes shut. Remove your fingers and squeeze your eyes shut tight. Hold this position for ten seconds and then release.[20]
  6. 6
    Relax and repeat. After you perform the exercise once, relax your facial muscles for a few seconds and then repeat the exercise six more times, making sure to squeeze your eyes shut and relax between repetitions. [21]
    • In addition to reducing forehead wrinkles, this exercise also helps prevent puffy and baggy eyes, drooping eyelids, and crow's feet, so use it in conjunction with the other exercises and make it part of your anti-aging ritual.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Employing the Owl

  1. 1
    Make a C shape with each hand. Imagine you are holding a pair of binoculars up to your eyes.[22]
    • Your thumbs should be below your eyes, while your index fingers are just above your eyebrows.
  2. 2
    Use your index fingers to pull the skin on your forehead down. Apply firm pressure against your forehead with your index fingers.[23]
  3. 3
    Try to raise your eyebrows upwards and open your eyes wide. You will have to work against your fingers to accomplish this task.[24]
  4. 4
    Hold this position for two seconds. Apply downward pressure for two seconds.[25]
  5. 5
    Relax and repeat. Relax the position of your hands and your eyebrows. Repeat this exercise 3 more times.[26]
  6. 6
    Hold for ten seconds on the last repetition. On your last repetition, hold the position for ten seconds, which will strengthen and tighten the forehead muscles.[27]
  7. 7
    Repeat daily. Perform this exercise daily along with the other facial yoga poses discussed in the article so that your forehead is smooth and line-free.[28]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Smoothing the Brow

  1. 1
    Rest your hands gently on your forehead. Make sure your fingers are pointing inward, and facing each other. [29]
  2. 2
    Swipe your fingers outward across your forehead. While you move your fingers from the middle of your forehead toward your temples, apply pressure to smooth out the skin on your forehead. [30]
    • Imagine you are sweeping away your forehead wrinkles.
    • Don't be afraid to apply firm pressure. You want to feel some resistance from the skin while you perform this exercise. [31]
  3. 3
    Relax your facial muscles. Now that you've completed one repetition, briefly rest your facial muscles.
  4. 4
    Repeat ten times daily. Instead of resorting to botox, repeat this exercise ten times every day to reduce horizontal forehead lines. [32]
    • This is a good recovery exercise for the end of your workout.
  5. 5
    Use with other exercises. Combine this exercise with some of the others discussed in this article to more effectively reduce forehead wrinkles.
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About This Article

Susana Jones, C-IAYT
Co-authored by:
Certified Yoga Therapist & Educator
This article was co-authored by Susana Jones, C-IAYT. Based in San Diego, Susana Jones is a Yoga Therapist and Educator with 12 years of experience serving groups, individuals and organizations. She is certified with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, registered as an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance and holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado. Susana offers therapeutic yoga to private clients through Shakti Urbana and mentors students of the internationally accredited Soul of Yoga. Susana dedicates her work to peaceful living on a healthy planet. This article has been viewed 327,073 times.
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Co-authors: 15
Updated: March 9, 2023
Views: 327,073
Categories: Yoga | Wrinkles
Article SummaryX

To reduce your forehead wrinkles with face yoga, try the lion exercise. Constrict your whole body tightly, then relax and open your eyes and mouth wide. Next, drop your tongue out and downward, with your hands splayed wide. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds, then repeat. Alternatively, try the V exercise by making V shapes with your index and middle fingers on both hands. Frame each of your eyes with your V-shaped fingers, look upward, and push your fingers up too. Then, remove your fingers, squeeze your eyes tight and hold for 10 seconds. For more exercises, including doing “the owl,” scroll down!

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