Many people would like to buy and keep Air Jordan sneakers. But many people don't understand how to preserve a pair of sneakers. And in several months, some parts of a pair of good shoes might become yellow. That's really annoying when you find that there's something uncommon on your sneakers.


  1. 1
    Put them in zip locks with few packs of silica.[1]
  2. 2
    Buy Force guards. If you have a ton of shoes but preserving them is worth it as it makes creasing nearly impossible.[2]
  3. 3
    Try not to wear them in bad weather. Even the lightest rain can damage your shoes and cut off a year in its life.
  4. 4
    Try not to wear the same shoe more than twice a week at max![3] If you have a lot of shoes, then schedule when you'll wear them. It sounds like high maintenance but you'll be glad you did it!
  5. 5
    Use light cleaning agents. Try Mr. Clean 's Magic Eraser.
  6. 6
    When you get home, don't just leave your shoes by the door to collect dust. Just put them back in the box.[4]
  7. 7
    Keep them in dark areas like your closet. Light ages a shoe and the material.[5]
  8. 8
    Stay away from clubs and dances.
  9. 9
    Don't drive with nice shoes. You only use the front of your foot to hit the pedals and that creates a 45 degree crease angle and your shoe will crease. Try bringing an extra pair of old shoes!
  10. 10
    Don't continuously clean your shoe after each time you wear them! Continuous cleaning from water creates oxidation in the air and that very air you breathe creates a chemical compound that creates the infamous yellowing found on famous Jordans like the 5's,6's,11's,and 16's. The less water, the better and the less cleaning, the better.
  11. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    I tend to have stinky feet. How do I keep my sneakers from stinking?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Before wearing your sneakers, make sure that your feet are clean and dry. Apply powder to your feet, in between the toes specifically. Put some powder inside your shoes, too. Don't wear sneakers while your feet are wet, it can lead to bacteria and yeast development, which leads to the stinking. Have good hygiene.
  • Question
    How do I not crease my Air Jordans? They tend to crease quickly in the toe box.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Force fields are a good product to stop creases. Also, massaging the shoe with mink oil before wearing them and after cleaning helps keep leather soft so it won't crease as bad.
  • Question
    How do I get a gray mark white again?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Magic erasers are great for removing scuffs and whitening the rubber midsole.


  • Try not to wear Air Jordan sneakers in a rainy day! That will do great harm to your sneakers.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 268,885 times.
1 votes - 20%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: April 4, 2022
Views: 268,885
Categories: Sneakers