Do you want to learn the rules of Teen Patti or pick up some strategies to improve your skills? Look no further! We can tell you everything you need to know about this fun gambling game. In this article, we'll cover how to set up a Teen Patti game, go over the basic rules, and share a few pointers that will give you an edge over your opponents. Keep reading to learn more!


  1. 1
    Select a dealer. Draw cards to select who begins dealing. Highest drawn card gets the honor. Each game round players will take turns being the dealer as this will shift in a clockwise manner.
  2. 2
    Place an ante. An ante is collected from each player to form an initial pot that players will fight over. This ante sets the level of the game as every game round is capped to a pot equal to 1024 times the ante (unless played without a limit).
  3. 3
    Receive your cards. The dealer of the game deals three cards face-down to himself and each player in a clockwise manner.
  4. 4
    Start acting with the first player. The player sitting on the left-hand side of the dealer will start acting. He can choose to play blind (without seeing his cards) or seen (with his cards seen). If he plays blind he can fold, call the ante or raise to double it. If he plays seen he can fold, call double the ante or raise to quadruple it. Whatever bet he decides to make, this will be known as a stake.
  5. 5
    Continue acting. Moving in a clockwise manner, each player will have the option of folding, calling or raising as a blind or seen player. How much a player can bet depends on the current stake set by the previous player and if the current player is blind or seen. If blind it's either 1x or 2x the stake and if seen either 2x or 4x the stake. If the player who previously acted is seen, what is considered the stake will always be half as much as what the stake is considered to be from a previously acting player who is blind.
  6. 6
    Request a side-show. Whenever a seen player is acting after another seen player and there are at least three players left in the game, the acting player can request a side-show with the previously acting player. The asked player can either accept or deny the request. If he accepts both players will secretly show each other's cards. The player with the worst hand ranking will then be eliminated while the game continues. Hand rankings are as follows:
    • Best hand: Trail / Set / Trio. Three similar cards regardless of color or suit (for instance, A-A-A or 9-9-9 of a diamond, heart and spade)
    • Second best hand: Pure Sequence / Straight Flush. Three consecutive cards of the same suit and color (for instance, A-2-3 of hearts or K-Q-J of clubs)
    • Third best hand: Sequence / Run / Straight. Three consecutive cards of different suits (for instance, A-2-3 or K-Q-J of a spade, heart, and diamond)
    • Fourth best hand: Color / Flush. Three cards of the same suit and color, but not in a sequence (for instance, A-K-K of hearts or 9-4-3 of spades)
    • Fifth best hand: Pair. Two cards of the same rank regardless of color or suit (for instance A-A-9 or 5-5-J)
    • Worst hand: High Card. Three cards that are not in a sequence, of the same value or the same suit (for instance, A-9-4 with two diamonds and one spade)
  7. 7
    Demand a showdown. Whenever players have folded or side-shows have occurred as to leave only two players left in the game, one of the players can demand a final showdown. The player how doesn't demand it must either fold or call. If he calls the two players will show their cards and the one with the highest hand ranking will win the entire pot.
  8. 8
    Enter an alternative showdown. When played as a pot-limited game, an alternative showdown can occur once a pot-limit has been reached. For instance, if the pot limit is set to 1024x the initial ante, all players will be forced to show their cards when the pot has reached this amount.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you play Teen Patti online?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can play Teen Patti online. You can play a virtual game against a computer AI or a live game with human dealers streamed from a remote gaming studio. All you need to do is find an online casino that offers the game.


  • Playing Teen Patti online the game might appear different from the traditional game, especially when it comes to gambling sites that allow you to play against a dealer as opposed to playing against other players


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Co-authors: 14
Updated: August 4, 2022
Views: 66,432
Categories: Poker