Show off your thoughtful, intellectual side with the 🧐 (monocle) emoji

Are you totally lost in thought, or considering something important? There’s an emoji for that! The 🧐 (monocle) emoji—sometimes called the fancy emoji or the face with monocle emoji—has a surprisingly wide variety of meanings in text and social media. Read on, and we’ll show you how to accurately interpret the 🧐 (monocle) emoji when someone sends it to you, plus give you tips on how to use and respond to it in your own texts!

Things You Should Know

  • The 🧐 (monocle) emoji usually means that you’re pondering something or trying to make a decision.
  • You can also use the 🧐 (monocle) emoji to convey sarcasm or skepticism about something, like you’re saying, “Hmm, I don’t know about that.”
  • Send the 🧐 (monocle) emoji to tell someone you’re making a decision or to express doubt about something.
Section 1 of 4:

What does the 🧐 (monocle) emoji mean?

  1. 1
    The 🧐 (monocle) emoji means you’re considering something. When you see the 🧐 emoji, it could mean the sender is deep in thought, pondering something, or trying to make a decision. They might also be trying to look into a situation or learn more information if they feel underinformed. The 🧐 emoji basically means, “I’m looking into it.”[1]
    • “Trying to figure out how my new coffee maker works. I’ll get there…eventually. 🧐”
    • “Did something happen at work while I was out? Now I wanna hear more! 🧐”
  2. 2
    A 🧐 (monocle) emoji can convey a sense of skepticism or irony. Essentially, it can mean that you doubt the validity of something, or don’t really believe what you’re hearing. It can also serve as a sarcastic reaction to someone else’s words; for instance, if someone brags about themselves but you don’t really believe their hype, the 🧐 emoji could represent a sarcastic retort.[2]
    • Person 1: “I’m the best Mario Kart player in the world!”
    • Person 2: “Considering that I beat you last time we played, I doubt that. 🧐”
  3. 3
    The 🧐 (monocle) emoji also signifies sophistication and intelligence. Monocles are often associated with high-class dress and events, and the 🧐 emoji is no different. It can convey a sense of superiority, distinction, or high intellect; for instance, someone might send it to you when they’ve just solved a tricky problem and feel pleased with their smarts.[3]
    • “Okay, I’m a total genius for figuring out this puzzle. 🧐 Check it out!”
    • “I aced my math test! Feeling very 🧐 right now.”
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Section 2 of 4:

Using the 🧐 (Monocle) Emoji

  1. 1
    Use the 🧐 (monocle) emoji to show you’re thinking something over. If you have an important decision to make but haven’t decided yet, or simply have a lot on your mind at the moment, you can communicate that with the 🧐 emoji. Let the other person know what’s going on, and be sure to tell them if you need some more time to think.[4]
    • “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. 🧐 Can I run something by you?”
    • “Hmm, I need to think about your question for a minute. 🧐 Can I get back to you later?”
  2. 2
    Send the 🧐 (monocle) if you’re curious and want more information. Perhaps you’re thinking something over, but feel like you don’t have all the available information. On the other hand, maybe someone just told you a wild story and you want them to expand on it right away. You can use the 🧐 emoji to show them that you’re intrigued to know more.
    • “Wait, what happened next? Come on, I’ve gotta know! 🧐”
    • “I’m excited about our trip next week, but I feel like I haven’t prepared at all yet! Might have to research some attractions. 🧐”
  3. 3
    Express doubt with the 🧐 emoji when something seems off. Does another person’s claim sound fishy to you? You can send them the 🧐 emoji to show them you aren’t sure you believe what they’re saying. Of course, the 🧐 emoji can also be used jokingly—for example, to convey sarcastic doubt when a friend jokingly brags about something.
    • “I know you think we need to do this project a certain way, but I’m not convinced. 🧐”
    • “I want to take a closer look at that contract before I sign it. 🧐 I don’t like putting my name on anything I don’t fully understand!”
  4. 4
    Use the 🧐 emoji when you’re feeling exceptionally clever. Maybe you just solved a problem or made a tricky decision that’s been weighing on you, and you feel great! In that case, sending the 🧐 emoji to someone can communicate a sense of competence—it’s basically like saying, “I’m feeling like a smarty-pants right now!”
    • “Well, I finally figured out why my dishwasher was malfunctioning. 🧐 Apparently, I’m kind of a genius!”
    • “My GPA is another 4.0 this semester! I think I’m pretty good at this whole ‘school’ thing. 🧐”
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Section 3 of 4:

Responding to the 🧐 (Monocle) Emoji

  1. 1
    Help someone make a decision if they’re thinking things over. When someone indicates that they’re trying to make a decision and having trouble with it, ask them if they need a hand (or an outside perspective on the dilemma). If they ask you directly for your advice, do your best to help them make a decision they’re happy with.
    • Person 1: “I can’t figure out what to do for my birthday this year. 🧐”
    • Person 2: “I’m sure there are lots of cool options! Want any help thinking of some?”
  2. 2
    Offer them extra details about a situation if they seem curious. If someone sends you the 🧐 because they want more information, be sure to share it with them. Expand on your story if you can, or explain how they might be able to learn more if you don’t have all the information they’re looking for.
    • Person 1: “Did you know that ‘dreamt’ (and its derivatives) are the only words in the English language to end in ‘mt’?”
    • Person 2: “Okay, wait, WHERE did that come from? 🧐”
    • Person 1: “LOL. Well, I was reading this article online…”
  3. 3
    Agree (or disagree) if they seem skeptical about something. If they send you the 🧐 emoji to express doubt, let them know if you feel the same. You might be able to help them feel more sure of themselves if you agree, or give them the extra context they don’t have if you disagree.
    • Person 1: “Do you think Alan’s being honest with us? I’m not convinced. 🧐”
    • Person 2: “I’m not either, TBH. Did you notice any particular red flag when you spoke to him?”
  4. 4
    Give them a compliment if they mention their smarts. When people boast about themselves, they’re probably just looking for some recognition. Offer praise or encouragement when they send you the 🧐 emoji because they’ve done something clever or intellectual, and help them feel appreciated.
    • Person 1: “I got an A in my class! I feel so smart right now. 🧐”
    • Person 2: “Hey, congrats! You ARE so smart—I knew you could do it!”
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Section 4 of 4:

Combinations with the 🧐 Emoji

  1. 1
    Pair the 🧐 emoji and the 💰 (money) emoji to talk about Monopoly. The 🧐 emoji is sometimes associated with the Monopoly man (Rich Uncle Pennybags), and the 💰(money) emoji is associated with the game itself. So, if you’re a Monopoly fan and feel like inviting a few friends to play with you via text, you can do so using emojis.
    • “So, who’s up for a game of Monopoly tonight?! 🧐💰”
    • “Guess what game I totally won yesterday? 🧐💰”
    • Funnily enough, Uncle Pennybags never actually wore a monocle! Monopoly players just see him as having a monocle since he’s supposed to represent a rich and sophisticated person.
  2. 2
    The 🧐 emoji and 🎩 (top hat) emoji represent formal attire. Whether you just feel like dressing up for a night on the town or you’re genuinely dressing for a formal event, you can use the 🧐 and 🎩 emojis to express your desire (or excitement) to dress up. Compare outfits with the other person, or encourage them to dress up formally too.
    • “I’m excited about the party tomorrow! It’s gonna have a formal dress code! 🎩🧐”
    • “Dressing up now! Wanna see a pic of the final outfit? 🧐🎩”
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About This Article

Glenn Carreau
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Glenn Carreau is a wikiHow Staff Writer, currently based in Los Angeles. With over four years of experience writing for several online publications, she has covered topics ranging from world history to the entertainment industry. Glenn graduated with honors from Columbia College Chicago, earning a B.A. in Interactive Arts and Media and a minor in Professional Writing. Today, Glenn continues to feed her lifelong love of learning while serving wikiHow's many readers. This article has been viewed 1,814 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 15, 2023
Views: 1,814
Categories: Emoticons and Emojis