Did someone flip you the bird over text? It might not mean what you think it does

Okay, before you start throwing hands, we’re not directing the 🖕(middle finger) emoji at you! Let’s be honest, this little pixelated hand changed the game when it comes to texting, letting you get across all of your pent up frustrations and anger with just the press of a button. You might have your preferred ways to use 🖕, but what are some other ways you can use this emoji? And how should you react when you’re on the receiving end? We’ll cover these questions and give some examples to help you out!

Section 1 of 3:

🖕(Middle Finger) Emoji Meanings

  1. 1
    The 🖕emoji expresses extreme contempt or even hate. Showing someone or something your middle finger is giving them a clear sign that you dislike them and/or do not find them worthy of your respect. It is meant to offend and insult.[1]
    • “This customer just randomly started yelling at me when I was at work and I was like ‘ok🖕’”
    • “Pigeons are literally so gross like omg get out of my way🖕”
    • “To all the racist people out there 🖕”
  2. 2
    People use the 🖕emoji to express their anger and frustration. When things aren’t going right or someone is just fed up, they might send the 🖕emoji to express their discontent.
    • “My computer literally keeps breaking like 🖕I’m actually so done with this.”
    • “I’m this close to just dropping out of school🖕”
    • “This person just cut me off when I was turning. Literally 🖕”
    • “THAT’S IT IM DONE 🖕🖕🖕🖕”
  3. 3
    The 🖕emoji can be used to mock someone. If someone wants to belittle another person and put them down, they might choose to use the🖕emoji to express this.
    • “Aw you failed your test? Too bad 🖕”
    • “Ha I knew you’d get that wrong 🖕”
    • “How does it feel to be a loser? 🖕”
    • “Oh noooo did I hurt your feelings? Huh that’s too bad 🖕”
  4. 4
    The 🖕emoji can be used to replace other swear words. Sometimes an emoji can do a lot more than words can, and some people might find that putting in the 🖕emoji in place of a swear word might get their message across a lot better.
    • “Well 🖕you too sir”
    • “Omg 🖕off”
    • “🖕this I give up”
  5. 5
    Some people use the 🖕emoji to be cheeky with their friends. Sometimes there’s no malicious intent behind the emoji. Rather, someone might just send it to poke fun at their friends without putting any real meaning behind it.
    • “Hey can u bring me some water?”, “haha no 🖕”
    • “Did your friend ever ask about me?” “Yeah. They said 🖕”
    • “Haha guess who just took the last piece of pizza🖕”
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Section 2 of 3:

How to Respond to the 🖕(Middle Finger) Emoji

  1. 1
    Let them know you don’t care with the 🙄 emoji. This face rolling its eyes is a way to tell the recipient that you’re not taking their words seriously and are highly unimpressed.
    • “oh wow how mature of you 🙄”
    • “🙄seriously?”
    • “omg i feel so threatened 🙄”
  2. 2
    Show some sass with the 💅 emoji. This other hand-related emoji lets the recipient know that you don’t really care to hear whatever else they have to say. You’re above them and their childish behavior and have better things to do than listen to them be disrespectful to you.
    • “ok and? 💅”
    • “that’s cute 💅”
    • “💅 sorry did you say something?”
  3. 3
    Don’t let it get to you and use the 😊 emoji. This is another way to let the person know that their words (or emojis) don’t hurt you, and that you’re just going to move on without letting it affect you.
    • “alrighty then 😊”
    • “message received 😊”
    • “hehe ok 😊”
  4. 4
    Send 🖕right back. If you think you have the situation under control, you can respond in kind and take it from there. Or maybe your friend sent it to you to tease you, so it likely wouldn’t do any harm to tease them right back.
  5. 5
    Ignore it. It’s hard to ignore such a rude gesture when someone is trying to hurt you, but it could stop the situation from escalating into something potentially more harmful.
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Section 3 of 3:

Emojis to Use with the 🖕(Middle Finger) Emoji

  1. Pair the 🖕emoji with something else to make your meaning more clear. Here are a few suggestions of other emojis to use alongside 🖕to really get your message across. Really, get as creative as you want!
    • 😂🖕- This can be read as meaning that you’re fake laughing at whatever the person just said and are actually quite unimpressed.
    • 😀🖕- This combination is a way to say, “Please leave me alone and stop talking.” The smiley face adds a bit of politeness before you drop the bomb with🖕. Really, any version of a smiley face will do here.
    • 🤬🖕- This shows that not only are you giving them the middle finger, but you also have some choice words you’d like to tell them.
    • 🗿🖕- This let’s the other person know that they really shouldn’t mess with you and that they’d better watch what they say from now on.
    • 😎🖕- Let the other person know that you’re way cooler than them and don’t necessarily care to hear any opinion that says otherwise. You’re sticking to what you want and don’t care what others have to say.

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wikiHow Staff
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: February 17, 2023
Views: 14,702
Categories: Emoticons and Emojis