You may want to measure your shoe’s heel height to see if it’s acceptable for a certain event or just out of simple curiosity. All it takes to measure heel height is your shoe, a flat surface, and a ruler. If you want to find out the heel height that is right for you, that can also be easily done. To measure your ideal maximum heel height, you just need a chair, ruler, and a camera if you don’t have anyone to help. If you want to calculate your healthiest heel height, only basic math skills are needed.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Measuring Your Shoe’s Heel Height

  1. 1
    Put your shoe on a flat surface. A flat surface is required to get an accurate measurement. You can put the shoe down on the floor, a table, or desk. Typically, a desk or table is ideal because it can be difficult to measure when you need to get down to floor level.[1]
  2. 2
    Get a tape measure or ruler. A ruler or tape measure will ensure that you are getting an accurate measurement. It doesn’t matter if you use a tape measure or ruler. It just needs to be long enough to measure the heel of the shoe.[2]
  3. 3
    Measure from the top of the heel cap. Take your ruler or tape measure and put the end of it just above the heel cap. Then, extend the ruler upwards, so that it reaches up towards the top of the shoe. End your measurement at the highest point on the back of the heel.[3]
    • Whatever length you get between heel cap and the highest point on your heel is the heel height.
    • Above the heel cap is where the actual heel begins, but you can also measure the heel cap if you want to know how it factors into the overall heel height.
  4. 4
    Use inches or centimeters to measure heel height. If you use the Imperial System and live in a country that does as well, your heel height will typically be measured in inches. If you live in a country that uses the Metric System, your heel height will be measured in centimeters.[4]
    • If needed, you can easily convert the unit of measurement by using an online tool. For example, type “inches to centimeters” into Google and use one of the converter tools available.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Measuring Your Maximum Heel Height

  1. 1
    Sit and extend your leg directly in front of you. Sit down in a chair where you can easily put both of your feet flat on the floor. Then, extend either your left or right leg straight out in front of you. Make sure your foot is relaxed when your leg is extended all the way.
    • Roll your ankle a few times and point your toes and flex them back and forth to get your foot in a true relaxed state.
  2. 2
    Have a friend measure from the ball of your foot to your heel. Unless you are very flexible, it is difficult to get an accurate measurement on your own. Have another person take a tape measure or ruler and measure from the bottom of your heel to where the ball of the foot bends at the end of the ball. The measurement they get is your ideal heel height.
    • The ball of the foot is the padded part of the sole that is between your arch and toes. If you rise up off of your heels, you will be balancing on the balls and toes of your feet.
  3. 3
    Attach measuring tape to the wall alternatively. If you don’t have someone who can help you measure, you can do it on your own. Attach a tape measure to the wall at the same height your leg will be extended. Attaching it where the bottom of your heel will be is ideal for the easiest and most accurate measurement.
  4. 4
    Set up a camera to capture the measurement on your own. Set up a camera against a wall at a height where it will be able to fully capture your extended leg and tape measure. You will need a camera with a self-timer, selfie stick, or remote to capture the picture. Take a few test shots to make sure you have the camera set to the right angle and height.
  5. 5
    Upload the photo and draw lines to determine heel height. Once you’ve taken a good photo, you can determine the measurement on the camera screen, but it’s typically easier if you upload the photo onto your computer. After it has been uploaded, you can zoom in to determine your ideal heel height or draw lines with Photoshop or a similar image editing software to make determining the measurement very easy to read.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Calculating Your Healthiest Heel Height

  1. 1
    Measure the length of your foot with a ruler or tape measure. Measure from the end of your foot where the heel is to the tip of your big toe. You will get the most accurate measurement if your foot is resting flat on a surface, so it is easier if you have someone to help you get the measurement.[5]
    • You can measure in inches or centimeters, depending on what unit of measurement you are most familiar with. However, you'll need to convert the measurement to centimeters to proceed with the calculation.
  2. 2
    Divide your foot length by 7. For example, divide 24 centimeter (9.4 in) by 7 and you would get 3.4 centimeter (1.3 in) as your healthiest heel height. Dividing by 7 only works if you are using centimeters. If you typically measure in millimeters, you can convert your millimeter measurement to centimeters before dividing. Then, convert the answer in centimeters back into millimeters.[6]
    • Unless your foot is larger than a size 11, you will typically get a measurement of 4 centimeter (1.6 in) or less when dividing your foot size by 7.
    • Doctors say that you shouldn’t wear higher than 4 centimeter (1.6 in) on a daily basis.
  3. 3
    Determine if the heel height is right for you. The answer you get by dividing your foot’s length by 7 is your supposed healthiest heel height, but only you or a doctor can determine what is best for you. If you feel comfortable wearing a slightly higher heel, do so! Or, if even a 1 inch (2.5 cm) heel is uncomfortable for you, stick to flats.[7]
    • Typically, the larger your foot size is, the higher the heel you can safely wear.
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  • If you are in excessive or unbearable pain while wearing heels, take them off immediately and consult a doctor.

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14 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: September 15, 2021
Views: 89,340
Article SummaryX

To measure heel height, start by placing your shoe on a flat surface, such as a table, desk, or the floor. Next, use a tape measure or ruler to measure from the top of the heel cap to the highest point on the back of the heel. Alternatively, include the heel cap in the measurement to get a better idea of the heel's overall height. For tips on how to pick the best heel height based on your foot size, read on!

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