Ever feel like an Aquarius man can take your breath away while also tossing you into a whirlwind of confusion and unanswered questions? This air sign can make you feel like you’ve got your head in the clouds and like he might float away, but don’t despair! Sure, he can be alluring, athletic, and artistic with a hurricane of challenges like a fear of commitment or fierce independence, but you can sweep him away. Here’s some clues about how to get his mind stuck on you—the sky’s the limit!


Stay friends.

  1. Don’t pull the plug on keeping everything platonic. Even if an Aquarius man is being frustratingly absent, stick around for him. Your chances of reconnecting skyrocket when you agree not to be enemies or strangers.[1]
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Start up a conversation.

  1. An Aquarius man likes to learn what makes others tick. If you just want to talk, he’ll likely be open to the possibility. Just remember to keep your cool and not rush him into conversations about big commitments he’s not ready for.[4]
    • Ask if he’s available to talk. If he’s not in the right headspace, respect that and wait until he can give you his full attention.
    • Don’t make demands or expectations. An Aquarius man will want an honest discussion without any strings attached.
    • Say what’s on your mind. Ditch the small talk and calmly bring up what you’re really curious about.

Try to charm him.

  1. Don't worry about being too flirty with Aquarians! They love to tease and have some fun. As long as you can keep things light, he can respond really well to you turning up the heat.[5]
    • Be confident. Aquarians love nothing more than a person who shines with self-esteem. If you don’t look sad and heartbroken, an Aquarius will be happy to see you again.
    • If it feels natural, use body language and touch. Even in the worst of times, Aquarians crave affection. Feeling your care and attraction could make sparks fly again.
    • Lead with your mind, too. Aquarian men aren’t just about what’s on the outside--they like braininess and heart. Chatting about books or current events will make him miss your stimulating conversation.
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Use the power of nostalgia.

  1. An Aquarius man is rarely cold-hearted. While he might look like he’s icing you out, he hasn't forgotten you. If you cleverly use tokens from your past together, he’ll remember the sweet times and probably want to revisit them.[6]
    • Casually bring up fond memories. If you talk about a place you visited together or a time he made you see the world in a different way, he’ll think about all the times you both bonded. An Aquarius often seeks more adventures, so remind him of ones that you were part of.
    • Appeal to his imagination. If you have a signature scent, then wear it and subtly get him thinking of you again. Tokens from your relationship, like a bracelet he once gave you, could make him long for you, too.

Don’t crowd him.

  1. An Aquarius thrives on space. If you’re always talking to him or always around, you don’t give the freedom-loving Aquarian time to really miss you.[7] Give him some distance so he can crave being close to you again.[8]
    • Avoid calling a lot or sending a lot of texts. The sometimes stubborn or distracted Waterbearer will probably drown them out. He’s likely to reach out again if you’ve given him space.
    • Don’t constantly visit all the places he usually goes to. He’ll know you’re looking for him and probably run like the wind. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
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Look and feel your best.

  1. Spontaneous run-ins are always better when you radiate confidence. If you haven’t been able to get any time with your favorite Aquarian, just know that you could cross paths with him anywhere. You never know when your next chance encounter will be, so act like you might see him at any moment![10]
    • Take care of your health and nutrition. Missing your favorite Aquarius is no reason to forget your own needs. If you’re radiating self-care, he’ll regret ever letting you down!
    • Dress to impress without trying too hard. Wear fashionable outfits that are both stylish and effortless. You’ll really catch an Aquarius man’s eye this way and take his breath away, making him want to see you again and again.
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Focus on your own self-growth.

  1. Full of ambitions, an Aquarius man loves anyone who's driven. If he thinks your world revolves around him, he’ll probably be bored or concerned, and you won’t get him back.[11]
    • Find ways to spend your time other than obsessing over him. Not only will enjoying your hobbies or favorite activities be a great pick-me-up, but if he catches you losing yourself in them, he’ll get smitten by your independence.
    • Appreciate your own support system. You need your own friends that want the best for you and won’t care about what your old Aquarian flame is up to. If you’re too busy with your own crowd, he’ll miss being a part of your life.

Set firm boundaries and don’t let him play with your heart.

  1. Aquarians are really playful, and that’s not always a perk. If you sense he’s toying with your emotions, don’t give an Aquarius man the satisfaction of giving in.[12]
    • If he calls you up for a quick fling that you don’t want, be clear that you’re not okay with that. If you draw a line and refuse to put up with being just another option, he’s more likely to make you a priority.
    • Don’t let him woo you with false promises to get back together if he’s not serious about it. Ask him what his long-term intentions are and tell him what you want if you’re going to let him back in your life. By taking yourself seriously, he is less likely to take your feelings lightly.
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Date other people to show him what he’s missing.

  1. Aquarians are usually the life of the party, but you can be, too! They're often in high demand, and sometimes, they can let that get to their heads! Remind the Aquarius man who used to be part of your life that you’re just as sought after as he is.[13]
    • Don’t make him think you’re his only option. The sometimes cocky Aquarian can really take advantage of this and string you along. Make it clear that you can see whoever you want and he’ll want to be the one you choose.
    • Feel free to be open about your love life. You don’t have to play nice and protect his feelings if you’ve met someone fun or interesting. After all, if he didn’t stick around, then he gave you the chance to meet other people! Let him really reflect on leaving you.

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Why is it so hard to date an Aquarius?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Aquarius is also a sign that needs space, so breach physical or intimate emotionality carefully. If they have some intellectual thing going on and you keep annoying them, they're not going to be very into it.


  1. https://www.luvze.com/will-an-aquarius-man-come-back/
  2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
  3. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
  4. https://www.nylon.com/articles/how-to-seduce-an-aquarius
  5. https://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/zodiac-signs/aquarius/
  6. https://lovedevani.com/how-to-get-an-aquarius-guy-attention
  7. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
  8. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a25621673/aquarius-man-personality-traits/
  9. https://numerologysign.com/aquarius-man-chase-you/

About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Co-authored by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 48,330 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 48,330